I wish more people could see the United States Government for what it really is, a brutal organization seeking every means of stepping on one’s neck while they rip the wallet from their back pocket.
"PATRIOTISM means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him in so far as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth—whether about the President or about anyone else—save in the rare cases where this would make known to the enemy information of military value which would otherwise be unknown to him." May 1918, Metropolitan Magazine,May 1918, Volume 47, Number 6, in "Lincoln and Free Speech" by Theodore Roosevelt
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else." The Kansas City Star, May 7, 1918, in "Sedition, a Free Press and Personal Rule", by Theodore Roosevelt
"The President or any other public official" could easily be extended to mean "the US government"...
And what did Roosevelt mean by "the country"? Is it the ground below our feet, or is it something greater - perhaps an idea embodied in this:
"We hold these Truths to be self evident; that all Men are created equal and independent; that from that equal Creation they derive Rights inherent and unalienable; among which are the Preservation of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these Ends, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed; that whenever, any form of Government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter, or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its power in such Form, as to them shall Seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown, that Mankind are more disposed to Suffer, while Evils are Sufferable, than to right themselves, by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, begun at a distinguish'd Period, and pursuing invariably, the same object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Power, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." ....
To what? As in, I love my country and loathe my government. We all are responsible for the mess we’re in. Whether we all can commit to the fight to fix it is a question. What was the percentage of Americans who started the Revolution in 1776 and then finished the fight? What will that percentage be this time? I don’t know what it will be like, but I’m in.
You have a good brain and your work is important - maybe even to increase that percentage. God bless you and your family.
I was thinking, that as we are paying rent to the govt even if we ostensibly own our house, isn't the govt, as our landlord, responsible for repairs and upgrades, and shouldn't they also be paying our utility bills?
Our "rep's" seem to view us (their supervisors/constituents) with the same barely hidden disdain they exhibit to the governments they create just to topple at a later date. That's kind'a ominous.
As readers of this substack are well aware of the communists one calls fedgov and stategov have been attacking Citizen's Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. These .gov attacks against the 2nd Amendment and Citizen's Freedoms have accelerated tremendously over the last four years. Today, every Article of the Constitution has been spat upon and eradicated by the traitors one calls "government". The most grievous and numerous attacks have been against a Citizen's Right to self-defense; the private ownership of weapons and firearms.
I ask readers how long would it take for the SWAT teams, state police and FBI/.gov tyrants to cease their armed attacks against American citizens if those same traitors were met by a fusillade of hot lead upon their attacks against fellow citizens ?
I have long advocated the use of deadly force by American Citizens against the treasonous, seditious and armed attacks perpetrated upon fellow Citizens by .gov tyrants under the color of law. Until armed government thugs are sent home to their loved ones in bodybags the continuing and growing attacks by government agents against our fellow citizens will continue.
Sometimes Violence IS the answer. Witness the action to arms on 19 April 1775 at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. Use the example set forth by Patriots against the tyranny of King George III.
Mr. Davis, thank you for your kind words. They are much appreciated.
Should you look in a mirror you will see the hardest working, nose-to-the-Freedom & Liberty grindstone, never give up American Citizen of the first order....YOURSELF ! Men such as yourself should be found in America's history books. As a matter of fact they are already there....the Founding Fathers.
I can never thank you enough for your decades upon decades of work, travel, speaking and publishing of so many words supporting the Constitution and your fellow Americans. You T.L., will always be the definition of Patriot.
Amen! These wanna be operators would stop immediately if they realize there are consequences. I’m a retired army infantryman and pilot. Been to war as both. I know this the hard way. Shame these assholes can’t just honor the oath they took. From the highest General and Lawmaker to the rookie cop. OBEY YOUR OATH!
There aren't that many true patriots left. Few folks have ever read the Constitution and even less have a copy in their home. Many of us can attain warrior status mentally but few can withstand the physical and mental rigors required to maintain an offensive front and face death or watch someone die in front of them I have seen folks destroy black rifles on their first trip out. Burning the barrels up blowing through a five hundred round box of ammo. They don't even realize they now possess a piece of black junk with no accuracy. Everyone wants to pretend SWAT. I have seen a local militia dissolve due to big balls, no brains, and a lack of discipline. Yesterday I talked to a young man who told me all about building his own AR! He has never fired it but he has one. It's become a marketing scheme now. Just yesterday an article proclaimed an anticipated powder shortage. I'm sure folks hit the stores to buy even more ammo. For what?
I've just finished reading The Fourth Turning for the second time. Although prophetic in nature it is a secular history book. This is not an end times book. Originally published in 1997 it details cyclical societal collapses that have occurred about every 100 years since the 1400’s. Each 100-year saeculum consists of 4 -20 year “Turnings”. Much like yearly seasons, they will occur and the cycle cannot be stopped. Paraphrasing Winston Churchill- if you look far enough back you can see the future. We are currently in the Fourth Turning. Winter, a time of hardship, crisis, and chaos is upon us. Can you deny that? You can't predict the outcome, there are too many variables. Understanding this has reduced my mental stress considerably. It helps me be prepared.
You touched on something that has bothered me and I've written about it a time or two. It isn't how big your gun is, what caliber, how many rounds, how far you can shoot and how accurate you are, if you fail to have the will to go to the right place, have the right target and be willing to pull the trigger, you really have an expensive pile of junk for someone else to sort through.
Exactly. The will to destroy comes first. Offensive and defensive activity are different emotions driving diferent outcomes. AR's are capable of hitting targets out to 400 yards. Battle rifles are standoff weapons. Why get close and personal if you don't have to? The farther away the target is the less personal and visual/emotional. Distance and cover are force multipliers. Enough of that. I pray we don't go kinetic.
Extracted from the Declaration of Independence: "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT (emphasis mine)....But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
ALCON, if you do nothing else today read the Declaration of Independence. For America's present government today has exercised "....a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having...the direct establishment of an ABSOLUTE TYRANNY". Folks we are there....it is HERE !
This is no longer the country I was born into nor the country I served for more than three decades.
Our once great country is being INVADED; under PHYSICAL ATTACK ! Orchestrated, condoned and encouraged by the multitudes of traitors, enemies domestic, ensconced within the 10 square miles of Washington District of Communists, headquartered in the People's White House.
A peaceful solution is prefered over creating martyrs for the other side. Martyrs bring about future terrorists. BUT if there is no other alternative i will in be the shadows waiting and watching. Ready to do my part to restore the Republic! I grew up in a military family. I have 3 siblings born overseas. Myself, I was born in Alaska before it was a state. My dad spent almost 2 years in 'nam before most knew it was a country. I spent only 4 in the USN. I understand the military mindset. However, nations and societies collapse about every 100 years. This is a historical fact. The outcome can't be determined this early in the process. Let us give it a little more time to see who is a talking head and what side they align with. The perpetrators have done a good job creating a tribal situation which I believe may trump patriotism. Go Wolverines!
Mr. French, our country (what remains of it) is under foreign enemy invasion courtesy of the usurpation of the Executive Branch accompanied by the co-conspirators lodged within the legislative and judicial branches of fedgov. "We The People" no longer have any control over the scourge of traitors within every branch of government. We cannot vote our way out of this coup d'etat.
If you have read the Declaration of Independence it is apparent to me you have sloughed off the words, ignored the writings contained therein. The Declaration of Independence is a call to arms ! It is not a document to be passed around the campfire while the progressives, the domestic enemies, the communists share a joint and sing Kumbaya.
I would ask you to refrain from embracing both your and your family's claimed "service" in the armed forces of this formerly great nation. In my experience(s) I have determined the armed forces of FUSA are FILLED with Marxists and enemies of Citizen Patriots. As two examples of the seditious scoundrels comprising and controlling the Marxist ideologies being utilized in Amerika's armed forces today, I give you the 28th Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff USAF General Charles Q. Brown ("Charlie Brown". No joke).
Myself I have often remarked over the years, that without the WILL to use assorted tools against our domestic enemies, the .gov tyrannies will not only continue, but increase in severity.
"PATRIOTISM means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him in so far as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth—whether about the President or about anyone else—save in the rare cases where this would make known to the enemy information of military value which would otherwise be unknown to him." May 1918, Metropolitan Magazine,May 1918, Volume 47, Number 6, in "Lincoln and Free Speech" by Theodore Roosevelt
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else." The Kansas City Star, May 7, 1918, in "Sedition, a Free Press and Personal Rule", by Theodore Roosevelt
"The President or any other public official" could easily be extended to mean "the US government"...
And what did Roosevelt mean by "the country"? Is it the ground below our feet, or is it something greater - perhaps an idea embodied in this:
"We hold these Truths to be self evident; that all Men are created equal and independent; that from that equal Creation they derive Rights inherent and unalienable; among which are the Preservation of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these Ends, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed; that whenever, any form of Government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter, or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its power in such Form, as to them shall Seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown, that Mankind are more disposed to Suffer, while Evils are Sufferable, than to right themselves, by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, begun at a distinguish'd Period, and pursuing invariably, the same object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Power, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." ....
To what? As in, I love my country and loathe my government. We all are responsible for the mess we’re in. Whether we all can commit to the fight to fix it is a question. What was the percentage of Americans who started the Revolution in 1776 and then finished the fight? What will that percentage be this time? I don’t know what it will be like, but I’m in.
You have a good brain and your work is important - maybe even to increase that percentage. God bless you and your family.
Thank you. The whole question rests on that answer, how many this time?
I believe that only one third of the Colonials were in favor of a break with England, a third didn't care either way, and a third were loyalists.
Mobocracy is when two wolves and a lamb vote on what's for dinner. Yup. And liberty is when the lamb has a gun.
If you think you own your house watch what happens when you don't pay your property taxes.
I was thinking, that as we are paying rent to the govt even if we ostensibly own our house, isn't the govt, as our landlord, responsible for repairs and upgrades, and shouldn't they also be paying our utility bills?
"Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." Barry Goldwater
Our "rep's" seem to view us (their supervisors/constituents) with the same barely hidden disdain they exhibit to the governments they create just to topple at a later date. That's kind'a ominous.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Hello to all and good morning,
Nothing for me to add, because it was all articulated so well by our author and commenter
Thank you
As readers of this substack are well aware of the communists one calls fedgov and stategov have been attacking Citizen's Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. These .gov attacks against the 2nd Amendment and Citizen's Freedoms have accelerated tremendously over the last four years. Today, every Article of the Constitution has been spat upon and eradicated by the traitors one calls "government". The most grievous and numerous attacks have been against a Citizen's Right to self-defense; the private ownership of weapons and firearms.
I ask readers how long would it take for the SWAT teams, state police and FBI/.gov tyrants to cease their armed attacks against American citizens if those same traitors were met by a fusillade of hot lead upon their attacks against fellow citizens ?
I have long advocated the use of deadly force by American Citizens against the treasonous, seditious and armed attacks perpetrated upon fellow Citizens by .gov tyrants under the color of law. Until armed government thugs are sent home to their loved ones in bodybags the continuing and growing attacks by government agents against our fellow citizens will continue.
Sometimes Violence IS the answer. Witness the action to arms on 19 April 1775 at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. Use the example set forth by Patriots against the tyranny of King George III.
Dan in Erie County, Pennsylvania
One of the earliest patriots I met and one of the most ardent defenders of liberty that I know, Dan from PA
Mr. Davis, thank you for your kind words. They are much appreciated.
Should you look in a mirror you will see the hardest working, nose-to-the-Freedom & Liberty grindstone, never give up American Citizen of the first order....YOURSELF ! Men such as yourself should be found in America's history books. As a matter of fact they are already there....the Founding Fathers.
I can never thank you enough for your decades upon decades of work, travel, speaking and publishing of so many words supporting the Constitution and your fellow Americans. You T.L., will always be the definition of Patriot.
May God Bless you all your days.
Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania
Thank you, Dan. I'm humbled by that.
Amen! These wanna be operators would stop immediately if they realize there are consequences. I’m a retired army infantryman and pilot. Been to war as both. I know this the hard way. Shame these assholes can’t just honor the oath they took. From the highest General and Lawmaker to the rookie cop. OBEY YOUR OATH!
There aren't that many true patriots left. Few folks have ever read the Constitution and even less have a copy in their home. Many of us can attain warrior status mentally but few can withstand the physical and mental rigors required to maintain an offensive front and face death or watch someone die in front of them I have seen folks destroy black rifles on their first trip out. Burning the barrels up blowing through a five hundred round box of ammo. They don't even realize they now possess a piece of black junk with no accuracy. Everyone wants to pretend SWAT. I have seen a local militia dissolve due to big balls, no brains, and a lack of discipline. Yesterday I talked to a young man who told me all about building his own AR! He has never fired it but he has one. It's become a marketing scheme now. Just yesterday an article proclaimed an anticipated powder shortage. I'm sure folks hit the stores to buy even more ammo. For what?
I've just finished reading The Fourth Turning for the second time. Although prophetic in nature it is a secular history book. This is not an end times book. Originally published in 1997 it details cyclical societal collapses that have occurred about every 100 years since the 1400’s. Each 100-year saeculum consists of 4 -20 year “Turnings”. Much like yearly seasons, they will occur and the cycle cannot be stopped. Paraphrasing Winston Churchill- if you look far enough back you can see the future. We are currently in the Fourth Turning. Winter, a time of hardship, crisis, and chaos is upon us. Can you deny that? You can't predict the outcome, there are too many variables. Understanding this has reduced my mental stress considerably. It helps me be prepared.
You touched on something that has bothered me and I've written about it a time or two. It isn't how big your gun is, what caliber, how many rounds, how far you can shoot and how accurate you are, if you fail to have the will to go to the right place, have the right target and be willing to pull the trigger, you really have an expensive pile of junk for someone else to sort through.
Exactly. The will to destroy comes first. Offensive and defensive activity are different emotions driving diferent outcomes. AR's are capable of hitting targets out to 400 yards. Battle rifles are standoff weapons. Why get close and personal if you don't have to? The farther away the target is the less personal and visual/emotional. Distance and cover are force multipliers. Enough of that. I pray we don't go kinetic.
Mr. French,
You wrote: "I pray we don't go kinetic."
Extracted from the Declaration of Independence: "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT (emphasis mine)....But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
ALCON, if you do nothing else today read the Declaration of Independence. For America's present government today has exercised "....a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having...the direct establishment of an ABSOLUTE TYRANNY". Folks we are there....it is HERE !
This is no longer the country I was born into nor the country I served for more than three decades.
Our once great country is being INVADED; under PHYSICAL ATTACK ! Orchestrated, condoned and encouraged by the multitudes of traitors, enemies domestic, ensconced within the 10 square miles of Washington District of Communists, headquartered in the People's White House.
Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania
A peaceful solution is prefered over creating martyrs for the other side. Martyrs bring about future terrorists. BUT if there is no other alternative i will in be the shadows waiting and watching. Ready to do my part to restore the Republic! I grew up in a military family. I have 3 siblings born overseas. Myself, I was born in Alaska before it was a state. My dad spent almost 2 years in 'nam before most knew it was a country. I spent only 4 in the USN. I understand the military mindset. However, nations and societies collapse about every 100 years. This is a historical fact. The outcome can't be determined this early in the process. Let us give it a little more time to see who is a talking head and what side they align with. The perpetrators have done a good job creating a tribal situation which I believe may trump patriotism. Go Wolverines!
Mr. French, our country (what remains of it) is under foreign enemy invasion courtesy of the usurpation of the Executive Branch accompanied by the co-conspirators lodged within the legislative and judicial branches of fedgov. "We The People" no longer have any control over the scourge of traitors within every branch of government. We cannot vote our way out of this coup d'etat.
If you have read the Declaration of Independence it is apparent to me you have sloughed off the words, ignored the writings contained therein. The Declaration of Independence is a call to arms ! It is not a document to be passed around the campfire while the progressives, the domestic enemies, the communists share a joint and sing Kumbaya.
I would ask you to refrain from embracing both your and your family's claimed "service" in the armed forces of this formerly great nation. In my experience(s) I have determined the armed forces of FUSA are FILLED with Marxists and enemies of Citizen Patriots. As two examples of the seditious scoundrels comprising and controlling the Marxist ideologies being utilized in Amerika's armed forces today, I give you the 28th Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff USAF General Charles Q. Brown ("Charlie Brown". No joke).
Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania
Myself I have often remarked over the years, that without the WILL to use assorted tools against our domestic enemies, the .gov tyrannies will not only continue, but increase in severity.
As they have.
Mr. Davis,
Pardon my tardy reply.
Having the WILL to pull the trigger is the key. That and getting organized.
Today is 21 MAR 24. The Texas border is being physically attacked. When will we arrest biden and cabel ?
Deadly force is the ONLY answer to stop the invaders.
Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania