While I have been alternately called too soft and too hard, often by the same people at different times, what you’re about to read is a straight up analysis of where we are and why winning anything, i.e., freedom, elections, war, at this point, is a non-starter.
The very idea of freedom has been linked inextricably with danger. This is on purpose, of course, because the government doesn’t gain power when freedom prevails among the people. The only logical reason one would give up freedom, is to gain security, so that’s what government offers after they manufacture a sense of insecurity. Being government, it’s nearly incapable of delivering on this security, but it’s really good at trying to convince the populace that their obvious failures are successes of diversity. Joe Biden has been so clumsy at keeping up the ruse that many more people are catching on to how the politicians take good news and claim credit for it and take bad news and blame it on Trump or MAGA Republicans, not the good, bought off, uniparty Republicans, they didn’t do anything to help, but they didn’t get in the way of Joe’s many successes. That’s the message Biden gave the other night in Philadelphia with the scary backdrop and the maniacal threats.
Where this manipulation fails is when the government drops the pretense, as Biden did the other night, and makes it clear that it’s the government itself that people should fear. This article from Gates of Vienna h/t WRSA points that out quite well.
To say that the people (and, by “people,” I mean earners, workers, producers and distributors, or those who would love to be one of them, because they want to work) have been sold out by every single institution in America from the Boy Scouts to the Catholic Church, from one’s employer to their doctor, from the local market to the neighborhood school. Maybe they were threatened too, or paid off, but they caved and began to work against their employees, patients customers and students at the behest of government, the CDC or FDA, or to get a piece of the financial pie. Some are just good communists pursuing the agenda. All of the marbles are stacked against the individual while these overlords of modern society reap the benefits of a totalitarian regime, which is nothing less than survival by victimizing the vulnerable, those who count on them for services.
The looters of Western civilization go so far as to constantly put forth “society” or “democracy” as the reason to castrate oneself. Yes, it’s a communist theme from Hegel himself, but where they are not held responsible by anyone other than the right-leaning websites they aren’t forced to acknowledge the damage they do to “society” and “democracy” in the name of saving it. I’ve gone over the intentional illogical nature of it a number of times, but who is the victim? The individual, who rather than being supreme, as rightfully they need to be, on an equal or better footing than any government agency or bureaucracy before the law, as they would be in the system designed by the founders. It’s the only way a republic can function. They all know that and that’s the reason for the push on societal issues, the group rather than the one. It’s the difference between socialism and a republic.
It’s a vicious cycle, this form of American communism preferred by the globalist elite. They’ve pitted several parts of society against several other parts. Employers force their employees to get a poisonous shot that will ultimately kill them, but not right away. Too many corpses can’t be handled all at once and alarm bells would start going off among the populace, so the immunity is attacked, creating multiple causes of death untraceable to the vaxx, unless one tries really hard and can get that message by the guardian press. They’ve given it a name, Adult Sudden Death Syndrome. Give it a name and it becomes normalized, part of the landscape of the modern world. In truth, it’s the jab, has always been the jab and will always be the jab. They are murderers and anyone who helped push that vaxx is an accomplice to murder. One day the streets will flow with their blood, but not yet, we’re watching television.
The police and military personnel are used and manipulated into turning their awesome power on the people who resist communism. The IRS is weaponized, literally, to intimidate. What this is, is simple systemic terrorism. The FBI doesn’t show up to someone’s house to verify purchases of weapons to make sure there weren’t straw purchases taking place. Not unless there is testimony, a warrant, a reasonable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. The purpose of that visit was to terrorize, to confirm that the individual in question was being watched, like a black car parked across the street for weeks on end, it is, in effect, that same type of intimidation and terrorization taking place in the video. I would not have been as congenial as the homeowner. They wanted to convey that anyone stepping out of line would have the FBI Stasi on their doorstep.
For a long time it’s become customary policework to terrorize, to go after one’s relatives: mothers, daughters, wives, ailing uncles to get to their real target and force them to cooperate to save their loved ones. That very act is depicted heroically in television shows and movies. It’s how they get the “bad” guys, but one person’s bad guy is another person’s hero, especially in such a divided nation as the U.S. It’s no different in some hospitals, where taking the poisonous vaxx is leveraged against seeing a loved-one, being able to enter the hospital at all. Lost is the sense that most hospitals have been built by taxpayer cash, sustained by medicare and medicaid funded by tax dollars. It’s not their hospital, it’s ours, they’re merely hired to run it and seem utterly incapable of doing so in anything other than a Soviet manner. We should not tolerate it, but we do, because we recognize our ailing loved ones as effective hostages.
This is all normalized terrorism and it will continue until the good people of this nation begin to call it out for what it is. These are prosecutable offenses in a rule-of-law republic. How many deaths were caused simply by outlawing safe and effective treatments for Covid like Ivermectin? Millions! And, just like Stalin understood, a single death is a tragedy, a thousand deaths are a statistic. These are the statistics of terrorism. Deborah Birx admitted in her book that she used this normalized terrorism to get people to take the jab; that she KNEW would be ineffective and unsafe. That’s a flat out admission of domestic terrorism, of fascist leverage and there is no effort to have her jailed or executed. What you tolerate you encourage and what you punish you discourage.
It’s kind of amusing to know that all of these public officials, these bureaucrats and clerks, those pushing the jab, forcing businesses to close down costing people their life’s savings over the lousy flu will get their right deserts in the end. Why do I say that? Because it’s known in financial circles that all of these public pension funds, for the cops, the firefighters, the school teachers, the SEIU are heavily invested in China. Chinese corporate reporting is non-existent, at least nowhere near to the degree that U.S. corporations are obligated to faithfully report their earnings, profits and assets to remain publicly listed. In truth, all of that money has already gone up in communist smoke and as long as no one, or not enough of them claim benefits, it can limp along falsifying records to show growth. Research the current state of China’s economy and real estate market. Would the Chinese government protect the investments of American labor unions and government employees at the risk to their own financial skin? Not a chance in a million. It’s all a Ponzi scheme. So, when the globalist elite have drained these public employees of every sense of decency, have used them to inflict harm on others, served them up as scapegoats for the vaxx deaths, a role they so willingly accepted; have made them individually responsible for the deaths of millions worldwide and they’re no longer of any use, the rug will be ripped out from under them, leaving them destitute and answerable to the grieving masses for their deeds.
The thought of it is poetic justice and would be much more enjoyable if the same thing wasn’t being done to everyone else through different means. People are buying electric cars with no means of supplying the demand, certainly not capable of satisfying the legal requirements of Joe Biden’s green energy policies. All of this is reliant on, at best, a tenuous grid. The failure is baked in.
Farms and ranches are being bought up by Chinese, or Bill Gates, or will sell once these forces figure out how to kill all of the cattle, something that seems to have been tested there. It’s been a banner year for food processing centers to go up in flames. When you think of all the energy it takes to destroy America, doesn’t it make more sense to just let it be? I guess not.
Not long ago Zerohedge published this article, describing that the fed already realizes it’s lost control of inflation and instead of doing what they should, what had a chance to work, though it would cause a depression of biblical proportions, i.e., raise interest rates sufficient to stem inflation, they decided in typical 21st Century problem-solving, to raise the target from 2% inflation to 3% inflation on core items. Even that’s a pipe dream. To do the meagre amount of lifting of the basis points to get to 2% would cost on the order of six million jobs, where trading off basis points on interest for unemployment to slow demand and stall inflation, but to allow inflation to rise to 3% would still cost five million jobs. It’s a no-win scenario that’s been obvious to people like Robert Gore of Straight Line Logic for a long time; we had a discussion about it six months ago. NO WIN and all the Democrats and many Republicans care about is keeping the ballot printing operations running at full speed to keep MAGA candidates out of office. Traitors like Mitch McConnell will watch the economy implode two days after the election, when it’s too late to stop any of the planned demolition of America, just to get his cut.
Every wheel in the machine is whirring along, propelling every aspect of modern Western society into the nearest concrete wall. But the one thing that gets to me, that literally drives me mad, at times, is the understanding, the knowledge that we don’t have to take it. These people are just people, they’re no different from some dark-alley mugger who leaps out at innocent passersby and demands their money or their life. Only, the government doesn’t hold out the option of sparing your life, with an estate tax they can get your money and your life and that’s just how they like it.
And yet, we allow it. I’m watching real human beings, mothers and fathers, taking their children to tranny story time to groom them into little sterile transsexuals. This is nothing less than the death of the human race and all with smiles and sympathy for the weird and exotic. I’m watching real mothers and fathers taking their children to the doctor to get the vaxx and I’m disgusted by it, ashamed of it, sickened by it. Student and young athletes are dropping over dead at 22 years old and younger, in the peak of their physical potential and all anyone does about it (21st Century problem solving) is make a up a new syndrome.
If there were going to be any actual fighting over American values, it would have happened by now and I recognize my future as going down with the ship. Like Solzhenitsyn, I will know, deep down in my heart, that we did not love freedom enough.
It’s past time to learn how to grow a garden. If you aren’t well-versed and stocked up, with a strategy to survive; if you haven’t gotten a copy of Jack Lawson’s Civil Defense Manual (I am not financially compensated for that endorsement, it’s just that important); if you haven’t come to terms with the likelihood that your favorite deputy sheriff will feed you to the feds to be part of the “cool” kids, you’re not going to make it.
Some readers have misinterpreted my point of view on voting. If there have not been arrests in connection with the 2020 election, there is no point in voting OTHER THAN as a tactic to make the steal harder, to inconvenience the enemy. The truth is, unless one is engaged in a cheat-harder operation, this election will not yield the purpose of elections, which is to determine the popular sentiment and empower the chosen few to faithfully represent the will of the people.
The realities are that too many Republicans rely on the cheat to win their primaries to ever agree to have those election processes investigated. In fact, if there were ever any proof needed that the last election and many before it were rigged, it’s the incredible lack of interest in the voting process that supposedly ensures their “democracy.” I say “their democracy” because when you listen to any politician speak, you can replace the word democracy with our corruption and what they say after that will make an incredible amount of sense.
My thoughts on voting are these: if you are not going to do ANYTHING else for the republic, then, by all means vote. If you are busy holding some hill or reinforcing some forward troops, you can have a pass. Don’t worry, though, some Democrat will vote for you, because that’s how this works now. Whenever any form of corruption succeeds without penalty, it will multiply until all that’s left is corruption.
The point people need to wrap their minds around is this: since 2016 the nation has been the victim of a coup so massive that most current politicians simply switched sides overnight. Since 2021, the nation has been illegally run by a tyrant and usurper of the will of the people. Forget Trump, he was a means to express the will of the people. When they unseated Trump, they took over the reins of power from the people that will never be returned by any other method than war. To the degree we choose not to fight, is the degree to which we suffer tyranny. Since we are not at war, you might as well vote, just to annoy them, but no return of the republic is possible through the vote, not at this stage. It’s a show of force, at best, but where there is no will to follow up through force, a show of it is just a show.
There are so many other moving parts to this that one post can’t handle it, but throw intentional lack of crop production, the possibly manipulated drought in the Western states that has led to price spikes in feed and the impossibility of paying for it locally. There’s water shortages, power shortages, empty shelves. We are living in 1970s Soviet Russia and just because we still have jobs before the interest rate hikes coming later this year, we ignore it.
What should we do? What can we do? Those who haven’t sought out opportunities to call it out should. If you’re in a community where the sheriff dines at a local restaurant, ask him how he feels about supporting armed IRS agents sent out to harass citizens over misclassified expenses. His response will tell you how much trouble you’re in. Even the FBI doesn’t go to a home without backup from local law enforcement, almost as if they don’t actually have the right or power to question someone who isn’t a suspect without the local law enforcement there as a calming device. They still don’t have the right, but the locals make it seem on the up and up, when it isn’t.
Start asking questions about property taxes, anything. Buy a copy of 9 Principles of Freedom (yes, it’s my book, but I promise I will not get rich from the few who actually follow the link) and use it as a baseline of freedom and ask yourself how you reflect those rights and responsibilities of a free individual. Start thinking like a free individual, not a slave. The body follows where the mind leads.
When I hear anyone speak (write) about the Feds offering security in exchange for giving up some freedom I always think of a pimp. A pimp offers security to "his girls" from being harassed, beaten, or stolen from by the girls "customers" or other pimps. But the exchange is never equal. The pimp takes all the earnings, allowing only enough for the prostitute's bare necessities. The prostitute's must do as they are told or the pimp beats the shit out of them or worse. The citizens accepting the Fed's lie of security for a bit of the citizen's freedom are being pimped as well. There is always the treat of force in both cases should someone disobey.
While those communists have a plan they are working is obvious. Its said that a plan never survives first contact with the enemy... plus, those making these plans are bumbling idiots from what I can see. There are so many agendas and possibilities swirling around, many having the potential for disaster, national and otherwise, I just don't know how all this will shake out. So many are vying for power and influence. Neither can be had by all of them. I put my trust in the Lord. He makes the impossible possible, and He is working His plan, too. Me and my family will follow the Lord and take the path He leads us down. I just don't worry too much about all the rest.
The important question is why some people choose to be terrorized. They enable the enemy, so they, too, become enemies, until redeemed. Really important that we learn why some resist but so many submit. If we can't reverse that, we'll lose.
Sun Tzu wrote that if you know your enemy and yourself you'll never lose. If you know yourself but not your enemy you'll lose half your battles. Those who don't even know themselves lose every time.
Our main opponent is ignorance. Jesse Waters has occasional interviews with extraordinarily ignorant people. Its funny, and it's easy to think they're a setup, or at least cherry picked. They're not. My experience is that level of abject ignorance is really common. We really need to focus on improving the failed ecucation system. DeSantis is turning the tide of propaganda schools by attacking school boards. That's key to saving the country.