It seems to me that it’s finally time to exert that most powerful of all weapons against the would-be rulers of the world, the WEF, WHO, UN, EU, etc.: ridicule. Consider this: they engaged in an attempt to bully the European nations, the United States and others to accept a vastly diminished lifestyle to solve a non-existent global emergency. All of the communists clamored aboard that method of control with enthusiasm, seeing it for what it was, a way to funnel vast wealth of the private sector into the hands of authoritarian government that would mete out slim bits of freedom to encourage long-term slavery. It was a massive redistribution of wealth scheme. Genius!
The problem is, if all the wealth ends up in the hands of government, who are notoriously incapable of producing anything, but experts at taking it from producers, the collapse of society is near at hand. This leads to individuals who represent common sense and a disdain for government regulations, recognizing them for what they are: theft. The people, the workers, the builders and maintainers cling to such individuals as a last hope of sanity. Communists, through tricks and turns of ballots, return to power with vigor and invariably pursue the same disastrous policies that has thoroughly been rejected by the producers of goods, who roundly and logically reject the schemes of globalists and communists and it all comes crashing down, globalism and communism together.
Those engaged in it must be ridiculed, or worse, executed for their crimes. They will not accept the will of the people and so are left with constant failure. They now seem, not like the champions of the world, the preeminent elite dictators they wanted to be, but ridiculous pretenders with the big red noses of clowns. They seem too inept to prosecute the smallest of their desires. Covid was their one and only shot at the prize. It failed, because at worst is was little more dangerous than the flu, if, in fact, it were not the flu itself rebranded as Covid 19. Nothing they do rings true anymore and most of it is seen as the desperate grasping of power-hungry moguls.
When the truth is known and allowed to breathe, none of their solutions or answers to this supposed global catastrophe actually work. Wind energy is a disgrace. It never emerges from the carbon deficit it incurs during manufacture, shipping, construction, replacement and disposal. Without vast government subsidies and the fraud perpetrated by electric generation corporations to cash in on subsidies to offset nonsense carbon-capture regulations, it’s nothing less than an enormous boondoggle at their customer’s expense.
Solar is the same for different reasons. The amount of land that must be taken out of production to accommodate the solar panels to generate anything resembling useful is just not practical. Their vulnerability to hail makes them even less so. The difficult and filthy method by which lithium required for the batteries that are integral to solar power must either be mined or leeched out of salt water and negates any benefit and in a rational world would make them unacceptable to the environmentalist crowd, if they were not, in fact, communists with a green façade. All of this without considering that the rare-earth minerals needed to manufacture photovoltaic panels are only available in large quantities from China, or Chinese-controlled nations, makes it a national security issue at best and a means of unrestricted warfare at worst.
It’s the same with everything they propose as a solution. Electric vehicles require enormous amounts of energy to charge the batteries; they are not reliable for long trips; they are not reliable in cold temperatures (heaven forbid one gets stuck in traffic during a snowstorm); they tend to explode on occasion, something the Pinto could not survive, but a flaw which the EVs seem to overcome by virtue alone. The very twisted logic required to endorse these things escapes my ability. As a second car that’s just fun to drive and feel superior doing it notwithstanding.
It goes on: eating bugs instead of meat, because cows fart; killing egg-producing chickens out of sheer fear of “bird flu” but being wholly uninterested in the populations of any other bird; an inexplicable disinterest in the danger of vaccinations, something that cannot even be entertained as a thought; farming as a cause of famine; Western religion as a danger, but Eastern and Middle Eastern religions as vital; white and Asian supremacy as a national concern, but black and Hispanic supremacy a blessing.
All of these bad and stupid ideas originate from the same source, the people who claim superiority over the masses. Inexplicable superiority to those who, without dictation by any government, arrived at the idea to grow crops to eat; husband animals for food and shelter; dig and refine ore to use in building bridges, skyscrapers, making automobiles, tractors, trucks and much more; drilling and refining oil for lubrication, fuel, heat, electricity and almost everything in daily life, all at private expense. They developed radios, telephones, televisions, computers, advanced the arts, built shopping malls and grocery stores. None of our normal life was designed and dictated by government. What government does is take a little piece of everything private enterprise creates and uses it to restrict it, restrain it, prevent it until they are able to exercise enough control to hinder the great imagination of the people. They put roadblocks up to innovation and creation, making it subservient to them. Since then, the people have been stuck, great developments in power generation stymied behind rules and regulations put in place by old technology lobbyists and greedy politicians.
This is the world of the communists, stuck in previous-century thinking, static. It’s why the national debts have not been rendered inconsequential by newer, grander innovation, spurring new industries and beneficial advancements in technology. Instead, it’s been focused, lately, on Artificial Intelligence (controlled by the same communists) but it’s all old world computer technology of the last century. Because AI offers control, surveillance and manipulation, it’s heralded as the only logical course. The only benefit of AI is it drives the need for increasing electric generation from natural gas or nuclear power. Green energy can’t possibly satisfy the demand of AI that requires an extraordinary amount of power to make it functional. It’s the cost of the space program to get little more than novelty functionality, i.e., grammar correction, encyclopedic facts, making pictures, both static and moving, etc. For it to be fully functional and usable to bring breakthroughs in anti-gravity models, improved propulsion and/or fuel systems, medical processes, etc. for several different teams seeking those goals, all working at the same time, trying different and diverse inputs and methods, it will take all of the United State’s current electric generation and then some. Or, it can be little more than Alexa on steroids, useful and entertaining, but not much else, but still at an enormous cost of capacity.
It exposes the negligence of purpose in preparation for such high electricity demands, even that of widespread use of EVs, much less AI. To have devoted so much money and time in pursuing the fallacy of “renewables” and trying to force life changes on the people, knowing that renewables would never supply such demands that AI would require, seems to point to having relied on a massive die off of the population while funding the needs of a few by taxing the many before the extinction event. To that end, one wonders how long they have been engaged in this ultimate plan to power the needs of the few that remained without need for labor to maintain it. With nuclear, natural gas and coal, there’s a wide array of expertise needed to supply and maintain those sources, where wind and solar require very little maintenance comparative to the others.
This seems to be a logical explanation for otherwise inexplicable acts. Race wars, pandemics and famine all feed into the need for an eventual drastic reduction of population. As I’ve remarked for a long time, they believe themselves capable of, and have been trying to create, a world in which the whole planet is like a national park to the few who survive the calamity of depopulation. The desperate push to get AI up and running almost everything seems to likewise play into this vision. Unfortunately for them, humanity remains unchanged and it will not be long before their descendants engage in primitive wars for control. It’s already bred into them, by them. Lost will be the ideal of the masses, to simply have necessities covered and a warm bed at the end of a long day. That’s much too mundane for these disgusting oligarchs. It’s all right, because they won’t be long into their fantasy before they are awoken to the sad reality that everything they enjoy is supplied by those they killed off.
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(((They))) want ALL non-(((Theys))) dead, except for a small population of slaves. Their 'religious leaders' come out and say it all the time, why aren't Whites believing them? They bruit about constantly about how smart they are, so much smarter than anyone else on earth, yet 95% of inventions have been made by White men from England, Germany, Scotland, and France. The arrogance of these creatures is astounding.
Ahhh, the Pinto-- the only car named after a bean.
T.L.'s last sentence says it all. Birth rates are already dropping in the West.
As for the increase in births in Africa, India, and elsewhere, who will feed them?
The Afrikaaners in South Africa grew so much food that the Zulu and other tribes' populations grew by 10x.