Thanks for the video. Doug Casey writes that the State is like any other living organism. It's prime purpose is to survive. The release of Julian Assange and the court cases that TL Davis cites perhaps show that the State is becoming afraid of us, the people.

The State's main weapon is propaganda. Propaganda to convince us that the State works for us and is not just some gang of murdering thieves and extortionists.

Last night's debate was a HUGE propaganda failure by the State and its lap dog media.

The State fears that the people will ridicule the State, mock it, consider it irrelevant like an old VCR tape machine. War is the State's last resort of relevancy.

An election is another propaganda act of relevancy for the State.

The Soviet Union fell apart and disappeared rapidly. The War/Welfare State of the USA could is also falling apart and could disappear at any time.

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Excellent information.

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What a week for Merica! You're absolutely right that Slo Joe was setup by the dems and the deep state. I did watch the debate and agree with the pundits that Joe had a very bad night but when Van Jones threw Joe under the bus on CNN's recap I knew it was a coordinated color revolution within the democrats. As you pointed out, the Supreme's overturning the government's misuse of 1512(c)(2) is momentous for the J6's and Trump; however, l think the Chevron decision was the more important in that it effects all of us. Our communist administrative overloards have been abusing our patience and good will For 40+ years of illegal rule making. It's not entirely their fault since Congress cant't seem to do their job by writing clear, concise, and needful laws. Maybe that'll start to change.

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Let's hope.

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I wouldn't bet a wooden nickle on congress doing a damn thing.

I figure they had worked with the SOB at camp David for at least a week. Then they got his dose of Adderall or whatever the hell they shoot him up with.

I heard a recording of the bastard, supposedly the same evening & he sounded normal or as close as it gets with such a snake. Course that might have been a body double. I wouldn't put anything past the communist filth running the show.

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Thanks for the insight TL. First podcast of yours that I've watched. I'm of the same mindset as you. It doesnt matter what puppet's strings are being pulled I want to expose the puppet master! I'm tired of them being able to hide behind the facade of a Democratic Republic. I'm tired of being discounted as less than important.

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