In the linked article, "Church World Service" appears to be focused on destroying the country.

These NGOs are being funded by malicious actors and the Democrats, but I repeat myself.

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Catholic Charities, Lutheran Family Services, Methodist (UMCOR-GLOBAL) Charities, Jewish (HIAS, BRAC, etc) are all massive global organizations that operate in the open, largely funded by public grants and allocations. They operate in the "road to hell is paved with good intentions" space, dealing with poverty, refugee resettlement, immigration "rights", housing, and economic development.

Their staffs would mirror those of an urban Democrat party field office or graduate program in social services. A lot of credentialed women and limp-wristed males trying to cuttlefish into their favor.

The culture is also shaped by the Open Society cult of free movement, globalist "citizens of the world", socialist/marxist economic redistribution, and anti-White/"colonialism".

The people on the ground believe full well that all of these people are morally entitled to the American Dream, or any other aspect of accessing a higher standard of living by mere want and that the movement of people toward this is righteous.

Not just to bring more equality and justice, but to physically dilute the homogenous White Christian Patriarchy that built and maintained Western Civilization until the progressive cultmarx and enlightenment delusions of liberal democracy ushered in the Great Mind Virus.

There is a lot of open hostility toward Heritage American legitimacy, nationalism, and legacy institutions that do not welcome complete assimilation. They have all read and/or been inculcated by the Howard Zinn revisionist history and satanic inversion in general.

The "religious" base of these organizations exists principally as moral cover, doing "Gods work", while really just serving as a massive grassroots fundraising machine from decent people who look no further than the branding.

The problem from their perspective is that there are borders at all. And that bad White men make and control borders to keep all the nice stuff for themselves. When you understand their mindset, the position of arguing from an economic/skill/utilitarian perspective not just loses traction but actually becomes a problem of accepting and validating a good portion of their moral framing.

We must be prepared to reject the entirety of their moral argument with our own and give no ground which can be made slippery again. This is not a matter of proper paperwork.

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The obvious flaw in the ointment, is that if you import the third world you get the third world. It isn't that whitey keeps it all to himself, it's that he can build it for himself. If they could build it, why would they come here and if they can't build it, moving to somewhere that it is without learning to maintain it will only result in it being what they left. We all know that, deep down, they do too, so isn't it just racist to try and destroy our lives, our culture, our wealth? We all know the answer to that, too.

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Yessir. This is why the globalists work so hard to maintain the power of their magic. They have answers for everything that all lead back to their premise. No matter how ham-fisted, it will all conform.

Argue in the land of magic at your peril.

In the miasma of post-fact narrative shaping that defines their alt-reality, the veracity of their logic is irrelevant. Right down to our innate sense of truth, which is sublimated into the progressive social order to which we all subscribe to varying degrees. Understanding our own role in this is key.

The inversion of truth and beauty, heated by the force and friction of their agitating identity politik, weaponization of our own goodwill and conscientiousness, and top-down economic fiat, boils it all into their delusion of sublime, in chemistry we call that 'vapor.'

The whole thing is a positive feedback loop. Which is a Very Bad Thing.

Their dominance over defining and policing that social order is the fulcrum of their power and thus I think our side of the great divide needs to reckon mighty hard with what it means to break from that. Even if that is in small, incremental moves at first.

Breaking from the prevailing social order is an expensive proposition by nature and so the impulse is that of avoidance, negotiation, and purchasing ways we think are out or around that are, in fact, not escapes but further validation and capital (human and fiat) contributions to our occupiers.

How much time did moving to "good schools" buy us? Better, what did we do with that time? And so, what is different about the next move?

The duality of biological reality that underpins natural law and the Christian moral and social order imposed upon it survived for eons but buckled under the hubris of post-modernism huffing that vapor of enlightenment.

We will not put the paste back in the tube, but we can bring to light the error of our ways.

Your logic is sound and indeed deep down we all know it. But with their magic the reality of your position is merely folded back into their narrative as moral justification. And the physical acts of replacement and subjugation of us as a people and our way of life are sanctification of that orthodoxy.

That sanctification is essential to them because we are literally living proof that destroys their thesis of their supposed globo-utopia by mere nature of our being.

They must destroy our lives, culture, and entirety of our story. A rampage that has sadly yielded many gains to that end.

To steal one of their favorites, this is "existential". Part of the reckoning is accepting that there resides a great bunker of evil beneath our Babylon and its own twisted duality is that it needs us to feed it our souls while doing so also users in our destruction. A literal cult of death.

Thank you for sharing this space to allow these important conversations to flourish.

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What can anyone do as an individual? Are there any legitimate lawfair organizations

representing legacy americans?

That is what people on this side of the divide are disdainfully called.

As you point out, "religious" organizations staffed & funded by bleeding heart dupes are a small example are what turned the Mall of America into the Mall of Mogadishu.

As you also point out, border patrol is now being used to facilitate invasion.

The termites behind this transformation have playing the long game & right now are in almost complete control.

Thankfully there are still a few like T.L. & Vdare

Shouting in the wilderness.

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>>Not that they would anyway, because of their pensions and their total freaking fear of their supervisors, all of whom are cowards and traitors.<<

Describes every government (at any level) lackey that I have ever met. It truly is all about them!! Non-profits are the biggest scam going. There is a woman who writes a frugality blog. For years, she went on and on about how she and the hubby saved; shopping at the grocery story, how she picked up furniture and clothing off the side of the road and out of trash cans, how they "hacked" a Sodastream to save money, blah, blah. It turns out she worked for a non-profit and the hubby is (still) on the executive board of Act Blue. So-hundreds of thousands of dollars flowing in all in the name of being frugal. People have no shame.

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If you cannot shut down an out of control machine the normal way (votes?), the next way is to remove what fuels it. In the case of this globo-homo cabal ruining everything the fuel is money. (Well, fiat dollars to be exact, which is, and never has been, real money.) Dollars, and what/who they can buy with it, is their real power. I keep hoping that global financial crash we've all heard professed for years might do it. They would be so busy scrambling trying to save the crumbs that they may not have time to screw with us. All their minions they have well paid to do the globo-homo's bidding would walk away. Wouldn't that be nice?

Speaking about D.C. cash and its status as "sewage", has anyone noticed the Republican House reps that have recently decided to retire or simply quit like McCarthy did? That Republican majority is quickly slipping away almost like some plan is being worked to ensure Trump, if elected, doesn't have many friends in congress. Maybe some of that D.C. sewage is being used to make an offer of a well-paid early retirement... prepping the battlefield so to speak. Well, something to consider.

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The anti-Trump Republican billionaires are what's fueling the criminal charges and lawsuits, it isn't even the Democrats alone, though they are plenty of it, too. But the RINO billionaires are behind Nikki Haley, too, even though she doesn't qualify for president. It detracts from Trump and that's all they care about, that and the wage depression they get from the border, but the surprise is, those people aren't here to work, so they won't depress wages anything like the multinational corporations want and when the free stuff ends, chaos erupts. Work was never part of it for them.

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My husband saw a video the other day that showed that all those great jobs are being filled by 'refugees', although they are totally unable to do the work. Qualified Americans are being denied these jobs in favor of these Third World sweepings. Because it will eventually become obvious that companies hiring these creatures are failing due to incompetence, I can only come to the conclusion that it is being done deliberately to destroy what little is left of the US economy. This is nothing but communism being pushed incrementally.

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