Feb 28, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Oh my Gosh, I didn't know what the case B4 the Supremes was about, then I looked it up.

The Supremes won't touch that one with a ten ft. pole. The system is toxic and poisonous

both literally and figuratively. So what if they gave a WAR and no one came? The deluded

will volunteer on behalf of the Ukraine or Taiwan, the awake will not. The woke are idiots

at war from/with themselves. Do not comply.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

I suspect that our military engaged in some future war will have a lot of fragging,

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

T.L. … Always on point, always a true Patriot. Never give up. Never stay discouraged. The world is no different than it has ever been. Freedom and human dignity and worth have always been plagued by corrupt, sociopathic parasitic elites and yet they rise and fall hard. The privilege is to be in the fight. For every evil there is also love and grace and beautiful things. There are many of us who are united in purpose and in spirit. Let’s stand together and encourage each other. Let’s continue to resist and work to reinvigorate the same spirit that our Founding Fathers possessed. They fought against tough odds and apathy and a corrupt tyranny. Keep being who you are brother. You were born for these days and are an encouragement and mentor to many. In that, nothing you have done in this fight for truth and liberty will ever be in vain.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

If the Biden administration institutes the draft, as I have been hearing rumors about, I plan in standing in front of my hometown’s recruiting office with a sign reading, “Straight White males need not apply”. Let the trannies, the homosexuals, the POC, the mentally disturbed fight this one. There is no national interest in going to war over Ukraine.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

The commonality I see between a bully and a criminal is that both prey on the weak and defenseless. Unfortunately our governments at all levels are populated with both bullies and criminals. Having any government is akin to having a pet tiger. A moment of inattention and it can devour you. Our government has always had that propensity - devouring it's owner. It senses weakness. At first it was the American Indian it went after followed by enslaved Africans. At one time or another its gone after Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, Italians, and Irish. Now its going after patriotic Americans, especially straight white males and anyone who professes to be Christian. Why? Because it can with impunity. The government has now surmounted the protections against its predation that were in place with the Founding Documents and the instruction of the guiding principles once taught to our children.

Our government is not just a swamp. Its a pig sty, and too often it filters down into local and state governments. History should have taught us that voting to install replacement pigs doesn't result in eliminating the pig sty. It just results in new pigs. Maybe we should stop feeding the pigs and leave the pigs to themselves while we go about the business of developing an alternative.

In the waining days of the Roman Empire, when Roman citizens no longer volunteered for the legions, the emperor allowed the recruitment of barbarians, i.e. non-Romans, to fill the legions. Conscription of Roman citizens just wouldn't work and would further fracture the empire. Lots of military age young men crossing into the country these days. Just a thought.

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