For all of the speculation about Brunson v Adams, we knew the Supreme Court would never take the case. Didn’t we? There is no end to the humiliation and degradation of those who believe we still live in a constitutional republic. We do not. The sooner folks understand that the United States of America of their youth is gone, consumed by the voracious appetite for power and control of the communists a long time ago, the better. The average American believes that this is not a communist country, because they don’t understand that a permit to build is asking permission from the government to do something with one’s own property. They don’t understand the whole part of “property” which precludes the need to ask anyone anything about it.
I once was talking to a candidate for county commissioner and I asked him the difference between owning something and not owning something. He didn’t understand what I was trying to get at. He said, “well, when you buy something, you own it.” “Like land?” I asked. “I guess,” he replied. “Like this cup off coffee?” I asked, holding up my paper cup. “Yes.” “You don’t see the difference?” “Not really,” he said. “The difference is when I own something, like this cup, no one will ever ask me for another cent, no matter what I do with it, even if I turn it into some sort of dwelling. But land, I don’t own that, because every year I have to pay for it again, to the government, in order to keep it.”
The very concept of property taxes is communist and anyone who benefits from it, or helps to collect it is also a communist. Now think of how embedded the idea of property taxes is in our society and think about how long these communist notions have been festering in a “free” nation.
Anyone willing to force, at the point of a gun, someone off of property they’ve paid every cent to acquire from the previous owner, so the government can sell it and keep the money is also a communist. There is no private property when property tax is collected, that’s all government property that one leases back from the government, even if one has the title to it, the deed.
Whether this all goes back to 1791 or 1871 or 1913 or 1963 (the government coup against Kennedy) is irrelevant other than some intellectual debate hosted by Hillsdale College. We’re living in the midst of a federal government run by unelected, unaccountable clerks and bottle washers in Washington, DC, who believe, and have every right to believe, that they run the country from their cubicles. They will violate any law, quash any right, send the FBI to any house, threaten any person, including Supreme Court justices, to get their way.
The clearly corrupt Soviet-style January 6th committee, as a last middle finger to the rest of the nation, released personal addresses of Republicans so that Antifa and BLM activists will know where to go to threaten and harass them, perhaps even assassinate them. That is not the act of a legitimate, responsible government, it’s the act of a lawless, desperate, hateful bunch of bigots intent on fomenting civil war and an uncivil society where their opponents must be destroyed. That our labors are forced to contribute to these disgusting acts is a crime against the conscience.
There should be no income tax at all, especially not on labor. That’s as communist as it gets, that you owe tax on using your body and mind to make money to secure your own survival. That sounds so crazy, so unjust, so criminal that it’s hard to conceive the logical rationalization for it, but you know where it comes from, the very idea of it? It comes from the petty, jealous, status-conscious worms that wanted to get some of the wealth others had made. It was “tax the rich” from the turn of the previous century communists, who were much more open about who they were and what they wanted. It was the age of labor unions and collectivisms of all kinds. But a tax on wages, one’s hard work, is the same as admitting that the government owns you, your heart, your soul and your sweat. They then threaten you with prison if you don’t perform and pay your debt. One has to give them a cut of the action to keep from being taken out of society and put into prison all because they want to earn money for their family and satisfy their legitimate debts for which they personally benefit. It’s sick, it’s diseased to think like that, but we have allowed it for more than a century. It’s time to stop.
One can only be a slave if they think that they’re a slave; one can only be free if they think that they’re free. What does thinking like a free person look like? Start with no one owes anything to anyone at birth. This is the crime of government debt. This is involuntary servitude when payment for a debt amassed before one’s birth is demanded by the government. The very demand is unjust. Government debt is something no free person can satisfy, that would have to come about by the government itself. If it is entrusted with capital and fails in its fiduciary responsibility, it must find the funds to satisfy that fiduciary responsibility from the present budget, or it is in default. These are things not discussed between those who create government debt and those who profit from government debt. These are the 21st Century slave-owners and they exclude from the negotiation those responsible for the debt, because they are slaves. In effect, this is servitude. They take your wages at threat of prison to service a debt not of your making, encumbering unborn generations in the process. And those subjected to this injustice call themselves “free.”
I don’t mean to insult anyone here. I am no less guilty, but it is no less a crime because I recognize that I am also a victim. Resistance starts, however, with this discussion, this recognition. They say that taxes are the price paid for those things from which all of society benefits. Okay, that has some merit, but when those dollars are merely collected through the police state, laundered through overseas accounts and returned into the pockets of those who extorted it from the people, there is no social benefit. When public schools are used as communist indoctrination centers, the republic does not benefit and so the people of the republic do not benefit and it becomes a crime against the people. Fraud is fraud no matter how well ingrained in the “system.” A system conceived in fraud, but allowed to function for more than a generation becomes ingrained in the minds of those who are brainwashed to believe it’s just the way things are done and they accept it. This is the purpose of multi-generational debt, a normalizing of servitude.
There comes a time when the system is so corrupt that it can no longer stand. That time is now. You know it’s now, because they are now attempting to tell us what sort of stove we can use; our new cars will have kill switches so the government can keep us from freely traversing the state or nation, all things that are anathema to a free people. They are moving toward Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for the same reason they want a kill switch in our vehicles, to trap us into socially-acceptable behaviors, in other words, acting against our own best interests. It’s not about national security or national health, it’s just obviously about control of the population. Why? Because they have greater and greater injustices planned.
It’s hard to conceive of injustices more evil and deliberate than the poisoning of an entire population, but they’ve done so already, proudly, and still encourage taking the poison even as its evil is being revealed in real-time on television to the whole nation who, mostly, continue to believe the lie of “experts are baffled.” They might as well admit that “experts are complicit.” What level of brainwashing and gaslighting can sustain this massive wave of sudden deaths? As it continues, hope begins to diminish for the people of America, they’re believing themselves into graves and no one seems able to stop it.
I’ve heard some brave representatives of the people speak out against the stolen elections of 2020 and of 2022, but I don’t recall hearing it, at least not loud enough to be heard, of the crime of vaxx deaths. In this, they are almost all guilty. On this subject they are almost all guilty of the illusion of taking the jab, when they know it was a placebo with which they allowed themselves to be injected on camera, or it was completely faked. We know this, because we know that none of them are suddenly dying.
The only thing that can stop any of this is to recognize that our freedom comes from God and to demand that freedom. Why does God want us to have freedom? Because it’s only in the free exercise of generosity that is true charity. Charity is not that which is taken from one and given to his fellow. That is theft, coercion and bribery all in one act and so, cannot have virtue.
My novels of freedom Rebel and Rogue are available on Amazon (you can read the reviews there), or through our website 12 Round Productions.
‘What does thinking like a free person look like?”
God did not create a collective race of slaves.
God created man, and gave to him the freedom and the ability to “choose”.
This is the message of the Bible. This is the message of Salvation.
And choices have consequences.
We can choose to believe a lie, but the lie will still kill us.
It may be the lie of a ‘safe and effective’ injection.
It may be the lie that we have a “representative” government.
It may be the lie of “ free and fair”elections.
It may be the lie that this is all “normal” and that things will just work themselves out in the end.
As you so clearly stated,
‘‘The only thing that can stop any of this is recognizing that our freedom comes from God and to demand that freedom.”
Rom 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Rom 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
My goodness TL, you have summed up, in a few paragraphs, the net of our actual slavery.
Thanks for the reiteration, maybe someone wakes up and smells the coffee.
Property taxes: It is one thing to pay property taxes for services rendered...another to pay
for pols lavish salaries and every grifter "project" and welfare scam. That would be a con and
a fraud. People (house proud) even brag about the property taxes they pay as a status symbol.
I had to leave the city because of these idiot views and I resented the house taxes tremendously.
Now, in the township of the village I pay a fraction of the city tax. Instead of $666.66 (dig the #)
per month, I pay less than $100/month. For this I get trash pick up, and the main road is
plowed and sanded, holes and road flaws are repaired, and in the summer the area next to the
road is mowed and trimmed of excess greenery. Should a tree or pine fall from a storm?
The debris is collected and the road cleared. Some goes to schools, and whatever, but I do not
hate the cost because, for me, it is $ for services, not a total fraud.
Income Tax: Hideous crime galore, then sales tax, and tax tax tax for every and all.
People worked long hours to ensure home and hearth, necessary cost of living, and
any security they may build. Add it all up and it can amount to near 50% of one's
earned money. The rotten bankers brought that tax in way back in 1915 or so and the
race to raise the taxes was on. Certainly subsequent politicians loved to have $$ to play with.
For those that do not know history, or those that never cared as long as they were secure,
it may take time for the communist agenda to sink in.
The whole jab thing and consequences are so awful/hard to even contemplate. Forget
history, just jump to the conclusion = don't want it? Don't take it. Apparently the military
has decided to rescind the mandate, give back pay and have a new policy to give the
military positions back to the refuseniks, forgive and forget I guess. I am not certain about
all this but some documents were posted. Look for yourselves.
Thanks TL, you rock.