I see your point, maybe it would be good to do, but, the pardons should come with conditions, one being that the pardoned steps down and is disqualified from ever holding a position in any government position ever again, even as a dog catcher.

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I agree with that.

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Fabulous idea,

and a ban against returning to "public servant" roles

is necessary as well. Having criminals pay fines is an idea also

for consideration. Most would be satisfied to see them out and gone.

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This does not apply to state or civil charges, only federal charges. They could be sued by anyone hurt by the policies they are forced to admit they implemented. All of the J6 hostages would have a great opportunity to sue these people individually.

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There are so many crimes, so many criminals, that it's mind-boggling. During the French Revolution, it was "off with their heads" for even part-time workers at the Tax Bureau.

To do that in the USA would make the streets of DC run red with blood.

We don't want that.

So, fine, pardon 'em all, but make them leave the country and ban them from coming back. Also, take their assets with fines and penalties. Give them a pittance to take with them when they leave. If the criminals don't like those terms, they can fight it out in court for years and get drained of assets that way.

This is the zero-sum politics we live with today.

It sucks.

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Bad Idea.

If Trump pardoned all these swine for crimes "which they have committed or may have committed or taken part in" he would lose all leverage. At that point what would stop them from giving the administration the finger and continuing in their cozy positions? How many of them would tell the truth and chance losing their revenue stream, their position in society- and maybe their lives. After all, accidents and street crime does happen, and amazingly, sometimes people even die in federal custody. All that would be left is using some of the leverage which would be a part of the prosecutions from the beginning, indict relatives and associates more distant from the crimes, and hope they give up something worthwhile to save their ass... If they dare.

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This was more in response to Biden pardoning them, not Trump. They will already lose their security clearances, which most of the people parlay into cushy jobs with lobbying firms and think tanks. That will be gone regardless of a pardon.

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America crossed the rubicon years ago. We are no longer a country with rule of law instead, we have rule of men. Every institution in this country has been compromised. Not only all government agencies but, academia, medicine, the military, and many of our churches.

Pardoning these traitors will only accomplish getting them off the hook. Testify at congressional committees? How have those circus events gone on in recent years?

I will have to see actions actually take place after 1/20, to believe we will see real change and justice served. My trust factor is lower than a snakes belly but, I would love to be proven wrong.

Lastly, I still believe something really, really big is looming just over the horizon that will shake us all to the core. It may make all of what we are talking about a moot point.

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What they testify to leads them lower down the ladder, effectively a house-cleaning and, as I wrote in the previous reply, they will lose their security clearances that most of these jokers use to keep the bucks flowing. That will stop either way.

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T.L. I really, really, really like the way you're thinking! Let the left eat themselves as they sramble to get free of their tar baby!

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Agree with some of the points.

Ya lost me at "chem trails"

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While quite skeptical, even RFK Jr. brought it up, so that will be something we can get more information on. As far as do I think the government would do such a thing, tell me why not?

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Elements of the U.S. government have performed experiments disbursing various chemical & biological elements from aircraft.

No "documented" aerial release of

anything harmful however by the USG.

Was covid the first? Who knows?

To this day there are plague outbreaks in central China due to an intentional release of infected fleas by the Japanese army.

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I am from an avation family several active. One profesional.

"Con trails " connensation trails

Are formed when moisture in the air condenses due to a warm object passing through the atmosphere. Aircraft engine exhaust either piston or jet at high altitude causes this.

I don't know when the first ignoramous looked up & started the whole "chem trail" thing but it definitely took off so to speak.

That said, whatayagoingtodo


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As a jet mechanic myself, at least at one time, I fully understand contrails. What I don't understand is the idea of a contrail lasting all day long and widening. That's the part that I find difficult to correlate with a contrail. Often, contrails only last a short distance behind the aircraft, other times, and less often, the jet might actually be out of sight by the time they dissipate. In Eastern Colorado, a great portion of the sky is covered with contrails then. From what? Thousands of jets? All day long? While I'm not a great believer in Chemtrails, I notice when we moved to Texas, even with jets crossing less often, there's totally blue skies all day long, many times, the jets don't even show a contrail, those that do are still visible when the tail disappears. It's a curiosity for me more than a strident belief, but I recognize the difference and that some states, like Tennessee has either banned them or like Texas demanded to know what is in the chemtrails, thus stopping their use.

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Atmospheric conditions are always changing.

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I was approached with this over twenty years ago and had the same response as you. Since then, with a number of new revelations and whistleblowers coming forward (still skeptical even then) I wouldn't mind if RFK Jr. looked into it. If he dispels it, I'm fine with that. Then, there's another reason so many in the Eastern Colorado region I'm familiar with have been getting sick at a much higher rate than average.

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Where I'm at there is a higher than avarage incidence of multiple sclorosis, supposedly because of a lot of the founding stock had scandinavian roots.

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This MUST end badly for all the traitors.

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