‘What does thinking like a free person look like?”

God did not create a collective race of slaves.

God created man, and gave to him the freedom and the ability to “choose”.

This is the message of the Bible. This is the message of Salvation.

And choices have consequences.

We can choose to believe a lie, but the lie will still kill us.

It may be the lie of a ‘safe and effective’ injection.

It may be the lie that we have a “representative” government.

It may be the lie of “ free and fair”elections.

It may be the lie that this is all “normal” and that things will just work themselves out in the end.

As you so clearly stated,

‘‘The only thing that can stop any of this is recognizing that our freedom comes from God and to demand that freedom.”

Rom 13:11  And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Rom 13:12  The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

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The government wants to be your only god. It's all about power.

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Classic communist m.o.

It also is their religion.

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Crossposted -- thank you for these thoughts!

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Thank you for crossposting!

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Thanks for this TL. This particular subject of taxation (in general) is what started me on this journey several decades ago.

In particular, property tax has gone to my #1 b*tch. The reason being that mine went from under $100 the last 40 years to *just* under $1,000 in 1 year. Imagine my surprise?! The ass(essors) office, in their infinite wisdom(?), declared that since my better half had the audacity to leave this mortal coil, that I was now only *allowed* to claim 1/2 of my homestead exemption (and apparently, home values skyrocketed this year), since she could no longer live in the house (understandable, since she's no longer living!🙄 At least from their outlook anyway)! So, of course, I had to get an attorney involved ($1500 retainer + the under $1,000). Big surprise, huh? I suppose it's good that I have *apparently* found one that I can (somewhat) trust in this regard several years ago.

Anyway, rant over! An excellent post, TL, and one that SERIOUSLY needs to be understood by more folk in ALL it's iterations! Taxation (ALL of it) IS slavery! Nothing less. I've tried since 1980 to make folk understand that fact. But, like so many other things related to actual freedom, the vast majority either don't, can't, or simply don't want to understand. IMHO, that's due to them *not wanting to rock the boat*, having *too much to lose*, or just choosing to be dumb (actual thoughts are not safe for the ignorant, or dummies).

I REALLY wish folk would open their eyes. And taxation isn't the only reason for them to wake up - it is pretty much in their face, though!

Lord have mercy on us (literally) - please!

Y'all take care,


PS: A song by Steppenwolf, named - appropriately - Monster remains so very appropriate today - even though it was originally meant as an anti war song in the sixties. And yes, I'm an un-apologetic rock and roller!😁

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The Who, Won't get fooled again also comes to mind.

While Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Is as always repeating itself .

Were the despots, tyrants, regimes etc.. of the past as obviously stupid and corrupt as the A$$clowns of today?

T.L. thank you for stateing it so well.

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There is a threshold of community where cooperation, including shared resources, is beneficial, but above that threshold becomes an instrument of control of the population. You can see the insidious conversion from cooperative defense to today's fascism by reading the government budgets through the years. Half of the American economy is now maintaining the government. There is no reason to expect that growth won't continue, until we own nothing, as the globalists envision. Do the math. The solution is to reduce the size of government. That means convincing half the population (and growing) that they're better off depending on their own efforts than on government "benevolence." We got here because so many have lost the ability to care for themselves and are utterly dependent on handouts. The government still issues data, probably manipulated, that shows the lowest portion ever of eligible workers actually employed. Your taxes pay for their care. Until we and our neighbors demand reductions in government, and especially the pernicious welfare systems that discourage self reliance, the problems will grow and communism becomes entrenched. Convince your neighbors.

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Right on the $$$$$, David! 'Specially the "convincing your neighbors" part. At this point, I pray that someone - *ell - ANYone has better luck at it than I have!!🙏

Y'all take care,


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My goodness TL, you have summed up, in a few paragraphs, the net of our actual slavery.

Thanks for the reiteration, maybe someone wakes up and smells the coffee.

Property taxes: It is one thing to pay property taxes for services rendered...another to pay

for pols lavish salaries and every grifter "project" and welfare scam. That would be a con and

a fraud. People (house proud) even brag about the property taxes they pay as a status symbol.

I had to leave the city because of these idiot views and I resented the house taxes tremendously.

Now, in the township of the village I pay a fraction of the city tax. Instead of $666.66 (dig the #)

per month, I pay less than $100/month. For this I get trash pick up, and the main road is

plowed and sanded, holes and road flaws are repaired, and in the summer the area next to the

road is mowed and trimmed of excess greenery. Should a tree or pine fall from a storm?

The debris is collected and the road cleared. Some goes to schools, and whatever, but I do not

hate the cost because, for me, it is $ for services, not a total fraud.

Income Tax: Hideous crime galore, then sales tax, and tax tax tax for every and all.

People worked long hours to ensure home and hearth, necessary cost of living, and

any security they may build. Add it all up and it can amount to near 50% of one's

earned money. The rotten bankers brought that tax in way back in 1915 or so and the

race to raise the taxes was on. Certainly subsequent politicians loved to have $$ to play with.

For those that do not know history, or those that never cared as long as they were secure,

it may take time for the communist agenda to sink in.

The whole jab thing and consequences are so awful/hard to even contemplate. Forget

history, just jump to the conclusion = don't want it? Don't take it. Apparently the military

has decided to rescind the mandate, give back pay and have a new policy to give the

military positions back to the refuseniks, forgive and forget I guess. I am not certain about

all this but some documents were posted. Look for yourselves.

Thanks TL, you rock.

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Thank you Suzanna

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Here in Wisconsin, Tim Michels ran against the pansy stroke victim tony evers and narrowly lost to him. I think it was just another cheat. One of Michels' ideas was to abolish the property tax. As far as that goes, if we are actually just renting from the state, then isn't the state responsible for repairs and improvements? Hell, even if we need new appliances the state should ante up for those. By the way, our high school honor students here are unable to make change, my husband and I have had to do it for them several times in the store.

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I was just listening to this beautiful piece of music, with the accompanying lovely pictures, and it really affronts me that God has provided us with this world, and these monsters are doing their best to destroy Him and us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpA0l2WB86E By what right do they have to destroy this beauty?

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Gabby, that's the exact sentiment I've had that has driven me onward in this endeavor of speaking out for over a decade. For me, it's the mountains, where I grew up and visited often the higher elevations, saw incredible sights and awe-inspiring visions that taught me that God did not create Man to be just another creature, but to reflect their appreciation for His beauty and know that He was real. No other animal is capable of that appreciation and art is the product of Man's desperate attempts to capture that beauty and hold it still.

When I saw that the US Government was intent on keeping all of that beauty under lock and key, that only through them might one visit, I became as energized as you are right now.

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Absolutely outstanding! I am astounded on a daily basis when folks tell me that taxes keep us living in a "good" society. No, taxes are the reason for homeless veterans, illegal drug trade, and broken families. When I worked as a caregiver, I took care of this 90 yro woman. The family was very well off financially, and her husband had been chief sheriff of Sacramento County in the 1950's. This woman was so proud of her stepfather, in Minnesota where she was raised, that he bought their house at a tax auction. Evidently the previous owner's family had purchased property in the late 1800's, milled the wood, and built a "grand" house. Why-they couldn't have afforded anything like that if it hadn't been lost because of taxes. Her stepfather had the only job in town at that time, during the Depression, because he was the postman. The ONLY postman. (Wouldn't want the local riff raff in on our monopoly, would we?) She was proud of her husband as chief sheriff; an attorney, politician, and law enforcement officer. I was astonished at her view of the world. So this insanity has been moving along since at least 1913 if not 1859 with Lincoln. Folks have lost the thread of free society, where a free people do what they want, when they want. All of this evilness, and that is what it is-EVIL; has made me question everything. And that is a great thing!

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Absolutely outstanding! I am astounded on a daily basis when folks tell me that taxes keep us living in a "good" society. No, taxes are the reason for homeless veterans, illegal drug trade, and broken families. When I worked as a caregiver, I took care of this 90 yro woman. The family was very well off financially, and her husband had been chief sheriff of Sacramento County in the 1950's. This woman was so proud of her stepfather, in Minnesota where she was raised, that he bought their house at a tax auction. Evidently the previous owner's family had purchased property in the late 1800's, milled the wood, and built a "grand" house. Why-they couldn't have afforded anything like that if it hadn't been lost because of taxes. Her stepfather had the only job in town at that time, during the Depression, because he was the postman. The ONLY postman. (Wouldn't want the local riff raff in on our monopoly, would we?) She was proud of her husband as chief sheriff; an attorney, politician, and law enforcement officer. I was astonished at her view of the world. So this insanity has been moving along since at least 1913 if not 1859 with Lincoln. Folks have lost the thread of free society, where a free people do what they want, when they want. All of this evilness, and that is what it is-EVIL; has made me question everything. And that is a great thing!

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