The first horde of invaders should have been machine gunned. That's how an invading army is dealt with in modern time. Kings, nobles, artisans, peasants, used to go out and defend their nations with swords, pitchforks, bows and arrows, halberds, anything that would cause death to the invader. Now, our traitors welcome these invading scum with teddy bears, free housing, free food, free medical, all the time making us pay for it and rubbing our noses in it. People will tolerate being taxed heavily, what they won't take are constant insults and degradations.

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With active military and a host of well-funded NGO's working with the commies to expedite the mobilization of foreign troops into "our" Country, it may take no less than a military action to impede them. The recent video of uniformed military helping crimigrant combatants across the razor wire installed by TX National Guard troops illustrates this well. It's a wide-open fed's vs. States skirmish at this point.

The battle lines could not be drawn more vividly than they are now.

Prepare accordingly.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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You remind us there are things worse than death. We’ve got a lot of work to do. First, accept this is truly what is happening. Second, make our choices. Finally, dig deep and find the guts to do our part.

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Well done as usual.

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As has been written about here and there for those prone to analyzing how we got here, we have been guilted, ridiculed and 'nice guyed' to the point of paralysis, taken collectively. Not an easy fix because to truly fight not only takes anger and guts, it also takes a mean streak; not easy for the Guilted and Stockholmed.

It will take a very fast learn-on-the-job schooling, erasing 'anger management' but converting it into actual, Real Righteous indignation. It will take getting over fear of conflict, and then on to skill in conflict. And it definitely means losing the moral high ground, in a tactical sense because gutter takes gutter to beat it. Religious

scholars write about the ' just war' in which war is war is war. NOT a gentleperson's disagreement and to be fought as such. Some limits - yes. But you still fight to win as fast and decisively as possible.

The traitors and traitor classes be they the cowards or corrupted are getting noticed. But as this article references, it's really the enablers who shoulder VERY much guilt. No matter what they see, what anyone does to them - it's another booster, mask, or paying the increased price for ever-crappier service.

But their guilt lies in what their inaction or compliance has and will do to their families and those that trust in them. No doubt the Warsaw ghettos were filled with Good Jews helping their grandparents onto the trains. Or Cambodia with Good Neighbors looking the other direction when Pol Pot's robots took the teacher away.

'They" do NOT need or deserve respect. They need opposition, mockery, open contempt, and need to be fearful and shy of making yet another degradation to OUR family and friends. Their business need boycotted. Those that are complicit, enable, or feed the beast need to learn those they betray have fangs too. To date those most successful against 'them' are those who are the most belligerent and insulting to them, because most cannot take a fraction of what they dish out.

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Waiting for the pot to boil over for Ft Sumpter redux.

Something about putin declaration about Alaska today.

Sale illegitimate. They know shtf here soon then the ruskies will make a move. That will change things for me personally. The lower 48 is about to change too.

The cracks already there will be splits. 240 years now. It was a good run for the first two anyway.

Despite the northern war of aggression. Good luck to my southern brothers I will do the most I can don't expect to see the other side.

Galls me to know the enemy was always us. I don't suppose even if a few recognize it.

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I had my doubt about the Ukraine invasion. I didn't like Zelensky, but I was wondering whether Putin's expansion out of the Donbass region was signaling more expansionism, which it was. I'm sure Pootie will soon be declaring the Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Finland are actually a part of Russia. Now this arrogant nonsense about the Alaska deal not being legitimate. The only bright spot is that the Russian military is evidently as incompetent that it has been for hundreds of years; they are now bringing in black Africans to fight in Ukraine against 'Nazism and racism'. This is after using muslim Chechens to do their fighting, too. To begin with, I assumed the Russians would roll over Ukraine in a couple of weeks, after all, they're a huge, allegedly well-equipped country fighting a tiny, ill-equipped one.

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I believe when that pot boils, it's going to be a doozy of a boilover. There are so many potential fronts already, and no doubt multitudes more will quickly surface.

Effective comm's, as T.L. so accurately referred to, may hold the key to subscribing to resistance efforts or realizing when a tactical retreat is in order. HAM radio is the only viable option, although without proper safeguards a HAM may bring a focused attack from the air or ground. OPSEC is crucial. Baofeng handhelds were referred to as "missile magnets" by the GWOT fighters in the middle east. The good folks at NCRenegades helped me with my HAM setup, they are wizards.

An "aid and assistance" pact with your surrounding neighbors to help with any security concerns at their doors could prove invaluable. One cannot effectively protect their families when at gunpoint from their doorways, that's where aid and assistance is invaluable.

Stand up, brothers and sisters. The time is near for doing something truly important with the life you have been blessed with. No other viable options available anymore.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Jack Lawson's Civil Defense Manual is great for showing one how to organize block and neighborhood type defensive structures and duties. https://civildefensemanual.com/

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Thanks for the heads-up, Sir.

Oddly, anti-Amerizon seems to be unable to find any copies to sell. I suppose it's that ol' "when you're over the target" thing.

I will continue to search for it. As a side note, certain publications I prefer to obtain in EMP-proof paper book form. This would probably be one of those.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I thought there was a way to order them right from the site. Did it just send you to an Amazon page? If not, Jack is a subscriber so maybe he'll answer in this thread. Yes, the hardcopies are really the only way to keep that vital information.

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Just checked, you can get both volumes from the site. He's only got one set in stock, so you might want to get it.

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No Comment Needed, WTF else can be said. It's Game On, CYA, conduct yourselves accordingly. All the best

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You are so right; either we win or they win. "The start of the bloodiest uprising in the history of the world."-I keep waiting for it. We all keep telling people that it can implode at any moment, yet how many folks are at work, right now, without some hiking shoes, maybe a folding bike, a water filter, and some sort of idea of how to get home to safety? Many I would suspect. Folks think it is all in the future, this start of The Great Reckoning. Yet, in just the time it took me to read this article and write a reply, 2000 people of unknown backgrounds, intentions, or wants will have crossed into this country. Look around you, we are strangers in our own land.

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"They do not realize that their complicity destroyed the world they loved, that failing to say no, cleaved their world in two and it only now balances on the severed ends, waiting for gravity to take over."

So true.

And worse, when the discomforts of the dumpster fire around them begins to stir them from their slumber they will thrash about, grasping for the nearest branch of that old world.

Desperate to cling onto something that affirms their status and their life's work among the accumulating class. They resist the change to the bitter end. Often negotiating for some compromise with the same system bent on their demise, long after it is already clear what is coming.

I think of the terribly disturbing film The Chekist, which illustrates the orderly, systematic disposal of people of all stripes as an evil system is allowed to exist past that point where it can be stopped. It becomes self-propelled, only ceasing when it has consumed too many of its constituents.

The people react when called upon in a variety of ways. But they almost all go with the men to the basement for "questioning" even though they know full well nobody has ever returned from that basement. They line up, follow instructions to undress, and wait their turn to be ended, one at a time. By the time they see that blood on the wall and floors of the basement it is far too late.

In disasters, for all intents, reality is sheered off and set loose into a new world. One that is moving too quickly and in too many odd directions to rely upon the pattern recognition and instincts forged in that old world.

The result is an inability to assess not just the dangers, the ordering of threats, the progression of logic, but that the old reality is gone and that the present reality has an entirely different set of rules and circumstances.

The mind continues to try to map the old reality onto the new even as the new is pressing its new laws in highly visceral ways. In fact, it is the eventual pressing of the hindbrain's most sensitive buttons that have people breaking the important bridge between hind and fore.

So, for many, the mind simply breaks. And so goes the body. They simply sit down and die.

In traumatic events, a great many people end up doing nothing. They are literally the dog in the burning room meme. People will sit on a burning airplane because the seatbelt sign is still on. They will wait for help and die of dehydration with a creek a mile away. They will keep voting long after the "votes" have already been counted.

Others will react, adapt to the stimuli of the new world and find their way out. They will continue to live their way through it even under great pain and suffering.

Still others will invert the situation and with 100% confidence do exactly the wrong things, which after the fact appear to be purely suicidal. These people often lead others to their doom as their confidence is that branch in the creek that we all want to find to pull us back to the shore.

I feel like we are in that moment, when all is cleaving, and there are a great many who are just staying in their seats, as the smoke thickens. There is simply no convincing them.

And so it is important to remember that these moments break people in all kinds of ways. There is always a minority who respond and a majority who do nothing. And another minority who will offer leadership or mere action that entices others but is ill-fated from the start.

There is a tradeoff for our seemingly slow-speed crash. The stimuli are not yet in the collective forebrain. Discomforts not yet to the level of fire melting our hair. This both affords us some precious time to prepare but also leaves a great many of our brothers on that glacier while we are calved out into the unknown.

There is something terrible lurking. A culminating event. But what is knowable now is that the terrible increment of destruction has been underway for quite some time and in its slowness we have collectively lost our ability to sense that people are disappearing, new people are appearing, there is a monolith of immovable narrative, an Official Truth, legions of Ordinary Men making reports and collecting their data, and there are many basements - an empire of basements, waiting for the Badthinkers but hungry for the whole damn world.

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I read a lot. I do it in hopes that I can better develop clearer insights from the writings of people much smarter than I am and my aging brain and see things I may have overlooked or never even thought.

I read someone's thoughts the other day regarding the term "sheeple". We have all used it in an unflattering description of those who are just seemingly followers and posses not an independent thought themselves to put the pieces together to see the scam being played on them. The author dislikes the term "sheeple" and thinks "comfortable wolves" is a better description. He believes (maybe hopes) that once the comfort is removed the wolf will come out. I, myself, have had a similar thought for some time but never considered "comfortable wolves". I, too, thought that we were just too comfortable and therefore were reluctant or dismissive of making the effort to engage the opposition in any meaningful way. I think that our comfort is being drained away at an accelerating rate. Soon we may see if the wolf shows up... or not. This business in Eagle Pass, TX. has potential. We are likely to see soon who has the biggest balls, Abbot or the fake president. Were I the governor I would ask the sheriffs to deputize every veteran in their respective counties, arm them if they have no arms of their own, and proceed to the border should events take a bad turn. Lets see who blinks.

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T.L. thanks for continuing to implore folks to get ready. I'm amazed that so many people believe everything is and will continue to be business as usual. Nothing can be further from the truth. Went on a short road trip this past weekend with a retired buddy. Our conversation was varied with the 6 hours we had together. One significant part was discussing where we are with SHTF preparation. 2 guys at almost 70 years old concerned about what is ahead. I told him that what I feared most is the zombies that will be wandering around with vacant stares of unbelief followed by those that are hungry. Then it will get ugly! I'm as prepared as I can get with the exception of a couple of boy that would be nice to have items. Be well.

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