I'm really struggling with this, T.L. I despise Trump for being a coward and traitor. I do see your point, but I'll have to see if I can force myself to vote for him again. Perhaps a Carrington Event will make all this moot.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

It is obvious. and I applaud your ability to name the parts of this as open war. I have no problem supporting Trump.

I don't think we get that far. They want to see us swept away. SISU

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As usual... T.L. Davis gets to the meat of the issue with an absolute 20/20 focus of vision.

The guy could play 3-dimensional chess with Mr. Spock and win.

He gets through the smoke, mirrors, mud and sewer water on all these issues to illustrate EXACTLY what is going on... and I think his vision as to what will happen is also spot on.

To believe anything other than what he writes here... well, if you do... you're part of the problem and far from helping with a solution.

No adversarial words will penetrate your thick illusionary skull anyway.... so, I'll stop here... and you stop reading.

Jack Lawson

Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada

Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.”

“When the lies become commonplace, people believe them as fact… and when that “fact” is what is printed and known by most people it becomes “The Legend” …the real truth is gone forever… and what is left is ONLY “The Legend.”

Such is the case of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, whose capabilities and record were a total fabrication and who was a failure as a soldier and leader.” Not my words… these words are from the guy in my SF Chapter who helped hunt Guevara down and kill this evil human being in Bolivia. Author Jack Lawson

From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Ok, so the election does NOT happen in November 24….what does December and January and February look like?

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Again, you are on target, T.L. Frustratingly so, I might add. What astounds me most is how easily they are getting away with what they are doing. Its maddening!

Our entire world is off-balance. The Ying has gotten larger than the Yang (or vice versa) and a correction is coming. A big correction. Don't know if I will live to see it, or any of us for that matter. But its coming and I don't want to be on the wrong side of things when it does.

Keep at it, T.L. until they won't let you any longer. I sense something is changing and pray its people finally waking up to whats being planned for them. Its those "Rich Men North of Richmond" that need a good comeuppance!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

I believe the open war began in 2008. Millions of people lost 1/2 of their accounts,

maybe to bail out the banks, and the fools that bought into the liar loan scam and

the banks got away with it. Me? My 32K IRA dropped to 18K. Big deal, tho others

lost millions. The plan is for the investment firms to double their holdings while much

of the populace becomes homeless and cannot afford rents. Elections? People say

vote "harder" and force their hand. Since JFK was assassinated, and then his brother

RFK was assassinated shortly after some of us knew we no longer had a viable .gov,

nor a country. The end game is finally here, all coffers have been looted and criminality

abounds. They are rubbing our faces in it by telling us they want the population dead

or dying and will do everything in their power to accomplish that. The secret armies

will finish off the holdouts. Meanwhile the "they" are blowing agricultural/food

processing facilities, manipulating the weather, and the sky is raining down toxic chemicals.

Oh I know there is much more, a long list of orchestrated events intended to dispirit us

and ruin communities. It is really bad and solutions are thin, and we may not be able

to enact what would be called justice.

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