In the linked article, "Church World Service" appears to be focused on destroying the country.

These NGOs are being funded by malicious actors and the Democrats, but I repeat myself.

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Jan 5Liked by T.L. Davis

What can anyone do as an individual? Are there any legitimate lawfair organizations

representing legacy americans?

That is what people on this side of the divide are disdainfully called.

As you point out, "religious" organizations staffed & funded by bleeding heart dupes are a small example are what turned the Mall of America into the Mall of Mogadishu.

As you also point out, border patrol is now being used to facilitate invasion.

The termites behind this transformation have playing the long game & right now are in almost complete control.

Thankfully there are still a few like T.L. & Vdare

Shouting in the wilderness.

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Jan 5Liked by T.L. Davis

>>Not that they would anyway, because of their pensions and their total freaking fear of their supervisors, all of whom are cowards and traitors.<<

Describes every government (at any level) lackey that I have ever met. It truly is all about them!! Non-profits are the biggest scam going. There is a woman who writes a frugality blog. For years, she went on and on about how she and the hubby saved; shopping at the grocery story, how she picked up furniture and clothing off the side of the road and out of trash cans, how they "hacked" a Sodastream to save money, blah, blah. It turns out she worked for a non-profit and the hubby is (still) on the executive board of Act Blue. So-hundreds of thousands of dollars flowing in all in the name of being frugal. People have no shame.

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Jan 5Liked by T.L. Davis

If you cannot shut down an out of control machine the normal way (votes?), the next way is to remove what fuels it. In the case of this globo-homo cabal ruining everything the fuel is money. (Well, fiat dollars to be exact, which is, and never has been, real money.) Dollars, and what/who they can buy with it, is their real power. I keep hoping that global financial crash we've all heard professed for years might do it. They would be so busy scrambling trying to save the crumbs that they may not have time to screw with us. All their minions they have well paid to do the globo-homo's bidding would walk away. Wouldn't that be nice?

Speaking about D.C. cash and its status as "sewage", has anyone noticed the Republican House reps that have recently decided to retire or simply quit like McCarthy did? That Republican majority is quickly slipping away almost like some plan is being worked to ensure Trump, if elected, doesn't have many friends in congress. Maybe some of that D.C. sewage is being used to make an offer of a well-paid early retirement... prepping the battlefield so to speak. Well, something to consider.

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My husband saw a video the other day that showed that all those great jobs are being filled by 'refugees', although they are totally unable to do the work. Qualified Americans are being denied these jobs in favor of these Third World sweepings. Because it will eventually become obvious that companies hiring these creatures are failing due to incompetence, I can only come to the conclusion that it is being done deliberately to destroy what little is left of the US economy. This is nothing but communism being pushed incrementally.

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