Good Points, even to me in JawGa. I can live with continuing to vote with your strategy.

Here's the latest on the ChiCom/FIB treasonous sElection in 2020 as well as how crooked 2022 is going to be. My view is No Regrets, if we decide to fight, I won't have to look back and think" If I had only voted."

FIB/ChiCom coverup & Yes, it's TREASON


Starts at 14;49 and interview at 20:00

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There was a law passed, I believe during the O regime, where any payment over $600. to another

had to be reported to the IRS. Taking an amount over 3K in cash from one's banking account

could trigger a SAR (suspicious activity report) by the bank ratting you out to the cops. They

might visit you and investigate. Meanwhile, millions, billions, and trillions "go missing" or have

no accountability to the tax payers. I have very long believed we are being looted. Are all republicans

going to be audited or will their homes be invaded/searched/and any desirable item be stolen?

Will massive asset seizures be conducted? No fishing license? There goes your boat, vehicle,

and equipment. Take a deer out of season? They can confiscate your home and equipment

Red flag laws? There go your weapons at gunpoint/give a dirty look, you can get shot just

after they kill your dog. Are the new IRS agents the brown shirts of dictator Biden?

"They" are poisoning us in myriad ways, ditto robbing us myriad ways, flooding the country with

military age men, and rigging the votes. Also flooding the entire country with deadly drugs.

What more can the populous take? Now they plan to destroy the food produced and not

allowed to be produced. The plan is to give us processed bug meal to eat. Take our $ and

dole it out as they see fit to. Use a kilowatt more than allotted energy = a fine, tax, and

punishment to follow. It has been a nightmare ongoing and it looks to get much worse.

It is my contention that the underclass/welfare EBT card groups, got that "free $$" to appease

them and keep the groups contained. The elderly underclass were kept in check through

medicare and social security. The middle class have had union ruled iron clad public paid

pensions, IRAs, and investments. The working "middle class" small business owners have

been pretty much wiped out, their businesses now closed and defunct. The upper middle

class will soon enough get wiped out as well as their jobs will disappear, thus their incomes,

and they too will face challenges for food and fuel, and if they have major debt? Then they

will slide to middle or lower class status as well. Then we will have civil war over resources

rather than political ideology. The upper classes? They may not make it either. Confiscation

of "excessive funds" may even occur.

Succession of states may be an idea, but it will be a hard sell for the dependent classes.

SS, SSI, medicare and medicaid, other Fed ,gov benefits will be less free flowing, but if

Federal taxes are significantly reduced, it may work on paper anyway.

Families with dependent elders may have to take them in rather than expect government

to foot the bill. We can expect public education to conform or be ignored and school taxes

can be greatly reduced. The ingenuity of free people could be quite successful.

Civil war 2 can be avoided if we have clearer heads than now. Of course the lower classes

may balk and even rage against their entitled to monies drying up. They can be ingenious

also though by strengthening their communities and working to create prosperity in their

respective communities. Cooperation, in every area, with the greater majority participating,

could work. States can split in 1/2, entire states can go their own way, and even purge

criminals to Alaska or somewhere. Shades of Siberian Russia or Australians from England.

There will be violence, even paid .gov actors rabble rousing and promoting violence.

People with too little $ and scarce food resources do act out against society and I think

we have to expect that to a degree. Just wait them out and protect the innocent.

Temporary martial law via the states will just have to be made to work out.

We, any "we" will not and cannot win against the federalies. They have drones and fortified

tanks, and storm troopers, and bombs galore. A deer rifle and a hand gun can't daunt them.

Those latter two are tools and self protection from violent criminals in my opinion. An armed

society is a polite society, but nothing makes killer drone advocates polite.

As for the global "elites", big bankers, corporate dictators endlessly spying and making

the rules for .gov. and the Davos set et al, the pharma cabal, and the WEF feudalistic group?

Just go away, don't go away mad...just go away. Let them create nirvana/utopia on their

terms amongst themselves and leave us the hell alone. We do however, owe an apology

to all the countries the US military destroyed and pillaged. And real reparations. Collecting

suitable fines and resources from the destroyers in this country/allies too, might just move

some to forgive us, the people.

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You're such a good writer, Suzanna. Several on here are. I'm impressed with them all.

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Voting is important in close elections, just like cheating is important in close elections. 2020 was won by a few thousand votes in a few key precincts. The problem is that half the country supports the corruption, so recent elections have been danger close. But elections aren't won by individual votes, but by the effort expended before the election. Just like football games aren't won or lost by the star quarterback, but a team effort that required hundreds of hours of preparation by a much larger team. Elections require enlisting a candidate, but succeeds by the vigorous efforts of a large staff to manage the marketing, get out the vote efforts, knocking on doors to solicit support, monitoring the conduct of the election, and lots and lots of money. Those who don't contribute money and time to their favorite candidate don't have much room to complain if that candidate loses.

The old saying is politics ain't bean bag, meaning it's a serious fight requiring serious effort. Voting is a duty of all citizens, but if you expect to win, much more effort is required.

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I saw a recent DOJ memo that warns that they're focusing on "right wingers" who discuss civil war. So it's likely that anyone who writes essays like this one, or comments on it, or likes it, or probably even reads it, will be investigated. I'm happy to go on record as one of the many who are prepared for it. I don't mean to drag bystanders into the lineup, but T.L. posted an interview with Jack Lawson recently, the author of an impressive two volume guide called Civil Defense Manual. That excellent book describes the most likely catalyst of societal collapse as civil war, so he's probably already on the FBI watch list.

Anybody who hasn't read Civil Defense Manual should definitely get a copy. It will definitely improve your odds of surviving whatever apocalypse confronts us next.

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Lawson's books are excellent. Also recommend Civil War II by Chittum.

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Individual actions are all we have now, I agree. But be encouraged! Death by a thousand cuts is a time-tested strategy for change (or defeat).

I'm in the Not Voting camp at this point to be sure.

What would be helpful is a Wiki-style Guide To Individual Actions. Of course centralizing anything online these days is begging for Sauron to get involved.

T.L., you continue to wake people from their slumber. Yours is a gift that will frame your legacy. Thanks.

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