Pancho Villa
The wake up call came early during Trump’s second term when he announced the $500 billion effort to support Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Larry Ellison of Oracle spoke of an mRNA shot that could be tailored by AI for the individual to cure cancer. Now, it seems that his exit from the WHO will not take effect for a year. This is why I continue to encourage people to speak out against such actions. They need to hear from the people concerning his associations with such characters as Ellison and Altman.
Trump makes horrible decisions, confusing and exasperating decisions. He is and always has been a poor judge of character, something that plagued his first term with choices like John Bolton, and standing on stage with Birx and Fauci. Not to mention retaining top leadership in the FBI that had spied on him, that he knew spied on him. Bill Barr comes to mind in that vein, but not firing Jeff Sessions when he recused himself from the Russia collusion witch hunt is another. He seems, at times, to bow to pressure from those he trusts when he should understand, by now, that the only people he can trust are those in the MAGA and America First movements. They will not let him down, but they must also hold him to account.
I consider myself in the second category. I believe that America and its interests ought to be the only consideration when it comes to foreign policy. I don’t mean Americans operating in other nations, either as advisors or corporations, those are individual interests, not American interests. If we are going to war, it should be to defend the physical borders, airspace and access to the sea of America, not the tenuous ties to America by Americans operating overseas.
To that point, it might be time to go to war with Mexico once again. If Texas could do it alone in 1836, the U.S. could do it now, only this time it should not be some political lessons taught and then retreating back within the borders of the United States, but to acquire Mexico. The idea of defending a 1900+ mile border with a nation largely invested in the idea of destroying America is not so daunting as capturing Mexico and only having to defend that southern border that is only 541 miles long and largely with Guatemala, but a little bit of Belize as well. Leave it as a territory for a while and make it fight for statehood.
Despite the disadvantages of this, including hostilities among the locals, it would bring a lot of positives and it may be unavoidable regardless of whether one wants it or not. We have seen twice in our history that simply defeating Mexico has not stopped the constant threat Mexico presents to the United States. Long after the Mexican-American war in 1846-7 the border remained in dispute by Mexican bands, Comanche warriors, who paid no attention to it except as sanctuaries from both the U.S. and Mexican forces. Pancho Villa continued to raid north of the border in the 20th Century. Today, enforcing the border and shutting down the profits made by the cartels, who are actually in control of Mexico itself, (maybe Arizona, too) is liable to bring us to kinetic violence no matter how humanely we attempt to repatriate criminal aliens. This is the idea of Reconquistas, to take back the land by occupation and not giving up their Mexican citizenship.
On Thursday, flights were prevented from landing in Mexico that would have disgorged nearly two hundred of these deportees. Cartels control a good part of Texas as long as the border remains unprotected. We’re sending somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 active military troops to the border when all is said and done and these are not just border guards. They are there to defend the United States from invasion of the most militant of criminal gangs. Something we should have done long ago, even in the last Trump administration.
To be clear, I am not in favor of war with Mexico. I’m not in favor of any war, because I will not be invited to fight it, unless civil war erupts here. They don’t want me at my age and I don’t particularly want to fight in Ukraine or Syria. The reason I’m not in favor of a war with Mexico, besides not being called up to do so, is that it will likely lead to a civil war. A different sort of civil war amongst those who have largely the same political and religious beliefs, but patriotism both for the United States and Mexico would put them at odds.
What I am doing, is recognizing a threat to America and assessing how that would play out should the shooting start between American troops and criminal cartels. The border is a persistent source of conflict between the two nations. What they could not conquer militarily, they have sought to conquer by birthright. We have a shared history, us and Mexico, Americans and Mexicans. Long before the Revolutionary War, the Spanish (also a European nation, by the way) had held land west of the Mississippi all the way to California only limited by the French and British to the north.
A good many parts of New Mexico, Nevada, California and Colorado still bear the Spanish names established so long ago, so it isn’t like there has ever been a solid line that delineated one people from another. Some families have owned land when it was Spanish, then Mexican, then American. The same land. The border, in reality is political more than cultural or racial, but there is a border and it does separate the United States from Mexico. It exists as such to prevent the depredations that have taken place over the past four years. There is no conceivable way to allow in people without importing their criminal gangs and making pathways into our sovereign nation for all sorts of other travelers who have no connection to Mexico.
The fear, and why we have never taken possession of Mexico before, is that we would then import their politicians as well. One corrupt country cannot be less corrupt by combining with a more corrupt country. What we can and must do, is secure the border, root out our own corruption, deport the criminal gangs and criminal aliens, fight the cartels with military force, if necessary, and codify it in law so that no future president can’t simply undo it all with executive orders.
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Well, while we may have a need for Mexico, we have no need for Mexicans, or anyone else in Central America. Were it up to me, I'd shove all those populations down past the Panama Canal, then blast the thing open. Nature would adjust. As long as we have this monstrous border with our enemies, America will be at risk.
I'm opposed to any sort of war with Mexico or the cartels...All Nixon's trillion dollar war on drugs accomplished was to make street drugs even cheaper, by squeezing out some of the small competitors.And drugs are being produced en masse in the US and Canada regardless....Americans should try enforcing their own laws for a change, but even that is not going to stop addicts from seeking supply....