Joe Biden is selling you an America that does not exist. He talks about fascists, because he is one. He uses the power of law enforcement agencies as personal goon squads, because he is a fascist and anyone running his show is a fascist. Just like Antifa, remove the anti and you get the real picture. They are communistic fascists, but even political monikers don’t really matter.
The question is: do you want to live in a nation where the president decides what industries to destroy, what people to break? It would never happen to the leftists, the communists, by a Republican president, because they are generally not fascists, though some have been, they have never used the power of the state to target and hunt communists. Always that power is utilized to go after moms and dads, working folks, gun owners, political commentators and what few politicians actually serve their constituents.
I understand that a general protest doesn’t change anything, that it largely sets one up for political persecution, but fear of that should not keep one in their seat when such weighty issues are afoot. Most people recognize that these elections will be stolen, too, that there’s nothing that can be done about it when it’s already being done in the open.
The question is: do you want to live in a nation where elections are corrupted to the point that there’s no reason to go out and vote, because it’s already ordained as crooked?
The power of the people is what is being decided here, but the people do nothing about having their power stolen and used against them. I don’t understand that. All of the bravado of everyone talking about what they will tolerate and what they won’t, but they hide behind the shelter of “well, you know it’s crooked anyway, so why vote?”
If you aren’t going to vote, that suggests that its so crooked that we need to fight over it, but that won’t happen either. “Well, they’ll just kill us all, then what will happen to the nation?” It’s already happened, you admitted it yourself, but refuse to fight. You refuse to vote and you refuse to fight, so acquiescence is the means to a solution? Complaining is the solution?
Yes, let the Democrats win every election, let them steal it again, don’t put up a fight, don’t go out and try anything, as silly as it might seem, or as ridiculous. You wouldn’t want to be seen as foolish or anything, not with the wholesale destruction of the nation at play. Just hand it over to them on a platter, that’ll teach ‘em. Don’t protest, don’t force them into a Tiananmen Square moment. Don’t sacrifice yourself or your life for your country, just sit back and wait, there’s still cable, there’s still sports, there’s still donuts. Let the red wave handle it. Oh, there won’t be one, because everyone is protecting their reputation, their seriousness, their integrity.
I understand the degree to which this nation has fallen, how far it has descended into communism as well as anyone and I’ve stood up against it, taken the arrows for my stance, allowed myself to be called all sorts of names, criticized and ridiculed. If that’s all they’ve got, it ain’t enough. I’ve gone out, put every dime I had into efforts, national efforts and been stabbed in the back by weasels spreading rumors. It’s okay, it elevates them in the minds of others when they detract and try to destroy, that seems like action where there really is none.
I don’t say this for me, that’s all water under the bridge. I don’t care. I know how the dynamics work and I’m not going to fight it out to preserve my integrity, when all that can be accomplished by that is a degradation of all parties. Those who see where I’m going understand what it is. I don’t need to be famous or well-regarded. I didn’t do any of this to enhance my life, my station, I never needed that. I’m perfectly content to be a novelist and to tell stories of freedom and self-sufficiency, I don’t need the political aspect to enhance anything. In fact, it’s my politics that have hindered my creative works, kept me from the spoils of my labor in that respect. The first time was back in 1997 when I criticized Clinton and lost one of the staunchest supporters of my work, someone willing to do anything to bring me along.
This is a public service I perform, for readers, for thinkers, to share our experiences and frustrations and maybe come up with some solutions, even if it’s just how to survive tyranny and promote freedom.
When people tell me they aren’t going to vote, because it’s stupid and they’ll just steal it, anyway, all I can do is understand that they refuse to throw a rock at their enemy. It’s not a big enough rock, it won’t kill them, it won’t even injure them, it’s just a rock, a pebble, really and inconsequential. That may all be true, but it’s a rock and there’s the enemy and I’ll throw it, BFYTW.
The question is: whether you vote or not, when they steal it, what are you going to do? Are you going to have the gumption of the Brazilians and demand the election be audited? Did you have the gumption to challenge or even stand up against the last stolen election? The one before that? I think it’s been going on in Colorado for about two decades. That’s where a lot of the methods of stealing elections were developed. When you’re in the minority anyway, it’s hard to see that it’s been stolen, though you know it was bolstered by illegal votes. Was it enough? You ask, and probably not enough to swing it from your unpopular and stupid candidate anyway. But that’s not what’s going on now. They’ve perfected it and run it like a script everywhere, including Brazil.
So, you’re not going to vote. Okay. I get that, I truly do. Are you then going to watch ballot boxes? Are you going to video these boxes from some clandestine perch?
The point is, this has to stop and it has to stop right now, or it has to be fought over. It can’t continue, not and consider ourselves anything other than weaklings and slaves. Maybe this steal brings the weight and momentum to stop it without any other solutions being invoked. I’m willing to wait and if I thought anyone would follow, I’d lead, but I’ve tried that, too. I don’t have the voice and I don’t have the gravitas, hopefully some of my detractors on my side do, because I would even follow them, if they were going to do something.
Rebel is FREE on Kindle until Monday the 7th at midnight.
I read your posts regularly. I agree with almost everything you say. I don't see any way out of this except that which no one dares say or do. At my age (80 in another two months) I can't get much further than my front porch. Here in CO not a lot of point in voting in my opinion. Not much spirit of April, 1775 out there. Not many Patrick Henry's. Our "betters" sneer and laugh. We grovel. Ayn Rand called it "the sanction of the victim". Our enemies are really weak and powerless, but fear rules us. And we may have bigger problems since the infrastructure seems to be breaking down. Soon we may all be struggling just to survive. I expect this is not the kind of response you're looking for. I do appreciate everything you're trying to do. Just not a lot of real Americans out there any more to do what needs to be done. I'm sure you know all this. Just want to say "Thank you" for your efforts.
It would be a real impact if zero Rs and many Ds didn't vote all together. Imagine
20% for the Ds period. BFUTW. However, that won't happen so the alternative is to
toss our rock in the race. Or throw the rock in. If everybody would toss their rock in?
Maybe we will see results. NY (I think them) proclaimed illegals have the right to vote
also so they will get ballots and no ID required. Gosh are they blatant in their crimes.
If everyone gets out we may have a chance. I am not confident, but I hope it will happen.
Full moon on Tuesday, maybe that can portend good luck and we will need luck.
Nice of you to offer Rebel for free. It is a great book for sure.