All of this seems very simple to me, how do the politicians continue to dodge such easy questions? Number one, how is it possible to overlook the simple, rational mathematics of the 2020 presidential election? Especially, since having witnessed it, nearly 70% of the people believe rigging will play a role in determining the next election. Why can’t you just do everything possible to ensure the next election to restore faith? That seems simple enough, paper ballots and ID to vote. It should be the highest priority of a “democracy” and a democratic republic.
Though I have heard and even when I looked online, I found that there were 133 and 141 million registered voters depending on the source. I have since come to doubt that, but not to negate the overall argument. Since that is the crux of the argument, however, it seems like we ought to get to the bottom of the actual figure. The Census Bureau claims that 155 million Americans voted in 2020 out of 210 voting age citizens (perhaps even non-citizens) they aren’t clear on this, but being of voting age does not make one “registered.” On another site I found more reliable figures and verified them by going state to state and totaling all 50 plus the District of Columbia that placed the “registered” voters at 168.31 million. That still doesn’t mean they are legally registered to vote. But I’ve been wrong in quoting the lower number. That doesn’t alleviate the numerical anomalies of the 2020 election, because everyone knows there has never been 100% turnout. At best, traditionally, it runs at about 75% of registered voters give or take.
It’s important then to look at the percentages of registered voters who vote. The Census Bureau admits that the 2020 election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st Century at 66.8% of voting-age people participating and claiming that it was the ability to vote early and through the mail that led to this increase. A more skeptical mind would wonder where they’re getting their figures and the more one looks at the Census Bureau’s figures, it appears that they’re taking the recorded votes as representing only registered and legal voters, which their numbers, when put against others don’t hold up.
For the sake of argument, I’ll look at the 168.31 million figure for the 2020 election as it is not out of the statistical average over a more than 20 year span. In 2016, there were 157 million. We know that the recorded votes in 2020 was 155 million and that in 2016 there were 135 million votes with five candidates running, That’s still 20 million more voters than ever before without much to give a logical reason for the increase. The top two vote-getters, of the five in 2016, Republican and Democrat got 129 million votes. In 2012 there were 127 and in 2008 there were 130 million. It would seem to me that the 130 million voters in 2008 would be a good water mark and 135 in 2016 would reflect both the inspiration of voting for a woman that brought out more votes and the popularity of Trump that brought out more as well. A lot of people said that both Trump and Hillary inspired them to vote for the first time, or the first time in a long time. In that context, the 130 million who voted in the 2008 election makes sense. It was Obama’s first run and it’s logical that more people came out to vote for the first black man (as they saw him) for president and quite a few came out to vote against him for the same reason. I don’t believe that McCain himself inspired the 60 million votes he received. So where did this sudden 20 million extra votes come from if not from cheating?
Given that as the averages over several election cycles, let’s see what the percentages of registered voters to actual votes turn out to be. In 2008, Obama’s first run, there were, according to the best source I have, 146.31 making it 89%. In 2012, with the fervor for the “first black president” eroded and the novelty gone only 127 million votes were cast, 3 million less than 2008 and there were 153 million registered voters for a percentage of 83%. That’s what a typical presidential election looks like. For example, in 2004 there were 121 million votes cast and there were 142 million registered voters for a percentage of 85%. In 2000, one of the most hotly contested elections, coming down to the Democrat challenge of the election to dimpled and “hanging” chads that had to be counted in favor of the Democrat, the total votes were 100 million and the registered voters were 129 million for a percentage of 77%. If we go back to 1996, there were 94 million votes cast and 127 million registered voters for a percentage of 74%.
Usually, when you get to the percentages, they don’t often vary. That’s why the jump from an average of around 75% participation in presidential elections, to 85% in 2004 seems unusual. Ten percentage points in one year? Conspicuously this comes after an election that was so close that chads had to be counted whether they were dimpled or hanging. This was also, coincidentally when ACORN became ubiquitous in Colorado and the state has only voted Republican one time since, in 2002.
I don’t know if that was when the voting irregularities began, or why, but when you look at the percentages, that was the first anomaly. The next one came from a sudden burst of 12 million registered voters between 2000 and 2004, with only 4 million from 2004 to 2008, when one would logically expect the larger burst before the chance for America to vote for, or against, the first black president (other than Bill Clinton). Between 2008 and 2012 there was only an increase of 7 million registered voters and between 2012 and 2016 an increase of only 4 million. Why then, when the Democrats seem determined to affect the outcome of another election, was there a sudden burst of 11 million new registrations from 157 to 168 million? What ACORN did was harvest votes, it was argued that what they did was find out who was not registered and register for them and keep the names to use on “extra” ballots when needed. I’m not saying this is true, just that it seems similar and consistent with vote rigging and sudden bursts in participation both on percentages and registrations.
After all of that we come down to the question of how many registered voters were there in 2020? I can say comfortably that there were 168 million. I can also say that there were 155 million votes counted (not necessarily cast). That brings us to a participation percentage of 92%. That’s an astonishing rate since the previous election, one which inspired people on both sides was only 85%. 92% was higher than ever before, even higher than Obama’s first election with 89% and given what we know now, that might have been inflated, since the second election only produced an 83% participation rate, 6% lower. This raises the question of whether there was the incentive to push phantom votes in the first election and not so much in the second? I’m not sure they had to, because McCain did nothing to inspire my vote, neither did Romney, nothing like the inspiration that Trump generates. Even then, in 2016, the voter participation was only 85% with 5 candidates including Green Party and Libertarian Party involvement.
Acknowledging the truth of 168 million registered voters does not diminish the fact that none of the numbers make sense and really haven’t since 2004, but especially not in 2020, when a barely conscious candidate, who couldn’t draw 10 voters to any rally, out performed, by a wide margin, his predecessor and highly popular leftist president Barack Obama. It’s just illogical and nonsensical without the other honest acknowledgment, that it had to be the result of pumping an extraordinarily huge amount of bogus ballots through the system, inflating all of the percentages to unheard of heights.
Without a logical and honest accounting, the government will never again hold enough moral authority to expect anything but backlash from the voters. We will not send our sons and daughters to fight for such a corrupt system as this. It is increasingly obvious to many that they will need to keep them home to fight off the foreign military personnel they’ve allowed to invade our borders and disperse among the people. The belief in the vote is the only thing that allows for order. Patriotism is to the ideals of the constitution, not a name on a map or stenciled on the rail cars.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
Consider purchasing paperbacks of the novels, Rebel, Rogue, Shadow Soldier (hardback) Home to Texas and Deputized for Christmas through 12 Round Productions.
The Kindle and paperback versions are still available here, too Rebel, Rogue, Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. I’m working on the third book in the J.D. Wilkes trilogy, Into Exile right now and hope to have it out after the new year.
Congratulations on another blockbuster post! Fantastic.
Thank you
If honesty ever becomes the norm again we may see change. Until then honest folks can't get on ballots and the lobbyists/corporation will continue to loot and plunder each of us.