As always when I read your material, it immedidatly generates something in me to comment, reply, expand, contribute - whatever you call it. So I'll 'brief-en' it up in this one.

It surely is the stage of empire morality in which ' them than can gets what they can while the gettin's good." Meantime Force Refugee gains another 10,000 males every day. What motivates them?

The low-hanging fruit want 'free stuff.' Next up the ladder want YOUR and MY stuff because "we" took it after all and it's only fair....with a vengeance. Next up are entrepreneurs expanding criminal networks. Above them will be the sleeper cell operators who will take down our grid and shoot up our malls at the proper time.

And, among the groups all the above will be wearing badges for LA and Chicago PD, and some will likely become NCO's in the Woke Army. They and antifa types will form the Red Brigades and Brownshirts targeting...........Hmmm.

Of course, I could go on as could any reader to this blog. So I'll skip the obvious and state an observation (hit me today harder but can't take credit for the initial discovery).

Trad America and the populous level has rightful but almost no fightback, and though it could take great detail (Read "Rape of the Mind" which is THE book explaining it all). it's time for "Now How" questions and answers in how to exorcise the American, Western, Christian, "Good Person Generally "suicide urge.

Everyone acts as though every single act requires permission or authorization from well, 'someone.' Nobody can really point to 'whom' but the' Invisible Weight' wears on everybody. E.g. "You there Smedley, you better not even THINK a wrong thing, or We Will Know."

The best model I can see is of the abused spouse or dog that still who has been beaten into submission but still licks the hand that does the beating. Somehow there is a clue here: if there is a way to bring back fire and spirit and 'unbreak' a battered spouse or pet, there is a way to expand and export that.

There are hints in psychology about learned helplessness and it's counters learned optimism and resilience, but there is surely a spiritual dimension too. All cry out to God, but still serve the other master; maybe that's why He doesn't show himself as much as he might. Better in churches that they start Sunday blacksmithing classes to teach converting those rusty plows into swords, perhaps.

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On point, as always, and although I do look forward to Balkanization, I think that a larger geographical area will be necessary than just Texas and Florida. By the way, I don't trust Florida one little bit, it's too controlled by the bottlecaps. What we really need is a strip down the middle of the country from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico; smaller areas can be too easily attacked. Keep in mind that communists do live among us in every community. I live in a very small town and found out that a woman who I accounted as friendly is actually a communist. After the 2020 election was stolen and biden was instituting all these ukazes, I was talking to her and I said, "I never thought I would see communism in America". So help me, she got what can only be described as an evil grin and her face and said forcefull, "YES". I was shocked. I knew she was liberal, but I didn't know she was a commie. Needless to say, I only exchange neutral pleasantries with her now. I admit to being surprised.

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As I've gotten old, I now spend very little time in the company of democommies even if they are relatives. The older you get, the less time you have to waste on those who are deluded or outright communists.

I believe we have two realistic scenarios. One is and attack on our power grid (cyber), or two is a complete collapse of the economy brought on by our own government. Either one is preferable to a kinetic invasion.

My hope is that number one reigns. Why? Because those that are sent to round us up will be on equal footing with us: No cameras spying on our every move, no efficient way to send orders to the brownshirts (over a large area), and general chaos to cover the resistance. Just like in Ireland, the IRA held off a major force for years.

Those in this country that remember their childhood of 65 yrs ago will not go lightly into the night. Not because of the future for our grandchildren for they do not yearn for a country they never knew. As long as they have Tik Tok, Facebook and other mind altering digital drugs, they will accept communism as the natural way of life. To resist would be unspeakable! What would be the gains from such exertion?

I cannot see the end to our downward spiral. Many have put their hopes in this next election, but one man (or woman) cannot possibly stop the death spiral.

It will take many who remember the way it was and have put the fear of death behind them to overcome the madness all around them!

My pronouns: FJB

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No, I don't look for a cheerful outcome at this point. A quick collapse would be preferable because there are still enough of us older people who remember how things were to maybe help establish something new. And yes, younger people really frighten me in their lassitude and zombie-like behavior; bent over cell phones, and as long they can play a video game, well, nothing's wrong. A lot of them have even lost the sex drive.

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The idea, in my mind would be that once a few states recognize that the federal government is no longer following any sort of rules or laws that others would quickly align with the larger states, if just to access ports and energy sources.

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And the more diverse and well-supplied in resources, the better. Texas has everything ... Oil, gas, agriculture, cattle, tech, and a hardy spirit. Red states with borders contiguous to TX could join, like OK (once they tar and feather and dump their disgusting federal officers), and create shared borders and wealth.

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These people will have new labels in the coming spicy times, “collaborators.”

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If, as the communists like to say, the Constitution is a “living document” then we should declare that it has died.

The Declaration of Independence remains as the lamppost lighting the way forward.

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Gabby, look up Dr Igor Panarin's prediction of 2010 about the balkanization of the US. Interesting info.

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Great article. I agree with T.L. Davis completely. Secession is the way out of the disaster in DC. Some states are stockpiling gold for their own currencies. Some states are resisting geo-engineering and other DC edicts and crimes. Some states won't send their National Guards to war for DC.

These are encouraging signs.

PS: The most dangerous times in a war are at the beginning and at the end. Same with the rise and collapse of an Empire.

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Arkansas already made gold and silver legal as currency and Texas has a depository and one of the questions on the ballot was whether or not to make gold and silver available as currency as well. Positive signs, as you said.

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Hi TL. Great post and perspective. I'm in agreement 100%. Sad to say but the fight has begun. Communists never relinquish power. We are mired in taxation with our representatives conspiring against us. Please continue to enlighten us with your knowledge. MG

Here is another enlighten post that I get on a regular basis. I'm sending it to you to for your edification. Thanks, see the next post I send.

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MG sharing. I did not write this. It is timely.

I have had a very tough time writing this briefing. This is the third attempt. I can always come up with excuses, but this time it is relatively simple, and part of the story. Normally I try to write in a humorous tone, be skeptical, critical, and sarcastic all at the same time. The problem is that this stuff is piling up faster than manure at a feedyard. At the risk of conjuring up a Star Wars comparison, I have a bad feeling about what is coming. The world is in a bad place, and it seems to be getting worse. Gray zones are evaporating into black and white contrasts. We are being forced to choose sides. The conjunction of many “fellow travelers” with the same objective, destruction of America and our culture locally, and Western Civilization globally are making a desperate throw of the dice right now to succeed before the awakening sleeping giant of the silent majority put a stop to the chaos necessary to effect the “fundamental change” that Obama threatened us with. I see positive signs everywhere that the awakening has begun, I just hope that it is in time to stop the change.

The Democrats, and Leftists in general, are just like the terrorists they support and coddle; they often do things that are counterproductive because they are blinded by their hate and irrational rage. The lawfare effort against Trump is eroding support for Democrats in general and nominee Biden in particular. The Left’s contempt for American and Western Culture blinds them to the effects their persecution of Trump and his supporters have had in creating Trump as a political martyr.

The truth about a number of things is also eroding Leftist political support, and in my opinion, is strengthening the resolve of the silent majority of Americans who are tired of this shit. It started with the Russia Hoax, spying on Trump in violation of the law, fabricated impeachment charges, etc. The truth about the “black swan” even of 2020 is emerging; the Wuhan Flu was premeditated, the effects were exaggerated, the truth was concealed, and the overreaction caused more harm. The release by China, in my opinion, was no accident, and I think the communist objective was to facilitate the efforts of fellow travelers in the US to stage a coup to prevent the continued administration of Donald Trump. The coup was conducted from November 2020 to January 2021. After inciting the riot at the Capitol, the co-conspirators which included Pelosi, Milley, the FBI and the CIA, committed various and sundry acts of treason (especially Milley) in an effort to project their treason on Trump and his supporters. The oppressive means that have been used, including imprisoning people for years without trial is clear evidence we live under a tyrannical government. The Supreme Court has been painfully slow to act. One of my fears is that the erosion of the justice system will lead to extrajudicial acts of justice, such as lynchings by mobs and other vengeance killings. No justice or injustice usually results in mob justice. This must stop.

One of the “fellow traveler” components of the 2020 coup was massive election fraud in key “swing” states. The Democrats had, in 1960, stolen an election for president using old fashioned ballot stuffing in Texas and Chicago. It also took 25 years or more to prove it. In 2004 the now uniparty commissioned a board of uniparty operatives headed by Jimmy Carter to study American elections and find the best way to cheat, and cover it up. Mail-in voting was identified as the best way to cheat. Inflating voter rolls was the best way to cover it up. You will not find that information on the internet about the commission’s report, and the pdf copies of the report have been blocked, removed, or are inaccessible. The scrubbing happened in 2020, in which year many “16 years on” stories were propagated and replaced the actual report. In any case, the Wuhan Flu was used to justify implementing universal mail-in voting (translation; cheating) everywhere the uniparty could get it. Many of these attacks on election integrity are still in operation. The destruction of election integrity in 2020 may be the death of the Republic.

By all accounts I believe Trump should win this election very comfortably. The problem is that this election is unprecedented; I have nothing to compare it to. Much of my opinion is based on hope as the alternative is a continuation of the insanity. The “insanity” isn’t just an opinion; several recent studies are showing that Leftists are more likely to suffer diagnosable, recognized mental disorders by an alarming percentage. They are crazy. They are also mostly single white females under 30 (draw your own inference). I recently read a Politico article lamenting that though Latinas are increasingly supportive of Leftist politics Latinos are increasingly conservative. Other studies previously concluded that most Latinas are mentally ill, so it all fits! But I digress.

I’m ignoring the public polling. The only real polls have to be paid for. The ones that are made public are used as political tools of influence anymore, and none are to be trusted. Whoever pays for them has an agenda, and they are using the “poll” to push that agenda. We know the Propaganda Outlets are not neutral, nor are their polls.

Some of the revelations are incredibly unpleasant; I found out early on that the mRNA drugs were bad and shouldn’t be trusted. The most recent studies that are finally escaping censorship indicate that at least one third of everyone who received the drugs will have adverse reactions, if not immediately, then within a few years. The more shots an individual had, the more likely the adverse reaction. The adverse reactions are mostly fatal as the spike protein generates clots and inflammation in all of the organs of the body, the drugs suppress natural immunity, and they accelerate cancer. From that basis there is a plethora of ways to die from those effects. One researcher expects a catastrophic die-off in the immediate future. Morticians have been reporting that while embalming people since the introduction of the mRNA drugs they have been mortified to find ridiculous elongated clots in the “vaccinated.” They were ignored. The suppression of all evidence related to the negative effects of these drugs should have made more people suspicious; it did not. I expect these drugs to kill millions around the world. If the rate of death reaches a high enough level there will be a violent reaction, and that could really cause some global change.

I will close with a daily dose of Leftist lawlessness; The Constitution requires the Senate to conduct an impeachment trial to begin at 1 PM the day after the articles of impeachment are presented to the Senate. They do not have the option of tabling or otherwise ignoring the impeachment, they must conduct a trial. They can go through the process insincerely and acquit or convict depending on the politics, but they are not allowed to not conduct a trial. The Senate today “tabled” and dismissed the charges in the impeachment of Alejandra Mayorkas. They don’t have that ability, but the Democrats did it anyway, with the help of Murkowski, the Senate RINO from Alaska. One of the articles should have been treason.


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Another fine article, T.L.! As much as I hate to say it, and with few exceptions, I am afraid the Republicans still haven't learned to fight back. The party of nice needs to get mean and put an end to the nonsense perpetrated by the left. Democracy is merely a stepping stone on the downward path to full control under a Socialist/Marxist regime. I think BHO and HRC are the string-pullers in the Dem Party.

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Future 'operations' guestimate besides the 'military age males' used as troops against Traditional Americans will be Fedgov blue hairs becoming drone assassins big-time. Plus, antifa in the cities, banks shutting out rural areas to destroy their finances, cartels in select areas. Some agendas will align, and some will be independent, but all will feed on the corpse of the former USA.

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Hello to all,

D or R = the same team but with staged opposition for theater.

Why would I want to vote in federal elections? Local "representatives"

can be bribed with federal monies and brought to heel. Wouldn't the

(fantasy) of no one voting anywhere for the DC peeps be a swell protest

against that crowd?

Censorship: Voices (internet) are being wiped off the map for criticizing

Israel and the Jewish lobby. The funding of Uke to quell Russia is another

kick to the psyche.

Maybe an EMP event wouldn't be such a bad idea if it would eliminate all the

riff-raff. Yet innocents would be removed from the mix as well, and that is really

bad, and would place me square into the cull and then Hell for wishing that.

Deagel predictions will be accurate then for sure.

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