Let me be completely frank, there is a test of wills being played out. It doesn’t matter your feelings about Russia, or Ukraine. Israel or Gaza, there is only one issue of any importance to Americans and that’s the border. Who we support, who we dislike is being leveraged against us. They want the Ukraine funding bill more now than ever and will any tactic to get that money 1) is that it will fund their corruption, the NGOs that are forming caravans of illegals; 2) it will demoralize the America First crowd. For me, it’s simple, no border enforcement, detain and deport or no funding, for anything especially other people’s borders. Ukraine is what happens when a whole military wants to cross your borders. America is what happens when special operators want to cross your borders.
Ukraine was always Joe Biden/Barack Obama’s war, started by Obama, that Hillary was supposed to continue. This is what fueled the hatred for Trump, the interrupter, the pause in the conflict the lobbyists and politicians couldn’t stand for. Ukraine has been the politician’s ATM, the politician’s resume enhancer for their children. It’s provided the lobbyists for the defense industry a wealthy lifestyle, paid for in every way by the American taxpayer. Instead of passing tax increases and pay raises they just do it behind the scenes by starting a new war.
Ukraine is the same dirty deal the United States Government has been dealing since Mossadegh. It’s the same deal given to Guatemala a few years later and that’s been a cesspool ever since Jocobo Arbenz was deposed. That ticked me off so bad that I wrote a screenplay about it called “Operation Success” that’s too big of a budget film for someone like me to get made. The funny thing is, it’s the same thing these CIA/FBI goons are doing to America right now only written much larger with many more players and instead of one radio station spouting propaganda, they have the whole media establishment. Same principle: literally hound a man out of office who’s trying to do right by his nation. Imprison or murder those who support him. I know, Arbenz was a communist. You have to know the whole story to sort out that he had a choice, communism or continued subservience to United Fruit, who owned literally, the ports, the railroad and the plantations. Guess who had been lawyers for United Fruit Company. John Foster and Allen Dulles.
I’m as big of a free market, capitalist as I can be and I hate communists that are ruining this government, but the truth of Guatemala was that Arbenz wanted to take some of United Fruit land, the unused thousands of acres, and give it to the people to be self-sufficient and private owners of the land, because he knew that private ownership of land was the way to raise Guatemala out of the economic disaster it was. I will not tell you that Arbenz was right and good and I don’t let him off the hook for the things he did that were communistic in the script, but the other side of the coin was no better and having studied that case in history, enough to write intelligently about it, I can see all of the same machinations being played out here: corruption of government officials, propaganda and then all they needed was a few explosions to terrify the people and the government to believe a larger invasion was imminent. It was mostly smoke and mirrors, just like now, only that fear of invasion isn’t as prescient because of the Second Amendment. That fear doesn’t have to be legitimate, it just has to be frightening enough.
All through history there are instances where the people who drafted the Constitution were not able to live up to the soaring rhetoric and elegance of the words on the paper. They are ideals, things that provide freedom and prosperity, but government just can’t work within it. The people are too weak to uphold it. George Washington himself put down the whiskey rebellion illegally. John Adams was not able to hold to those ideals he argued for so passionately. Lincoln violated almost all of the individual rights of Americans and the states. Some would say out of a legitimate fear that if the United States broke into two different nations, that other, more powerful nations would take each broken part over for themselves. Maybe he was right, but he bet 600,000 American lives on his fear.
Don’t get me wrong, almost everything in history is a lie. I’m being generous here with these statements, because to go into every historical “truth” is too burdensome and irrelevant to the fact that we are watching the invasion of our own land, held back by unconstitutional laws, weak, traitorous politicians and sycophantic cops. There is a moment in time when everything is so corrupt and so weak that the people have to do the dirty work of creating something new out of it and everything we rally around will be a lie, too, but it will motivate us. It’s this truth that I recognize when I look out on my once beloved nation and realize that it cannot stay united, unless united as a communist open-air prison. Our great power and wealth are being spent to conquer the American people. They started the war a long time ago and kept whittling us down, piece by piece one freedom after another until here we are at that momentous time when we have our backs to the wall, with no chance of survival. It is time to fight back and still we dither.
They say Trump is not what he seems, he is this or he is that. All I know is that the same people who killed Iran, Guatemala and every other nation striving to be free of corruption and having only two choices, the West or Communism have found only more corruption in the West and believe, however falsely, that communism can restore the strictness needed to overcome corruption and give something to the people. They don’t understand that the communists are just as corrupt as the West and often much more brutal about obtaining their cut.
The United States is a failed experiment, not because it’s corrupt or communist so much as that it’s simply too big to be managed by anything other than corrupt power-seekers. Texas would have the 8th largest economy in the world if it broke free. If you look at this map, you will see how many different nations we should be. California has the same-sized economy as France. Texas and Alaska have the same sized economy of Brazil, but the map shows it better than I can describe.
We are watching the separation. Some of these nuevo nations would be Islamic, some would speak English and Spanish, most would be Christian, some would make alliances with Mexico, some with Canada. It would not be the same world, but I live in Texas. Some families have lived here since it was owned by Spain. This is a realignment of world politics that’s undeniable, because we are too big, too different and the longer we refuse to recognize it, the more harm is done to everyone.
I love America and I don’t want to see it be wrest asunder, but I believe that those new nations that cling to the principles of the Constitution, particularly freedom and individual rights, uphold them with the zeal of a new nation, will be able to quickly and effectively outpace the growth of the others, who can swim in their own decadence for as long as they wish, turn themselves into whatever creature they want to, but will be stopped at the border and refused entrance, because we know how that plays out.
For the love of God, sanity must be restored. Nothing will change the direction of the communist states, but by clinging to this idea, this two-hundred-year old idea, written and built by people with a total population of 3 million, we’re drowning ourselves. We’re bankrupt and selling the organs of aborted babies to fund lobbyists for the right to do it. We’re cutting off our own legs to pay for the schemes of those who have imprisoned us in laws that only serve the wealthiest among us. They will make us eat bugs if they can, just out of nastiness and abusive natures and dine on ribeye steaks while they do it.
We have to cut free of our anchor, because it’s sinking the ship. In short order, the whole thing is going to come down anyway, the economy, the power grid, the supply chain. Recognizing that there needs to be a separation will only set us on the right path before the ultimate calamity puts us in that same position, but without a plan.
Consider the power grid being over taxed by the immense power and resources required to operate AI on any level of sophistication. They will blame their need for power on climate change as they always do. They need it for AI, because AI can fix all of our problems, but it can’t. How can the United States defend itself if it can’t power our defense systems? How does a base operate if it doesn’t have diesel for generators or trucks? If it can’t fuel it’s planes or transport the fuel to them? Those foreign fighters being escorted into the country through the southern border will try to take over different parts of America to claim it for their native land. How will we fight them off if we can’t get permission from Washington DC? Believing that we need permission is the failure point.
I know we won’t do it willingly, my point is to prepare for it. Governors all across the nation need to recognize that they will be sitting in the seat when it all comes down and they can embrace the destruction or start planning for victory right now. I hope they are, at least some of them.
Visit us at twelveround.com for contemporary novels of freedom Rebel and Rogue (links to electronic versions in the description) Literary Westerns (like those done by Cormac McCarthy and Larry McMurtry) Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. Also, the film Lies of Omission can be purchased as a DVD or a there’s a link to a free version on Tubi TV.
Reading this recent essay of yours tempts me to leave a remark or two. As I realize though, what good would it do ? NADA. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.
However, I would care to thank you for your unending perseverance in your longtime efforts to wake folks up to the treason and treachery in today's Amerika.
Thank you so very much.
Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania
This isn't a new question - it was addressed by Patrick Henry, in 1788, speaking in opposition to the new Constitution: "The fate of this question and of America may depend on this: Have they said, we, the States? Have they made a proposal of a compact between states? If they had, this would be a confederation: It is otherwise most clearly a consolidated government.
The question turns, Sir, on that poor little thing-the expression, We, the people, instead of the States, of America. I need not take much pains to show that the principles of this system are extremely pernicious, impolitic, and dangerous. Is this a monarchy, like England-a compact between prince and people, with checks on the former to secure the liberty of the latter? Is this a Confederacy, like Holland-an association of a number of independent states, each of which retains its individual sovereignty? ..." https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/patrick-henrys-speech-in-defense
It turned out that he and the AntiFederalists were both prescient and spot-on correct - the only way the United States can survive is as a Confederacy of independent states, where the government of the confederation does not govern the independent states comprising it - it may provide for standards to be used in and facilitate commerce and communications, and may provide for the common defense of the confederacy, and it may mediate disputes between the independent states - and nothing else.