We see now the never-ending justification for what the government is doing to the people, not for them, or with them or in benefit of the nation, but to them. They have, I believe, been using natural and unnatural disasters along with “accidents” to punish those in red states. Now, whether this is all happening as I say it is, or not, it’s the rational conclusion of it that matters. With all evidence pointing toward it, with only the slightest, ridiculous explanations of some government agency statement to refute the facts, the media latches on to it to avoid the most logical conclusion. Gaslighting. Yes, I know what it’s called, but that doesn’t seem to do it justice.
The war against America has come from within, by those in charge of its most deadly and surreptitious weapons developed over decades at its disposal. How did America engage in coups from 1946 on? The lineup is impressive and extensive and first aimed at the United States in 1963. An agency that has outgrown control, beyond accountability for fear of the safety of those attempting to control it. If that is not a danger to “democracy” I’d like to hear a better definition. Were it not being used to the satisfaction of the current regime there would be howls of constitutional objections. That is what they are worried about when it comes to Trump, that their weapons might be turned on them. It certainly isn’t a single man, who was able to be outmaneuvered for his entire first term. Still, he accomplished some good things, but not enough to withstand sabotage from within that gave rise to impeachments. That’s the sign of a bad leader, not generally, but at the worst times, when fortitude and suspicion should join hands and ruthlessly cut out the cancer in their midst and damn the optics of it.
Already, viewing the real polls, the Biden Administration, or more accurately, the bureaucratic dictatorship in control of probably all administrations since Woodrow Wilson, is putting up roadblocks to Trump’s attempts to reorganize departments by making some employees, as many as possible, beyond termination. That does nothing. Do not fear any moves that the Biden Administration makes in these last days, they can all be reversed with the ease of implementation. If they cannot fire the employees of any given agency significant enough to reorganize the agency, most of them have been created by the stroke of a pen and can be eliminated with the same effort. So, by trying to protect the few, they have exposed them all, the entire existence of the agencies now running roughshod over the people.
What is needed is a leader who recognizes the precipice on which the nation balances and who has the determination to pull the plug. I’m not sure that Trump has it, but he’s the best choice should an election actually be held. Part of what is transpiring right now with these natural (or unnatural) disasters might be to get the Republicans to call for a delay of the election. No matter who wins, the problems will remain until we find a person, or a people, to rectify it appropriately. We seem to lack both, but we watch those in North Carolina to find out.
Taking a step back, were this any other nation than my own, I would predict that it’s a lost cause and encourage the inhabitants to give up the old system and create a new one, but I know what the result of that would be. As Claire Wolfe said in our (what I mean by “our” is all of who read this blog and helped to support the production of it) documentary Lies of Omission, (paraphrased) “any attempt to restore it (the constitution) would be fruitless” and likely “result in something worse than what we have now.” If one could look at the current state of politics and think that rearranging the words on a piece of paper would solve any problem, they would not recognize the enormity of it.
The simple fact is, infiltrators and saboteurs would wiggle their way into the most important committees and wreak their havoc on it. If we are to reestablish some sense of order along the pathways laid down by our forefathers, it would have to be done in the manner in which they proposed the first constitution, postbellum, not antebellum. Only after the enemies have been identified and kept from official proceedings, either by prison sentences or execution, would it be possible to arrive at an organic desire for structure and peace going forward.
I plead not for war, but for peace, but I recognize that peace is not possible with the current system. The United States is effectively at war with both Russia and the entire Middle East while waging war on its own people, because those who profit from war will always invent a means to conduct it, no matter who they have to kill or who they have to bribe or who they have to extort. Finally, they realize that electing Trump again would express the will of the people and that is for peace, so they can not allow it. They believe themselves to be the ultimate power in this nation and I’m not sure they’re wrong, but we are not supposed to be a military junta government, but a constitutional republic for the benefit of the people, not the corporations or military, so we are already outside of the charter agreed to so long ago.
Trump had to be done away with and they found a way, rig the election, because too many Americans were satisfied with his leadership. Having done it once, they are emboldened to do it again. But, even then, installing Kamala Harris is not the answer, either, because her focus, or that of those who support her, is for the long-awaited cultural revolution and the elimination of all those patriots to the old order. This is not speculation, it is exactly the Bolshevik playbook.
Our arrogance, as Americans, ensures that we have a tough time recognizing that we could be so poorly treated, so inhumanely dealt with, that we don’t see it clearly as a typical communist coup with participants at every level of government, because communism is so much to the benefit of politics for the politicians that it’s irresistible, even for those who believe deep in their hearts that they are patriotic. I see it everyday and leave shaking my head at their inability to recognize themselves in the communist camp. That they can look back to the actions taken in previous centuries and find evidence of communism through the actions of the United States and believe that it’s all perfectly compatible with “democracy” freezes them in their positions. What they don’t see, or refuse to recognize, is that those actions were in violation of the charter as well as what they practice everyday. They have taken the exception and made it the rule.
This election will be rigged, is being rigged as citizens wait to vote, so we know, or should know, by history, what electing Kamala Harris would be: an end to the old republic and in much more heinous and terrible ways than ever before. She has made it clear that ending the constitutional protections of the individual is her goal and by winning the election she would have a mandate to do so. As the Vice President, however ungainly obtained, she would be able to move into the Oval Office immediately, retain all secretaries in their positions and proceed with the rape of the nation apace. It is at this moment that all patriots to the republic must stand or die.
Another source of quite a few subscriptions is Robert Gore’s Straight Line Logic. I appreciate the mind and take of Robert Gore, both economically, politically and his fiction, which is truly quality work.
For the next 21 days, all books at 12 Round are 30% off when you use the discount code “Intro” at checkout. I rarely do discounts, so it’s a good time to Christmas shop as well.
Twelveround.com is still the home of quality fiction. If Westerns aren’t your thing, Rebel and Rogue are more modern (1970s). If you look to the right of the green box on the Amazon page, there are paperback editions of both of them available. If you don’t want to buy from Amazon, you can get the physical novels from Twelveround and get the discount. Read the reviews of those who have commented on Amazon to get a feel for what’s in store.
Should the election fraud be successful we need to march on D.C. and every state capitol and begin the elimination of every Democrat and RINO. I wish for peace but know, in the end, mass violence will be required to save our nation.
There have been several especially poisonous conditions that have seriously damaged America: 1. Compulsory schooling. 2 The proliferation of bureaucratic agencies. 3. Allowing the subverters from the Frankfurt School in in the 1930s. 4. Television. The CIA recognized, way back in the 1950s, the power of television to control and influence the masses. Does anyone wonder that South Africa fell after they foolishly allowed television in? SA is just another failed African state now, like Rhodesia and basically every country on the continent. Here's a little quote to cheer everyone up before bedtime:
"If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country. Therefore, there must be continued propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of citizens in general, and teenagers in particular. By making drugs of various kinds readily available, by creating the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness, and by preparing him psychologically and politically, we can succeed." -- Vladimir Lenin