Important and excellent.

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You mean Joe McCarthy, Republican from Wisconsin, instead of Eugene McCarthy, Democrat from Minnesota, right? BTW, "[i]n 1952 [Eugene McCarthy] engaged Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy (no relation) in a nationally televised debate in which he parodied the Senator's arguments to "prove" that General Douglas MacArthur had been a communist pawn." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_McCarthy

This is interesting: "Some states, like Louisiana, who passed a senate bill 37-0 to refuse to impose any tax, impose any restrictions on activity that is directed by the UN, WEF or WHO, will have to do likewise. All states should fight the federal government to maintain their own sovereignty and should do so and on multiple levels. It’s the process of red states passing laws restricting communist endeavors that will continue to separate these united states into individual zones of freedom and competing zones of servitude." - it might be good to expand on this... I may put it on my list.

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You're right, it was Joe. I don't know why Eugene stuck in my head. I think I'll edit it, but everyone would get another email. This edit might be worth it. I should have checked. That's what Assume means, right?

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Everybody screws up, I've had a few readers send me email - I've gone back, figured out that they were right - and edited the post... It's usually worth the trouble. Other times, I disagree, and reply to their comments, like I did for one guy yesterday. He got all upset, called me a "Neo-Nazi dickhead", said he was going to unsubscribe from my "worthless website" - he'd been on for about 10 days - and I saved him his trouble by banning him. I'm big on reason, not big on namecalling and incivility... As for Eugene vs Joe, there was a huge propaganda war against Joe - it turned out that he was dead right on everything he said, Alger Hiss was a Communist in the State Department, acting on orders from Moscow Center - for real. A friend of mine publicly confronted Hiss when he gave a speech in the 1970s - and Hiss 'fessed up to being a commie - and that made headlines... Eugene was pretty much pro-Commie, hence his good press - and the fact that he's remembered and Joe isn't, except in a pejorative sense. Joe McCarthy's exposure of massive and thorough infiltration of the State Department, the White House, and the nascent Administrative State, including the Intelligence Community gave rise to a Communist smear - "McCarthyism" - which has been quite successfully used to forestall similar efforts - and censor the reporting thereof - in the years since. I think we have similar problems now, not only in government, but also the military, the media (where leading outlets are owned either outright or by shell corporations controlled by the PLA), local governments (which allow CCP "police stations" to act freely), and the educational institutions. And I view DEI as a weapon of Unrestricted Warfare, following Sun Tzu's maxim of "if your opponent is united, divide him."

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Unfortunately, many of those who are emotionally immature are also basically on our side (like the guy that insulted you), and their viewpoints are entirely 2-dimensional.

Should you present a view that's a little more nuanced, they blow up and call names. This means that they won't be able to go the distance, and could be Benedicts. If we can't train them...

I see a lot of that out there. I believe them to be the recently awakened. They remind of my ex, whose goal in life was to FEEL BETTER, not to BE BETTER. It's a definite danger.

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This is worded awkwardly. I don't think it says what you intend.

Otherwise quite good.

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I see your point, and I've fixed the comment to remove ambiguities. Good catch, thanks!

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The Lawfare DOJ that is persecuting Trump will be turned against us if we are cheated of our elected POTUS again. We need to ensure that our State lawmakers and county sheriffs understand that the lazy days of being a state legistator are coming to an end. A fight for our state and personal sovereignty is just over the horizon whither we want it or not. Sic semper tyrannis!

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Thank you, on-point comment, especially concerning sheriffs. They have to recognize their role in saving America.

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Don't vote. Abstain from the madness. Elections mean nothing. They haven't mattered since JFK was murdered. It's always the same outcome. The Big Swinging Dicks are always in charge.

Stay home and don't give your approval or acknowledgement of the evil bastards in government.

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I've considered it, but at this point, I'll give it one last shot with Trump. I don't have much confidence in him, but the way this country is being actively destroyed is more than the human heart can bear.

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This is really not about elections, it's about denying the globalists/communists their victories. If a sand turtle would deny them their plans or disrupt them even the slightest bit, I'd vote for the sand turtle.

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Hello all,

Oh big deal...Joe v Eugene. My college friend's grandfather was a partner of

sorts with Joe, both agreeing to accept less $, remuneration, for services due to

war costs. Raging alcoholics the lot of them, but well intentioned perhaps.

True, the lawfare against Trump has been absurd, and continues today. We the people,

place so much energy toward "winning" a Federal election, that would be better focused on

state to state. Of course most all states have their blue enclaves, filled with wanton crime,

election rigging, and pandering to generational welfare participants. And, of course the

whole sanctuary city BS encouraging people, (by paid for transportation), into the US

with free money and privileges galore. It may well be a more sinister plan than seeking

guaranteed voters, don't we think so?

Matt Bracken wrote a trilogy of "Enemies" books what, 15 years ago? or more,

outlining the future in the USA.


At least read book one. Then see his CW 2 cube, and check the man's prescience,


By seeing/reading those you will gain even more respect for T.L.'s Posts, as he outlines

his thinking and endeavors to help the readers.


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Yes, I do think it's a more sinister plan, but I've dealt with that elsewhere, so I didn't want to divert myself from the main message. Thanks for pointing it out in comments, though, because I believe that to be the primary reason and voting blocks just an offshoot, but nonetheless valid.

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If hearing their projection doesn't cause your blood to run cold at what they are really dreaming to impose on us........I won't finish the sentence. I can truly say I hate, resent, object to and offended that I - we - have to see our 'country' transform into an inhuman garbage dump on all ends of the societal spectrum and that our families current and future will have to ride the wave of refuse. All I wanted was to be left be, to raise my family in peace, pay my taxes like a good boy, have a piece of property, worship as I like and control my own health.

While I do rant far too much, I also exercise just as much and am teaching first aid to family and significant others (who are finally, finally starting to pay attention) and forging such bonds as I can with people worthy of trust, who actually still do exist though it does take some looking to find them.

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Perspicacious, as always, TL.

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Is it just me or do other folks see the potential for a Pearl Harbor event in Baltimore with the Key Bridge blocking the Patapsco River?

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