As I may have stated previously (can't remember), I'm not a pessimist, I fancy myself as a realist. The Republic is gone. The America we knew is gone. The Constitution is ignored almost daily and might as well be gone. The last piece of the Bill of Rights still partially standing is the Second Amendment and the Marxists are banging away at it anyway they can. Mark my words, they will construct some justification to confiscate privately-owned firearms at some point. Don't know if they would be successful. But I've not seen much 'grit' by the American people so far. Besides, half the populace is either complicit with the Marxists or are too ignorant to care. Then there is the "replacement" gambit allowing millions of uneducated non-whites into the country changing the demographics. Do you think they value freedom and liberty? No. They value whatever someone gives them and will throw their allegiance there.

Its time to turn our energies towards our local communities and family. We must use our influences there. Find like-minded people. Form a tribe. Help build a local economy. ID the local collaborators and freeze them out. Stay informed. Act accordingly. We must do our best to outlast the insanity if God is willing. Should things go really bad, take some comfort in knowing we all will die some day anyway, might as well be standing for a good cause should others force it on us.

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The problem isn't Joe, but the millions who enable him. The problem is we're a divided country, split 50-50, so cheating matters. Both sides cheat (see Parallel Election), but dems have done it better lately. But it's never more than a few percent. If an election is 51-49 and 10% was fraud, that still means 41% supported the fraud, and probably still does. 41% of our neighbors. Minimum. That much evil in our midst is a big problem. Best to confront it, and convince them to change. It's a marketing problem. The problem with jumping the curb is you might get stuck on a berm, or a ditch. Probably better to keep moving and outrun the traffic. It's our road, too. Don't give it up.

If pubs had done it better, dems would be whining about fraud and pubs would be saying they got no proof. Remember 2016? 2000?

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You give Way too much Credit to the Repubs to Cheat. That being said, you are correct on the democRat bolshevik base voters & additional ballots.

The lines from the National Athem haunts me, "Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"

The Flag "still waves", but we certainly Aren't Free, and The Brave sit at home. Me included.

Not as an excuse, But half of this USSA isn't worth fighting for, and the other half hasn't decided it wants to survive, Yet.


We write & post to gather supporters for the coming Reckoning. It is Inevitable, the Economic Collapse will set it off, in All Directions. Expect Anarchy for awhile, especially in the Subsidized Socialist Cities. not that the Rural Areas will escape unscathed.

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I recognize that the left has historically used dishonesty more aggressively than conservatives. It's the only way they can win. Famous socialists like Hiliary study it and celebrate it, as she did in her college work on alinsky. But every society has members who don't cooperate. That's why all societies have prisons, and executions.

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Well TLD,

We are in a pickle for sure. Dammed if we do, and dammed if we don't.

Years ago when I was a kid, people were frugal and payed cash (saved up)

for what they needed and wanted.

Now? Everyone wants a flashy home and cars. It is such a competitive

social environment and most presentations are fake. At this time practical

applications of common sense are in order. Go to Maslow's hierarchy of

needs, and review the essentials we require to live. Secure those and build

on your base. I realize most will choose to continue in their present paradigm.

(Denial and Rationalization)

"Jump the curb" and leave the rat race as best as one can. I am a woman in my

7th decade and jumped the curb >than a decade ago. Fabulous. I was young in the

Vietnam era, watched the drug culture come in and take off, and as a strong reader

was able to predict the future. Suffice to say, this future exceeded my expectations

of the present horror. It is bad out there for most of us

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