I’ve been having a mini debate with a reader in the comments section. That’s what this blog is about. I do not claim sole possession of the “truth,” I don’t know anyone who can. In this case, it’s the discussion that is actually more important than the topic in the sense that there are two schools of thought: 1) the military/cop population is so strong, so well-trained, funded and, most importantly, organized, that a bunch of yahoos with guns stands no chance in a confrontation; 2) that no military/police force is strong enough to go to war with its own citizens and come out the victor.
Since I may or may not have accurately depicted the opposition’s point of view, I offer this invitation to D, to write his opinion and I’ll post it here. Right now, however, I’m going to give my argument.
I think the reality of an omnipotent police force or military as being invincible is a stretch. In America, the police force has always gotten the benefit of the doubt, likewise the military. They have never before been viewed as antagonists or the perpetrators of oppression and tyranny. For the most part people identify with a cop just doing his job, making a living and trying to stay alive at the same time. If the vision is not exactly an Andy Tayloresque existence, it isn’t “Training Day” either.
What the omnipotent police force advocates miss, in my estimation, is that once you lose the image of respectability; damage the relationship with the people on an a foundational basis, there’s a lot lost in that transaction, chiefly and most importantly, good will. When every interaction with any given citizen is a confrontation, perhaps a violent one, life is substantially different. Yes, the tyrannical cops can kill at will, line people up against the apartment building wall, but once people recognize the cops as the enemy, there is no benefit of the doubt, no good will to rely on to hold back their more base responses to thuggery. If every traffic stop is at greater and greater risk that the stop will result in violent confrontation, the incentive to stop someone decreases. From the Bureau of Justice statistics, the most likely traffic stop is someone who is white, female and who makes in excess of $75,000 per year, or relatively affluent. What is the least likely traffic stop? It’s someone who is male, Hispanic and between 16 and 17 years old with an income of either $24,000 or less, or $50,000 to $75,000 (very close numbers). Who represents the greatest threat?
The point is, cops are risk averse as well as anyone else. They have the option of whether or not to pull any particular person over for a traffic stop. Those are all percentages of less than 1% of the population of any given demographic. When the cops lose good will and traffic stops that go awry increase significantly, maybe they stop making traffic stops all together. As society deteriorates because both the police and the military have lost that enormous good will of the people and they become the executioners of oppressive, tyrannical policy, each interaction becomes problematic and likely to result in violence. At that point, cops, like everyone else, thinks of their loved ones, their safety and they might choose to demur all together. This is what eventually leads to total lawlessness. One look at Mexico explains the difficulty of maintaining “good cop” reputations amongst rampant corruption.
Everyone in America has lived, for the most part, under conditions of extreme civility. No one knows what this nation looks like when it finally devolves into incivility. When I know that any traffic stop, no matter how minor, is likely to lead to my arrest and confinement without law or expectation of justice, it’s a different world all together. If there is one chance to escape, however briefly, if only long enough to say goodbye to my loved ones, knowing that I’ve been targeted, because few would get pulled over under those conditions unless they were targets of some sort, my response to that is vastly different than when I believe that my rights, the law and justice are likely. In that scenario, I will take the ticket, however unjust and fight it in court. Under the other reality, I make a break for it and if I’m armed, I use that fleeting freedom to make a stand.
Likewise for the military, only under different circumstances. Recently, West Point graduates sent a letter to leadership to object to political indoctrination. Where would they stand when the full veil is pulled back on globalist-elitist plans for world domination? The fact that they sent the letter should be an indicator if not 100% foolproof. Also, in the news, some 260,000 troops will be terminated, not for refusing the vaxx, but refusing follow up vaccinations. Have they seen the ill-effects of the vaxx among their units? Where will they stand? Isn’t the weakening of the U.S. Military designed specifically to invoke the UN to intercede? Who would shoot at a light blue helmet? More than would shoot at the olive drab one.
The point is, people look at a full-strength police force, a full strength military each of them believing that they are doing the right thing, the honorable thing in their jobs. As that reality begins to shatter, as lawlessness increases, as the military is decimated by these purges of individualistic tendencies, the mode changes, the strengths fluctuate, the moral purpose is questioned, etc., etc. The really bad cops thrive in such an environment, but the average cop starts to worry about those he loves enduring the risks and dangers of a society on the brink of collapse. Are they going to be leading the charge against “Trumpists” or spending more time close to home, to defend them and theirs?
This is the very reason they’d love to have a police force made up of AI directed enforcers. No need for human police officers in such a situation, the unreliability of humanity is far too great of a risk when what all these overlords really want is punishment for disobedience. It doesn’t take a human cop, with all of their human vulnerabilities, to enforc
e compliance.
When does the cop realize that they are just last in line of what they dispense? What does that do to their predictability? Likewise the military. When one realizes that they have no more utility to the elites than a hammer, that all routes to sharing in the bounty of elitism is blocked to their sort, when they see that they are kept just to bust heads, nothing more, where does their heart lead them?
If one believes that every cop is just some heavily-armed bully, have they not already lost the good will once bestowed on them? And, if so, where does the future of that lead? The future does not resemble the present, or we would all be living in 2018. Four years later, this is who we are, what we do. Where will we be in a year? More importantly, who will we be in a year? \
As Covid makes it’s even-year resurgence; it’s election-year encore, the con is exposed to all but the most intellectually non-existent among us. When do we call a coup a coup and present a resistance? Will we let them steal another election cycle? Will we let them abuse us with law enforcement and military or will we, by God, do something about it?
I worked alongside cops in my city throughout my firefighting career. Even with familiarity between us I always had the sense that to them it was them and then there was everyone else. Mutual respect was mouthed but seldom demonstrated. Flash forward to now. I don't talk to cops... ever! I avoid them whenever I can, which is most of the time. I am of the belief that cops will do as they are told by whichever entity signs their pay checks. They act as revenue producers and enforcers. Their weakness is that they do not exist in an encapsulated protected environment 24/7. They and their families live in the same neighborhoods as we do. Their kids attend the same schools. They go to the same churches, grocery stores, and ball games. They shouldn't act the jack-booted thug on duty and expect to enjoy life off duty. Besides, cops are vastly outnumbered by "civilians" wherever they work! As for the military... just look at the mess they have been made into. They could lock down some of the large cities but venturing out they could be picked to pieces and suffer the death of a thousand cuts if the people found the will.
Thank you for another very thoughtful piece.
Where I live, in northern Michigan, the local Sheriiffs and State police are all great, down to earth guys. I don't feel that way when I go down state to the big cities where I get the impression that there is a different agenda in operation. I am sure that this impression is not unique to me or northern Michigan but common in rural areas.
One thing is certain though, is that a blue helmet is a target.
Let's pray that that circumstance never presents it self.