These words are pure truth. And the horror of it compels a personal decision.

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"An insurrection against corruption is patriotism." Absolutely!

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Honestly, at this point I don’t even call it patriotism. That ship sailed a LONG time ago for me.

I call it Humanity. Human beings are meant to be free, and have Natural Law dictate their lives.

Not tyranny…

How many people in the uSA even know the definition of Natural Law. It sure as hell isn’t running the world now!

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Renee, I agree with you. "Right is right and wrong is nobody." as my Tshimshu Indian girlfriend in Seattle used to tell me all the time. Patriotism is a word made up by Statists who would demand our loyalty, taxes, and obeisance.

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👍💥It’s for control. I’m not a collectivist, but a free thinker.

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Read the history of the British Colonies in America during the 18th Century. Although the subjects (they were NEVER citizens) inhabiting North America were considered British they identified as "Americans". As such they had established their own local government under British rule, within the American colonies. In other words they were ORGANIZED !

These same colonial Americans had organized militia(s) trained in collective defense for their own safety. They were NOT organized, funded and armed courtesy of the Crown. Contrary to socialists, communists, in 21st Century Amerika who claim today's "militia" is the local National Guard. It is not. Every entity of the National Guard is beholden to the federales. The federales equip, organize and fund their definition of militia, i.e., the NATIONAL Guard. In turn Guardsmen and their leadership are federales. They do now, and will when ordered, dance to the tune of the corrupt federal government. Guardsmen ARE NOT your friends.

My point of the above paragraph is the common, everyday, just-want-to-be-left-alone American Patriot IS NOT ORGANIZED to defend against today's corrupt enemies both foreign and primarily domestic ! While it is often stated Americans citizens possess hundreds of thousands of small arms along with billions of rounds of ammunition to feed those privately-owned small arms, they are next to worthless in the scheme of tyranny without ORGANIZED PATRIOTS.

Before American Patriots contemplate and execute opposition armed or otherwise against the tyranny and criminality of those ruling us from the District of Criminals and every seat of state governments, Patriots must be organized. The opposition in April 1775 by American colonial "subjects" of the Crown, against their British government did not happen overnight. American colonials were organized for years and years before armed defenders of Freedom and Liberty stood on Lexington Green and at Concord Bridge on 19 April 1775.

Sadly, today's American citizens are nowhere organized to oppose the treason, tyranny and treachery emanating from both our federal and state governments.

As I have implored my fellow citizens to organize and gun up in preparation to defend against our enemies one calls "government" for many years, it may be too late to learn from the history of the founding of the United States. Better late than never.


Gun Up.

Make Peace with your God and your family.

I am....

DAN, Erie County, Pennsylvania

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Well Dan, we tried to organize in Erie Co years ago and had a pretty nice group of 20+ that was fairly successful. As the daily grind and constant surveillance and tracking wore us down we have around 5 diehards.

In this day and age one cannot walk in one's yard without .gov tracking you.

Resistance will be singly until enough sheep see the reality of evil in our government.

Only after too many disappear and the media are unable to cover it up will the masses awaken.

For many of us, that day is too far away.

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Pnoldguy, Just like Moses, we can see the Promised Land, but will never live in it.

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Delta3Two, The National Guard certainly didn't come to the aid of Minnesotans in the Minneapolis George Floyd riots of 2020, so you are correct.

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The ability for Whites to organize easily was quashed during the civil rights movement. The Irish Catholics in Boston organized to resist forced busing and the result was that the govt called out armed troops against them. Same thing in the South, where Whites organized to resist forced integration: troops were sent against them. We aren't even allowed the right of association with people we choose any more. I think White people will eventually organize against tyranny, but things are going to have to be a lot worse before they do. Hunger may do it, or the unleashing of the coloreds against us even more than they are attacking us no w.

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I've pondered often about just how in the hell we as a country got into this predicament. Was it due to the colleges and universities becoming infested with the likes of commie professors? A lack of morals? Those sneaky Marxists taking advantage of the greed that took root? During our Revolutionary War there was a group than has gone down in history as The Black Robe Regiment. It was comprised of clergy of the time who were fearless and preached independence from their pulpits. They encouraged, they rallied, they influenced congregations across the colonies to intertwine their faith in an Almighty God and stand for independence regardless of the cost. If I were to point a finger as to a major reason (but not the only one) we find ourselves increasingly threatened and oppressed I would point it at the 'feel good lets be entertained' pulpits across the nation. Most all are plain and without flavor. They preach worthless BS. They don't want to loose that 501 3C exemption, you see. Loss would hurt all that 'church business'. So here we are seeking guidance and know not from where.

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“ how in the hell we as a country got into this predicament.”

I offer my opinion that the decline of the Republic began upon the election of the first “Republican President” Abraham Lincoln. Once the Republican Party crushed the united states and created the United States of America liberty and freedom have been on the run.

Every D and R administration since has steadfastly suppressed liberty with some policy, departmental bureaucracy or laws enacted under them.

On a side note, imagine what the country would look like if we were headed towards electing a new president to carry on after two terms of Hillary Clinton. Trump just put on the brakes while the train was still going full speed ahead towards destruction, slowing down the inevitable crash.

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Yep, Lincoln overtly destroyed the Constitution. When his own defeat was looming he switched up to the emotional issue of slavery although he personally didn't give a tinker's damn about the slaves, and in fact intended to repatriate them to Africa prior to being assassinated. How convenient for the unseen hand who already had the plan for division and chaos to come.

Trump hasn't "put the brakes" on anything.

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We are definitely in the Fourth Turning...so chaos and tumult are inevitable.

Ref. https://dcsosik.substack.com/p/the-fourth-turning-understanding

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Great article. Last night I watched the new Mad Max movie "Furiosa." It's a good movie. I think "Fury Road" was a bit better. What is interesting in "Furiosa" is the Chris Helmsworth charcter: Dementus. He leads a motorcyle gang and wants to rule over the Wasteland by taking Gastown, the Bullet Farm, and finally, the Citadel.

Dementus is a socialist, or pretends to be. He tries to rile up the people against their rulers.

Spoiler Alert: Don't read further if you want to see the movie with no foreknowledge of what happens.

Dementus takes Gastown and the Bullet Farm, but Immortan Joe of The Citadel is smarter and defeats Dementus' army an army that Dementus can barely control.

To get the people to rise up will not be easy. It will be like herding cats. A charismatic leader like Dementus would have to emerge and the DC government cabal would kill him or her on the spot.

Perhaps, the best and only solution is to walk away (like the old James Gang song.) Rome only had a population of 40,000 (vs. 1,000,000 at its peak) when it fell to the Visigoths. The Romans fled to the colonies. America's West, including Alaska, are colonies of the USA east of the Appalachians. The leftists on the West Coast will starve if the working people leave the cities.

And then the elites use the Samson Option and we end up in Mad Max World.

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Empires fail in around 250 years. And they fail for the same reasons, and history repeats.

2024-1776= 248!

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At this point, the best outcome would probably be Balkanization.

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Just as Russian intelligence predicted many years ago!

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There is another way to slay the beast. Who is John Galt?

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Didn't John Galt have a technology that kept him off the "grid"?

We can't escape the grid no matter where we go.

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I didn't see it as escape rather withholding one's labor, skills, and intelligence.

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Yes, organization is dangerous. If you don't have personal knowledge of those that surround you keep your trap shut. I have a feeling that we will soon see Lone Wolf and Wolf Packs of 3-4 activity. Its the only way. Rue the day we allowed the Patriot Act to become institutionalized.

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And you can't build a group without bringing in outsiders unless you have a huge family and lots of like minded friends.

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We didn't 'allow' the Patriot Act, it was shoved down our throats, just like the 1965 Immigration Act and the Civil Rights Act. These things are done to us without any kind of referendum.

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Opposition to this present corrupt federal government is the patriotic and necessary thing to do.

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You state the problem clearly "a free people prosper and an enslaved people suffer". As long as the majority continue to enjoy what they consider an acceptable level of prosperity, nothing will happen. If that "prosperity" comes from a fiat currency, or the wealth of others, confiscated at gunpoint it doesn't matter. As long as there is a check in the mail, beer in the fridge, the game of the week, and a few cans on the shelves, it will be too much work to rock the boat. I've heard it before- Everything must be OK, I got TikTok, and Mickey Ds has the 5 dollar meal back! What could possibly be wrong?

How much suffering will it take to rouse the slaves? No one knows, just as no one knows if it's already too late.

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Generally, hunger is a good motivator.

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Yes indeed, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, just like Darwin and gravity are still in effect.

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