There are Andy Taylor's. I was raised by one, actually. We don't need a lot of them. The un-Andys are numerous, and noisy, but weak. Best way to suppress them is to begin at the neighborhood level. Civil Defense Manual has some good tips. We can convert some of them. Some are lost.

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I know, I was raised by a John Wayne type, though he didn't see himself that way.

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First, it isn't your post that makes me sad, it was Xmas Dinner!

I am not able to express myself in both speech and the written english language, but I will try. Last night at remote location that most should consider rural, New Mexico, I had the opportunity to meet, one a 70 year old ( I am 75) grew up in Los Alamos,NM child of 2 lab workers, well educated has a PHD in English, but became a Lawyer. The other mid 60's, singer in LA with a lot of experiences with singer's of the 'Hippy' error, now History teacher, of course came from wealthy New York parents. The 3rd male, was 71 and a good bass guitar player, good handy man skills, again from very wealthy NY parents. So what am I having such a hard time saying, Subject Kari, stollen election> I get laughed at. Subject Vaccine as Bio Warfare and no longer need for armed conflict> I am stared at with a look and laughter and back to music discussion. Then I ask about their feelings on CBDC , Fed Reserve Bank, and our dollar and the future. The subject was not one they were even of interest to comment, with their wife's laughter in background. I had to excuse myself and politely leave for the 40 mile drive home. Conclusion, I am at a loss are they that lacking in knowledge, or are they part of the take down, I can not be sure, is it me that can not see or just not able to accept that there are so many dishonest blind people? Sorry, I guess my isolation is because I know so many very educated children of wealthy parents,( to include myself, 4 medical, 1 doctor practitioner, one Emergency room Dr married to a doctor, one heart Dr.,) all but ONE still has Trump as a Russian Spy!!! Guess I will stay at home.

PS my brother's son a doctor got married in April to a doctor also, was invited to wedding in New Orleans, then got a call only vac are able to attend, so sorry uninvited now.

I will never give up, I will stay true to myself and other's who understand Natural Law or Universal Law. Thank you for your words it is encouragement. >Lazer

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I can only say that even in my very red county in a red state that such issues are still not widely discussed or understood. The Devil has blinded so many and it is still sad. We don't celebrate their loss as they do ours. But they are lost. You were talking to ghosts.

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I don't think the crooks will 'bail'. They act like they know they are secure and that they can behave like they want and no one can hold them accountable. Its as if someone has made guarantees to them that they are safe as long as they go along. Who could that have been? China? The UN and its owners- the Davos crowd/WEF? When the collapse occurs you can be certain the Big Boys out there aren't going to leave all those unattended chips (resources) on the table as America devolves into Lord knows what. The fools in D.C. will meet their fate once they are no longer useful, of course. Its always the result.

One more thing. We, as in American Patriots, often unwittingly validate the Marxists as they invent their "new speak" when we go along and use those words and phrases. Their new speak is an attempt to cloak a lie and then turn the lie into a truth over time. As example is that man who fantasizes he is a woman and wears that admiral's uniform as head of HHS. Even conservatives now call him "Rachel". His name is Richard Leland Levine... NOT Rachel. Call it as it is. Don't play their word games. Don't give them a win.

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Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton tried to warn the framers of the Constitution that it would come to the point where politicians would simply be bribed to do what a certain select group of parasites would tell them to do. Guess what? It has come to that. The other Founding Fathers didn't seem to take this seriously, and now we are dealing with their lack of foresight. And, never let us forget the big-nosed elephant in the room that has called for the elimination of "Whiteness". That ogre is the true wellspring of our troubles.

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