"I know not what course others may take, ..."

I am ready.

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The problem being the realities of today are too horrible to believe that there is a body of elite that are depopulating the earth, selling its children into sex slavery or making the citizens of the world slaves, “for their own good.”

At least in this country, the common people have lived under the illusion that the government is unquestionably good and to speak against it is unpatriotic.

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True, what you say about "realities"...horrible indeed, yet they are today's version of what

has always been so. History tells us the exploitation of children and a penchant to create

slaves has been a reality throughout the ages. It is a dilemma we must first face, then rail


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Lenin said "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." That's been a central tactic of socialists ever since, leading to the current control of the failed education system by socialists. It's not abuse if the victims don't feel abused. They've taught current kids and several generations of their parents to like abuse. Resolution requires major reforms of the failed education system, and re-education of its victims. The important first step is passage of laws to allow prosecution of the abusers. Virginia fought back and elected rational leaders, but so far they have been ineffective. We need to become more aggressive in demanding our legislators to accomplish the necessary reforms.

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I fear we cannot go back, they believe they've found the key for public outrage, which is to ignore it completely. The media aids in this even with Republicans, if it's a communist issue. None of the outrage over the gun issue will even exist to the greater share of the public, because the RINOS will sell us out and the media will ignore any backlash. They feel untouchable and many, I'm convinced, use the same vote rigging organizations that the communists use to keep from feeling the heat for their actions.

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Maybe. Probably not a question of whether we will go back, but when. Most people inherently want liberty and health, and when both are threatened simultaneously we're wired to panic. When we panic we behave irrationally. As the threats subside, so will the panic, and rationality will return, such as it is. Normal irrationality, I suppose. It's never a straight path.

The demons who initiated this threat environment might try to continue it. Probably not, because even the dumbest fascists know too much oppression invites rebellion, which tyrants seldom survive.

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Just excellent, and something to reflect on and make decisions by...

"the sovereign individual". anathema to those who would be king.

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Kings are allowed to exist because most people are easily manipulated, and it's easy to rationalize the benefits of serfdom as sufficient to tolerate the insults. But people can be manipulated by warriors among them as much as they are by their kings. We who choose not to be bound by the yoke of tyranny have a duty to resist, but also a duty to convince others to resist. It's important to prepare to confront the king, but also to recruit and organize others. We must all be vocal advocates of liberty. The win goes to the best team.

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@David Watson,

Absolutely correct, yet your a key word re: Virginia, is "ineffective".

People that spoke out at school board meetings have been ruled

"domestic terrorists" which is a dangerous concept to realize.

We are captured citizens in a war against the people in the USA.

We do not need more data to confirm that our status is as subjects

or slaves. Consider the "lock-downs" as an example. "...more aggressive

in demanding..." well I'm not sure about that. The "legislators" ignore

the people, and if they become too noisy? Cancelled, or much worse.

I won't give more examples and be redundant. It is a big mess, and we

are in big trouble.

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I worked with a guy whose passion was coon hunting. He had a champion coon dog named "Old Hamp". Old Hamp was said to have been worth a lot of money, and his owner loved coon hunting so much that seldom would a night go by, even out of season, that the two of them didn't go out. Old Hamp's owner once told me that when they were out on a cold Winter night and he, the owner, had to 'take a squat', he called Old Hamp over and wiped using the dog's ears. The ears were soft and warm, he said. How could you do that to a champion coon dog, I asked? Oh, he thinks I'm being nice to him, was his reply. Too many Americans are like Old Hamp. Even as the government wipes with them they don't know they are being abused. After all, whats a little abuse anyway when you are allowed to have your comforts. Americans as a whole are too comfortable, and waiting for any laws to fix things is wishful thinking. Considering those making the laws are actually the problem then most Americans are destined to remain like Old Hamp... the government will wipe their ass with them whenever the government wants.

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"Soon, we’ll have to disregard the orders of liars and cowards to save our own souls."

Absolutely. Soon is now. Right now. The insults to the psyche of the average citizen

are already beyond the pale. What to do? Start with disengaging. Bit by bit and step

by step move away from the matrix. Our politicians and their puppet masters giving

money, are beyond repair. They are all monsters and we know it. Time to admit it and

work for yourself and for your community.

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Well said, my friend. When even the children become targets and sacrificial lambs to the agendas of the Elite, we know that we are in the End Times. When so FEW are willing to stand and speak freely in opposition, we can be almost certain that the desire for Freedom has been lost.

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