All true and verified, and worse actually. Austerity is coming and it will mean

poverty to the populous and their descendants. More likely they will take us to war:

Armageddon time for the USA. Elections? Necessity is the mother of invention, thus

the purple finger. That suggestion will be shot down 19 ways in 5 minutes.

That may torpedo equity and equality of outcomes. So would this one: The only people

eligible to vote would be male heads of household (whether they own or rent) that pay

their own way. Therefore, wards of the state, regardless the excuse, are ineligible to vote.

So sorry so sad; that includes Social Security people after a period of 5 years...starts at age 65,

ends at age 70. Just my 2 cents. Go ahead and hate on me.

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76 year old female here. Always voted conservative. I've poll watched for many elections, and overseen correction of defective absentee ballots, and witnessed deliberate fraud. Reported it, nothing done. Have run political campaigns, including co-chair of the 1992 Senate campaign against Barbara Boxer, given to her by RINOs who couldnt get their squish thru the primaries. Debated and spoke in N. CA for the 1993 school voucher initiative.

I'd feel guilty as hell if I didn't vote, but in 2022, I voted neither for my veteran RINO Brian Mast, not for Rubio. First time since 1968 that I didn't vote.

BUT ... There are great tools to clean up voter rolls with easy to use software,, designed by a godly genius named Kris Jurski, whose family grew up in Soviet Poland. The serious people in election integrity say his system is the only one that actually works, AND if you can send him your county voter rolls, and you can use a spreadsheet, he'll look at it and train you. He has very deep research into the algorithms and processes involved in creating phantom voters, using the PO, etc. It's really worth a hard look.

His SS is krisjurski.substack.com, and https://the-peoples-audit.org. He's the real deal. Go read his analysis of the Red Belly Road scheme, and you'll see it, the btilliant, multi-faceted. His methods can be used in any county.

We have to try. I'll be in Mexico, but I can do calls and Excel calcs from there. People like Kris, Jovan, Jay Valentine (www.omega4america.com), the Lone Racoon (Jeff O'Donnell) all have great systems, and are ramping them up, and coordinating. I think that this can be very effective.

My two cents.

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Wow, that is quite a history you have being so involved in various political

endeavors for such a long and dedicated time. I admire you for that, and your

continued interest and knowledge about ways the voter rolls can be corrected.

Fantastic. I confess I didn't vote in 2022 either. Yet my husband (working out of

town) made arrangements to vote early and did. I felt guilty for 5 minutes.

I fell in love with science in college. Changed my major from teaching to nursing

and spent a year getting the prerequisites, then slipped into it easily, still having a

4pt. I paid my way, and any loan/debt I incurred was pd. quick as possible.

I knew the C was a sham, (so much BS was given that made no sense) and am

resolved to never taking any injection again. Never had a flu shot either, but I

am not a crusader about it either. I made a few remarks to neighbors (one couple)

and was treated to great disdain, so I learned to avoid the topic. I retired early because

of "revenue building" with repeated testing, MRI repeats, and expensive drugs given

that did not help, and even made people very ill. I can be very assertive and confronted

Docs, but to no avail. I am not the type to be unethical and go along to get along.

Same thing with the political fiasco we are experiencing...I see virtually no leadership

in .gov. We have a uniparty that clings to their status and schemes regardless of age.

Disgusting and irretrievable My purple finger suggestion was facetious. Illegal border

jumpers will be granted voting rights and are given plenty of $$ to ensure cooperation.

Should one step back and see the big picture? It is a dismal scene with drugs, graft,

trafficking humans and homelessness/crime abounds. I am a news junky so I want to

know. Maybe I will quit that because the whole scene is making me ill. People are

predicting a Gavin Newsom/Gretchen Whitmer ticket for 2024. Evade and retreat time


Regards to you and yours in Mexico,

you are a smart one,


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Our formerly great nation has been under assault by domestic enemies both Democrat and Republican traitors for decades !

Does anyone ever question or even ask themselves how Red China became a industrial and international giant ? In case one doesn't know it was the result of, literally, the wholesale transfer of American industrial strength & power to the communist Chinese. This treason perpetrated in 2000 by the passing of Permanent Normal Trade Relations for the Chinese Communists. This legislatiion passed and sent to Bill Clinton for his presidential signature by a Republican-controlled House in May 2000. PNTR effectively destroyed the American manufacturing industries wholesale. PNTR would eliminate American manufacturing and United States sovereignty. American corporations in the tens of thousands would literally box up their manufacturing plants and ship them lock, stock and barrel to Communist China. American technologies were also part of this massive transfer of wealth. America would see the loss of thousands and thousands of manufacturing jobs along with the millions of jobs loss in the support industries for American soon to be, communist Chinese industries.

The treason by American politicians and corporate leaders has been ongoing for decades. While these aforementioned Americans bear the bulk of blame for their insideous actions, let not the American people themselves escape culpability and responsibility for the destruction of their former USA. These indifferent citizens bear a large wealth of the blame for their own destruction; their own suicides. They continued to purchase the products with American names now made in Red China with Chinese slave labor. And of course these same Americans would reelect the same old treasonous scoundrels time and time again.

While many Traditional and Patriot Americans saw the writing of USA's forthcoming demise on the proverbial wall, we were never large enough in number or wealth to challenge the organized destruction of America. Too many of our fellow Americans were more interested in Sunday afternoon football and buying cheaper goods made by foreigners, then to worry and work against those very American traitors sending our nation down the toilet.

May God Bless what little remains of the nation we were born into.

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Nice analysis.

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What is this "democracy" so many speak of? Isn't democracy the same as majority rule? Then what of the minority? Does the minority just have to 'eat it' and suffer along without hope of having their needs considered... ever? We never were a democracy. We were a constitutional republic where protections existed to prevent minorities from being perpetual door mats. I'm not sure what, exactly, we are these days. Certainly no constitutional republic any longer. Not a democracy, either, because the opposition that always wins isn't even a majority. They are a minority who has perfected stealing majority status and fooling people into believing they are the majority. Maybe we have a clepto-democracy?

Sadly, we the citizen, have no one representing us and providing push-back against the growing insanity. Oh, that "opposition party", the "esteemed colleague across the isle" fighting away on our behalf *laugh* would disagree. But in reality its like one of those WWE wrestling matches where the wrestlers go at each other in the public ring to keep the fantasy going, then go out together for cocktails, asking about each other's kids they send to one of those prestigious ivy league schools only those like them can afford.

So, the American citizen has some decisions to make, and be damn quick about it if they don't want to end up in chains. Too many other nations now see the US as unhinged, amoral, perverted, and a danger to the rest of the world. We are.. as a nation... a nation being lead by psychopaths, pedos, and thieves. They might make the decision for us.

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"Vladimir Putin was aghast at how the West has conducted the Ukraine war, shocked by the inhumanity of thrusting innocent soldiers into the blood-soaked maelstrom without a care, as if tossing their nation’s future into a meat grinder. No one who cares about his people would do such a thing."

That's precisely what *Putin* has done, except it's been with the ethnic minorities outside of the ethnic Russian majority states in the Russian Federation - Tajiks, Kazakhs, Chechens, Buryats, Dagestanis, and so many others. And he's doing it with those areas because he knows that doing it with the sons of Moscow and St Petersburg would spark a revolt. Of course, Putin's people are ethnic Russians, not those ethnic minorities...

"All the organizations and individuals that have spoken out against Russia’s war in Ukraine have been prosecuted into silence. Thus, vocal domestic opposition has remained in the shadows. Simultaneously, the Buryatia diaspora has become a vocal opponent to the war. The Free Buryatia Foundation, formed in early March as a response by ethnic-Buryats across the world, has worked to carry the message of opposition for those who cannot do so within Russia. On March 15, the foundation published a short video emphasizing Buryat’s stance against the war.

Alexandra Garmazhapova, co-founder of the foundation noted, “We got a million views and we were very surprised by the feedback. From Russian media it seemed like Buryatia was very much in support of the war, and we were nervous those in the country would be offended by the video. But very much the opposite, many in the region said they are glad they weren’t the only ones! Thousands of Buryats from the diaspora have reached out to us.”


"The question of why so many Buryats are dying is being discussed in every kitchen in the republic. Sometimes, dissatisfaction is expressed publicly. At the end of March, Buryatia’s Head Alexey Tsydenov gathered cultural leaders at the Buryatia Opera and Ballet Theater and read them a lecture about the “special operation.” After the lecture, the the Buryatia Drama Theater’s spokesperson, Batodalai Bagdayev asked the regional head, “You know Ceremonial Guard No.1 on Red Square? Have you ever seen anyone with ‘slanted eyes’ in it? The selection process for that brigade is obvious: they only want tall, blue-eyed, Slavic men. Our kind — bow-legged, short, high-cheekboned — aren’t wanted around there. But when it comes time for someone to die, we are the ones that they send.” https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/05/05/everything-here-smells-like-the-dead-now

"It’s the dirty secret of the Russian military: Russia’s peripheral subjects—Buryats, Dagestanis, Tuvans—are Putin’s cannon fodder.

Consider the Buryats, one of Siberia’s largest Indigenous groups. Closely related to Mongolians, they were subjugated, annexed, and subsequently colonized by Russia in the 1600s. By analyzing open-source data such as obituaries and social media posts, Russian independent news outlets Mediazona and iStories found that by mid-May, Buryatia had the second-highest number of soldiers killed in Ukraine since the start of the invasion—just after Dagestan, another conquest of the Russian Empire. By May 18, Buryatia had lost 117 soldiers (the actual number is likely higher), whereas the city of Moscow, with a population around 15 times Buryatia’s, lost only three. Relative to the population, Buryatia’s rate of battle deaths was the highest in all of Russia. Go through lists of names of Russian war casualties, and the preponderance of Muslim names—mainly from units raised in Dagestan and other North Caucasus republics—is striking. Russians of Central Asian ethnicity are disproportionately dying as well: According to a report by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, at least 10 ethnic Tajiks have already been killed in Ukraine while fighting for Russia." https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/20/russia-ukraine-war-casualties-deaths-putin-ethnic-minorities-racism/

So whoever gave you the quote about Putin isn't telling the truth - far from it. And I doubt that they're telling the truth - other than the Russian Foreign Ministry's "truth" - about anything else. And you don't need to listen to Colonel MacGregor or Tucker Carlson for a story about Ukraine or Russia, just go to the Russian Foreign Ministry's web page, and you can get their talking points from there, directly from the source. The weirdest thing about this is how many American conservatives have been fooled into supporting a Stalinist Communist like Putin - but deception operations were a key part of the KGB where Putin served as a high-ranking officer - and they're working hard with him to restore the Communist Soviet Union, just under a different name. On occasion, though, they still use the same red flag.

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Thank you for bringing that information to the site and the readers of it. Yet, I don't see how anything I wrote is contradicted by it. You say it isn't true, but what isn't true? That many more Ukrainians have died in the war than Russians? That Ukraine seems to have no problem throwing their young men into the grinder? So much so that now they are having to kidnap, rather than recruit men to go fight, or more accurately, die?

To whatever degree ethnic Russians see themselves as above other ethnicities and use them to fight wars instead of ethnic Russians, is outside my knowledge, but I accept the quoted website as the truth, or their perspective of the truth, but it doesn't change the facts on the ground that Russia is losing far fewer soldiers than Ukraine, which, as far as I know, was my only statement.

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Both sides in a war will seek to conceal and minimize their own losses, while amplifying the losses of their opponents, and this war is no different. This is important, because both sides want to convince their opponent's population that resistance is futile, to break their will to continue fighting. As General Curtis LeMay said, "Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting." LeMay used air raids against civilian targets, like Dresden, to do so, and the Russians have adopted the same tactics with their missile strikes on civilian areas, and massacres such as Bucha, Irpin, and Mariupol. And this is backed up by propaganda from both sides, and that includes casualty figures. This was done by the US in bringing caskets back to Dover AFB at midnight, when the public's eyes were pretty much closed, during the Gulf Wars. Both sides are essentially fighting defensive wars, with the tactics from World War I - trench warfare with artillery duels. The Ukrainians cannot mount a combined forces attack because they lack air superiority, but their ground forces are well integrated. With air superiority, they could gain a decisive edge and put a quick end to this - as they could have done a year ago - but their "Western partners" have repeatedly denied them this capability, thus they are reduced to trench warfare and the heavy losses connected with that. Without air superiority, they can't land knockout punches, like destroying the Kerch Bridge. The Russians suffer from a total lack of integration in their main forces, something Generals Surovikin and Prigozhin were able to overcome for the most part, and this was reflected in their success in battle. Neither Gerasimov nor Shoigu appear to have any concept of force integration, so that they have forces which occasionally fight each other, like the Chechens engaging in firefights with the regular Russian Army, the most widely reported being a conflict during the Bakhmut campaign. The only reason the Russians were able to take Bakhmut was that Wagner, under Prigozhin, was able to work to gain that victory once the Chechens, under Kadyrov, were gotten out of the way. Putin has killed or fired his most competent generals - Prigozhin and Surovikin - and their staffs, and has replaced them with incompetent sycophantic cronies, and what effect this will have remains to be seen. The Russians have air superiority, but due to the lack of integration and communications, are unable to mount the necessary combined operations to secure a knockout punch, and are thus reduced to defensive warfare. Because both sides are fighting a defensive war, the front lines have not significantly changed in a year of fighting, and the losses mount, just as in World War I - but nowhere near the amount of casualties seen in battles like the Somme. As for either side losing far more soldiers than the other, it can't really be determined. Neither side has lost enough troops to stop fighting, though. The Russians are fighting a holding action, their hope is that Trump will be elected, he will withdraw US - and potentially NATO support, and the Russians will be able to win by overwhelming force, like the Chinese did at Pusan - Russian tactics not having changed since World War II, apparently. If the Ukrainians get air superiority, this holding action will fail - essentially, the Ukrainians have to win this war by January 2025, or else they will lose. If Trump backs off from NATO support, the next target will be the Baltic States, then Poland, and in that case, the war will go nuclear, because Poland has NATO nuclear weapons and will use them in such a situation.

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