Should the election fraud be successful we need to march on D.C. and every state capitol and begin the elimination of every Democrat and RINO. I wish for peace but know, in the end, mass violence will be required to save our nation.

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There have been several especially poisonous conditions that have seriously damaged America: 1. Compulsory schooling. 2 The proliferation of bureaucratic agencies. 3. Allowing the subverters from the Frankfurt School in in the 1930s. 4. Television. The CIA recognized, way back in the 1950s, the power of television to control and influence the masses. Does anyone wonder that South Africa fell after they foolishly allowed television in? SA is just another failed African state now, like Rhodesia and basically every country on the continent. Here's a little quote to cheer everyone up before bedtime:

"If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country. Therefore, there must be continued propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of citizens in general, and teenagers in particular. By making drugs of various kinds readily available, by creating the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness, and by preparing him psychologically and politically, we can succeed." -- Vladimir Lenin

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Gabby, Tyrants have been trying to kill nationalism for centuries. They always fail. This is why the New World Order will fail. People believe in nations.

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I hope you're right, Timmy, but my confidence is at a low ebb right now. I'm not giving up, or anything like that, but I can't say I'm optimistic, I think we're in for trouble regardless.

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Gabby, We're already in trouble. The Covid lockdowns alone put us in trouble. Inflation is putting us old folks on fixed income in trouble. The lousy health care in the USA is putting us in trouble. The rampant crime is definitely putting us in trouble. And it is all happening now.

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Yes, we are already in trouble, a lot of it, too. Things are only going to get worse.

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Oct 9Liked by T.L. Davis

Antebellum, Postbellum...and Parabellum.

Who says Americans don't embrace the metric system?

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"The Mirage of Honest Government" was recently written by James Bovard. Quote below:

"Despite scandals stretching generations, Americans are still encouraged to believe that the next election will result in honest government. Are citizens supposed to believe that elections automatically redeem democracy, like a buzzard that magically transforms into a unicorn every four years? Are we supposed to presume there is an automatic moral rebirth of representative government three days after vote-counting ends, like a resurrection after crucifixion? Are we supposed to believe that next time that presidents and members of Congress will finally honor their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution? But, as former US senator Bob Kerrey explained in 2013, “The problem is, the second your hand comes off the Bible, you become an asshole.” " James Bovard

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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking it's going to change. Anton Chigurh: "If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

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Postbellum Not Antebellum is Accurately stated.

SI VIS PACEM (unlikely an option), PARA BELLUM.

at least the waiting, will soon be over, Not that I like that option either.

But what I like or dislike isn't Relevant either. Reality just IS.

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