I agree with you, people should have bren paying closer attention. Some of us were; I am the unfortunate person who was handing out Mises Institute literature at work in the 1990's.
Conditions were artificially good even then, lulling people to sleep with consumerism and entertainment. The message was not generally received. It was very f…
I agree with you, people should have bren paying closer attention. Some of us were; I am the unfortunate person who was handing out Mises Institute literature at work in the 1990's.
Conditions were artificially good even then, lulling people to sleep with consumerism and entertainment. The message was not generally received. It was very frustrating. The bottomless-moneyed government was able to seduce most Americans.
But I welcome all of you now. And I don't blame them too much for taking longer to wake up, it is now pointless, water over the dam.
I agree with you, people should have bren paying closer attention. Some of us were; I am the unfortunate person who was handing out Mises Institute literature at work in the 1990's.
Conditions were artificially good even then, lulling people to sleep with consumerism and entertainment. The message was not generally received. It was very frustrating. The bottomless-moneyed government was able to seduce most Americans.
But I welcome all of you now. And I don't blame them too much for taking longer to wake up, it is now pointless, water over the dam.
Welcome to the party, pal!