May 15, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis


Yes, by all means travel to the border, but remember, reporters

were harassed and arrested for taking pictures. Talking with the

locals about their version of the situation would be invaluable.

Destroying the grid? Many ways to do that. Three months later

the commies can sweep out what is left of the undesirables and

deplorables and sell everything, and then they can relocate to one

of their lavish chalets.

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I heard that some South Texas Citizens were experiencing illegal Invasion "Shut In" syndrome unable to go oustide their homes due to Illegals in their yards!!! ???

The Missus and Myself were thinking of renting a place down in El Paso to see it for ourselves, but then, Do I want to be Jailed in TX or just wait a bit and see it here in JawGA??? Either way it's going to be getting sporty or dire depending on how long you've been waiting for TSTHTF.

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May 15, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

"The chair is against the wall!"

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May 15, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Yes T.L. I think it is an excellent idea that you go to the border and report on the plight of the ranchers during this invasion. Nobody could do that better than you and I would definitely think that you could sell it to “Range” and the like. The ranchers are always abused and never really have a voice. And why not accept donations to help with your expenses like you did for the trucker convoy? Just a thought.

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May 15, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

You and yon

A Good team

On the border

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A MOST excellent post TL! The thing was right on in it's entirety. A summary of the whole rotten barrel of apples, and a *few* of their methods.

As to the idea of a trip to the non-existent border, IMO it's a great idea. I'm also open to making a contribution. If you hooked up with Mr Yon for this trip, that would be WAY beyond awesome!! It might be less than ideal to do so alone, though. YMMV. Anywhooo, if the trip becomes doable, I know I don't have to tell you, but I must - watch yer six - carefully and constantly!

Y'all take care,

Mike in FLA.

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Late to the party please do go to the border. The more people telling the truth the better. Thank you.

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