Although there is far to go I feel encouraged that there is at least some of our elected conservative leaders who have lost their fear of being called transphobic and racists. With such a red neck VP we're going to hell in good company.

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Good article.

How to remove federal judges without using impeachment:


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We just need enough Republicans with the guts to start impeachment against these activist judges issuing orders halting Trump's constitutionally allowed powers. As someone stated at another site, the defense costs for these judges to fight impeachment will be expensive. Make them put their money behind their edicts from the bench.

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‘We want arrests, not just firings.”- Absolutely!

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I find it uncanny how quickly, and apparently easily, it has been for the opposition to find a judge who will stop a Trump Executive Order. But it happens, so whether we are dealing with highly partisan judges or a broad swath of the bench who are beholden to the idea of an all-powerful ruling class, and the spending power of very wealthy individuals, the result is that the EOs that are issuing forth from the White House are being shot down like clay pigeons from a mechanical trap.

Is there no august and respected figure (aside from our host) who will stand up and point out that the drafters of our Constitution did not, for very good reason, design a system where the House of Representatives budgets by Continuing Resolution and thus refuses to discharge their budgeting function, where the Executive branch rules by EO rather than pushing for legislation, and where the Judicial branch has become the Legislature of Last Resort?

I will accept the charge that my conservative colors are on full display when I call for a return to the original intent of the Constitution. Now let the other side accept the charge that they are still seeking the fundamental transformation of American society into a system that has not worked anywhere it has been tried, and is doing so by turning their collective back on the Constitution.

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Well said.

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First, the scale of the now-exposed corruption mimics the Great Whore of Babylon of apocalyptic fame. Well, we go BIG in America, I guess.

Second and as to street-fighting, let me see if I get this. Maxine and Chuck want everybody in blue inner cities to fight to basically keep sending billions overseas. Hmm. If I were that guy in the inner city, I'm supposed to torch and burn and risk getting arrested or killed so I can keep the cash in the hands of the people who never actually help me so I can also help everybody, everywhere - but me. Hmmm.

Third, we are in uncharted water, when the government goes to war with itself. But win, lose, or draw it's better to have someone finally throwing back effective punches; seeing 'the leadership' curled up in a ball or aiding and abetting was getting mighty old.

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