The party of democracy in America is the Democrat party, because they believe in democracy. The Republican party believes in the republic.
This is the image, the belief, we’re all supposed to have. This is the indoctrination of the masses to believe in this ruse. The Democrat party right now is working as hard as possible to deny the majority its say in politics. It will lie, cheat and steal votes to appear as a majority. Everyone should vote, even though only American citizens are allowed to vote. These are the conflicting messages they shamelessly push. When they say “everyone” they mean, everyone, citizen, non-citizen, tourist, alive or dead is irrelevant, if a ballot can be produced, it should be counted; absentee ballots from Palestine should be counted, as long as they vote Democrat.
Now, this is a bit of teasing, because Republicans, at least their proposed policies, have a significant majority and therefore, by Democrat standards, must not only be American citizens, they must show ID and verify with bills to the claimed address. They aren’t intelligent citizens, so their vote should be counted less than Democrat votes. That, to them, is just common sense. That justifies the cheating to which they meet with a wink and a nod.
It’s not like one would get anything different from voting Republican, though. Look at the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, if you want to verify that statement. All the promises to have regular order, to operate under the rules of the House, all went by the wayside in a nanosecond. Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher demonstrate how Republicans are really Democrats anyway, because they’re all on the same team. Claire Wolfe put it perfectly in the film Lies of Omission, once elected, representatives and senators, even state representatives and senators, become government agents, not agents of the people. They are there, she said, “to represent the government to us, rather than us to the government.”
The people, the source of all the money the government spends, either literally from taxes, or by leveraging our future wages to go into debt, never actually get a say. Taking the people’s voice out of a democratic system poses no problem, it’s just what they have to do to spend more than we produce, literally enslaving future generations to that debt, something that should be grounds for execution, but because the government would have to prosecute and execute, it just can’t find the time. The only say Americans ever get under the United States government, is to choose from column A (communism) or column B (communism).
The government wants control over the people, because the people would not allow them to do what they are doing right now. Some 70% of the people want to close the border. Some 60% believe the 2020 election was problematic. Another 70% believe that the government should be cutting spending to stave off inflation. If this were a democracy, those three issues would be the sole focus of the government. What is the focus of the U.S. Government? Funding for Ukraine, funding for Israel. Why? To secure their borders. Even while the whole government praises “democracy” they have no intention of doing anything democratic.
As I’ve said before, they’re trying to break the current system to bring in another one that doesn’t have to make a pretense to securing the consent of the governed. That’s being played out in NY right now with the Trump trial. It’s not that its crooked and inflating misdemeanors (at best) into felonies, it’s a demonstration that if they can do that to Trump, a former president, with all of his financial resources, right in the open with such an obviously rigged trial, they can break the lingering sense that the average American has any rights at all. We’re all peons subject to irrational and unjust laws, just like Trump. Anyone who rejects communism will get the same treatment, just like the J6 political prisoners.
One must choose as to whether they want to be an American of before, or an American of the future. For over a hundred years they’ve been trying to convince us that state control over everything is the way of the future. Democrats and Republicans have banded together in that endeavor, but they’ve lost patience and we’re suffering the forced imposition of that goal.
I’ve often proposed secession, not out of some desire to resurrect the past, but out of a desire to survive. I think the case is becoming clear that the federal government is out of control. The fallacy that it can be corrected through elections is becoming more and more obvious. Holding onto that belief is a sort of self-deception. That doesn’t mean not voting, but recognizing what voting is. Vote Republican, not because you will get anything different, or solve some greater social issue, through government action or inaction, but because it exposes the communists for who they are, on both sides of the aisle. Hardly any Republican in the House or Senate has mentioned the 2020 election fraud, even though ample evidence exists. Voting buys time, time we need, because a greater share of Americans have to recognize that the United States, as a system, is dysfunctional and dangerous.
We are at a very late stage of the republic, a dying nation. All of the things that kept us strong and prosperous have been undermined to the point of impoverishing all but a few select elites at the top. One question: how does a tyrannical government benefit from a strong, independent, self-sufficient people? It doesn’t, so we have been impoverished and neutered by the irresistible force of unjust laws.
The moment is at hand, but just a bit too far off to see. Everyone is waiting for the election as some sort of sign, some demarcation point. Even though that’s actually an illusion, sometimes illusions can be manifested into reality. The war in the Middle East and Ukraine are not illusions. Our debt is not an illusion and our unstable electric grid is not an illusion. All of those things will bring about the change, not the election. It’s sort of a race to see which one will unleash hell in America.
It’s in the immediate aftermath that the opportunity rises for Americans to seize control. In an attempt to impoverish the people, to make them dependent, they have to weaken the nation overall. They want to crush the independent American, the ones who can grow food, raise livestock, defend themselves without any sort of government at all, but in doing so, they’ve made the United States, a simple system of governance that they’ve clearly already abandoned, a weak and prime candidate for subjugation. But what if the power of the state is reduced by an economic disaster, a failed electric grid or a nuclear attack? Who will have the power then? They think, in all of their stupidity, that they will be the ones to sweep in and lay down the law, but maybe they will have made themselves weak enough to be overcome by an enraged populace.
It doesn’t matter, if Americans seize their opportunity to be Americans again. The purpose of the open border is to dilute the domestic population with people who will not seize the opportunity, who will not recognize it as such, but rather as an opportunity to loot or kill.
Ideally, though a long shot, states like Texas and Florida will understand the Trump trial for what it is, a declaration that the rule of law is dead, that those in power have abandoned the Constitution, that anyone who steps out of line will be summarily punished and embrace their power as the nation-states they rightfully are. It’s a long shot, because the indoctrination of the United States, the actual government, is something to be patriotic to, rather than the principles of freedom that created it. The only thing to be patriotic to is the American people, they are the ones who built the country, the powerful economic and military system that created the United States and endured its abuses for so long. Now that the government has used the economic strength of the individual and the power of the military of coordinated individuals against the people in general, there is no reason for the patriotic feelings we have for our accomplishments to align with the goals of the oppressive system that has arisen to destroy it. They have conflated patriotism to mean fidelity with a corrupt system, but we get to choose to what and whom patriotism is bestowed.
In absence of states recognizing and rejecting the new order, the people themselves must recognize that and when it crashes, the money disappears, the electric grid fails or is destroyed, nuclear weapons are used in limited fashion, it’s time to proclaim the new republic. The Republic of Texas, the Republic of Florida, etc. After all, if all the nuclear weapons are used, none of this matters.
On the other hand, if being invaded, impoverished and enslaved is conducive to one’s preference, I’m not here to judge.
Visit us at for contemporary novels of freedom Rebel and Rogue (links to electronic versions in the description) Literary Westerns (like those done by Cormac McCarthy and Larry McMurtry) Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. Also, the film Lies of Omission can be purchased as a DVD or a there’s a link to a free version on Tubi TV.
As always when I read your material, it immedidatly generates something in me to comment, reply, expand, contribute - whatever you call it. So I'll 'brief-en' it up in this one.
It surely is the stage of empire morality in which ' them than can gets what they can while the gettin's good." Meantime Force Refugee gains another 10,000 males every day. What motivates them?
The low-hanging fruit want 'free stuff.' Next up the ladder want YOUR and MY stuff because "we" took it after all and it's only fair....with a vengeance. Next up are entrepreneurs expanding criminal networks. Above them will be the sleeper cell operators who will take down our grid and shoot up our malls at the proper time.
And, among the groups all the above will be wearing badges for LA and Chicago PD, and some will likely become NCO's in the Woke Army. They and antifa types will form the Red Brigades and Brownshirts targeting...........Hmmm.
Of course, I could go on as could any reader to this blog. So I'll skip the obvious and state an observation (hit me today harder but can't take credit for the initial discovery).
Trad America and the populous level has rightful but almost no fightback, and though it could take great detail (Read "Rape of the Mind" which is THE book explaining it all). it's time for "Now How" questions and answers in how to exorcise the American, Western, Christian, "Good Person Generally "suicide urge.
Everyone acts as though every single act requires permission or authorization from well, 'someone.' Nobody can really point to 'whom' but the' Invisible Weight' wears on everybody. E.g. "You there Smedley, you better not even THINK a wrong thing, or We Will Know."
The best model I can see is of the abused spouse or dog that still who has been beaten into submission but still licks the hand that does the beating. Somehow there is a clue here: if there is a way to bring back fire and spirit and 'unbreak' a battered spouse or pet, there is a way to expand and export that.
There are hints in psychology about learned helplessness and it's counters learned optimism and resilience, but there is surely a spiritual dimension too. All cry out to God, but still serve the other master; maybe that's why He doesn't show himself as much as he might. Better in churches that they start Sunday blacksmithing classes to teach converting those rusty plows into swords, perhaps.
On point, as always, and although I do look forward to Balkanization, I think that a larger geographical area will be necessary than just Texas and Florida. By the way, I don't trust Florida one little bit, it's too controlled by the bottlecaps. What we really need is a strip down the middle of the country from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico; smaller areas can be too easily attacked. Keep in mind that communists do live among us in every community. I live in a very small town and found out that a woman who I accounted as friendly is actually a communist. After the 2020 election was stolen and biden was instituting all these ukazes, I was talking to her and I said, "I never thought I would see communism in America". So help me, she got what can only be described as an evil grin and her face and said forcefull, "YES". I was shocked. I knew she was liberal, but I didn't know she was a commie. Needless to say, I only exchange neutral pleasantries with her now. I admit to being surprised.