The biggest issue in our society is a lack of trust. When one cannot trust those who have the most to lose, with their war chests full to overflowing, to stand in the breach between government power and their own interests, what hope is there for the individual?
At issue is an interview done by a guest host on the Dan Bongino radio program, who interviewed someone from the American Petroleum Institute (API) and it was clear, through his mealy-mouthed responses and pleas for better, more easily complied-with regulation that there is no American spirit in the American Petroleum Institute. The spokesman could have been Mitt Romney in disguise.
This is what keeps the individual in their seat, on the porch, out of the fight. Who is there to fight for? What principles are valued by any industry? The API has long been a problem I’ve recognized, but I thought: “today, with the whole weight of the American government against them, the entirety of the Executive Branch foaming at the mouth to shut them down and bankrupt them for good, maybe a little fire will have been stoked.” No.
The Boy Scouts quickly went homophile; the medical community would as likely kill you as heal you for profit; pregnancy centers are abortion mills selling baby parts for fun and profit; teachers don’t teach, they program and bully students into accepting perversion; the oil and gas companies support and invest heavily into green energy that’s designed to ruin them and bankrupt the individual.
The sum total is you can’t send your kid to the girl or boy scouts, because they’ll likely be molested or perverted, likewise public school; you can’t go to a pregnancy center as they’re as liable to knock you out and abort your child without your consent as to counsel you on breast-feeding; you can’t go to the hospital, because they’re as likely to infect you with Covid, kill you and collect $48,000 as discover what ails you.
This is why it can’t stand, why there has to be a full-on break with the current system, all of it, governmental as well as social and associational. No one will stand up against the tide and hold the banner high. What Donald Trump did should have been an inspiration; what DeSantis is doing should be an inspiration. Stand up and back them down, fight their insanity with sanity and see how many people rally to your side. But if all you’re going to do is rile some people up to bring pressure so you can find a more convenient means to capitulate, like the NRA does all the time, then buzz off.
I don’t trust any institution, any association, any organized anything. This is why I’ve spent the last year working hard to be self-sufficient in as many things as I can. Part of that is selling books, building a readership; part of that is a garden, old diesel trucks that can run even after an EMP and on as many different forms of fuel as possible. I’ve thought seriously of a horse for transportation of late.
Now tell me that we’re not in a different world. We’ve moved through the looking glass. Right is wrong, good is bad, bad is good, hot is cold.
I wish people could see all that has been taken from them. What I see that many do not is the change in the oil field. It used to be four or five guys out on the rig all by themselves, no back up, no supervisors, nothing, just them turning the bit and making hole and money, lots of money. Now, all that money that used to go into their pockets for bringing about a well that would payout millions and millions over time, goes to the office, to comply with regulations, to house the supervisors and the like who now need to be on location at all times to satisfy safety requirements. I don’t know what else they do on a daily basis that hasn’t been invented for them to do since they’re there anyway. Now, instead of one supervisor who worked all year round, because he only had to be at the wellsite for specific operations like running casing and cementing, now there’s two. Two weeks at a time, 24/7. And the cost of the second supervisor is taken out of the pockets of those actually doing the work. The cost of compliance with safety procedures comes out of the workers pockets, they still get paid well, so they don’t notice, but in the 80s and 90s they were being paid, per hour, the price of a barrel of oil. Today, that would be about $110 an hour, but they’re still getting around $30, about what a barrel of oil went for in 1990.
This is in every industry in America. Overhead increases, insurance, workers comp, regulations and it comes out of the pockets of those lugging the weight, pulling the levers, turning the wrenches. Mantras are forcibly repeated, “safety is our goal” “safety first,” while their pockets are being picked by professionals who know how to go about it properly; before they ever see a penny, they’ve been robbed.
Oh, too bad for them, boo hoo.
Yeah? That affects everything, because when Joe doesn’t make more money, he doesn’t buy new cars, bigger houses, go on trips, invest in remodeling, restore a car, etc., etc. This times millions and millions. It’s no longer discretionary spending, the sort that provides capital for new start ups, innovation and creativity, that powers the great economic engine of capitalism. Regulations and the like stifle and kill capitalism, are designed specifically to take individual power from companies and industries and subvert it to the goals of government, so that we have this amalgamation of purpose, that is not properly directed toward profit and efficiency and they’re starving, being driven into narrower and narrower lanes, forcing them to follow a single path, not explore the many possible paths that are more expensive to pursue.
This is how they’ve killed America, by a thousand cuts. Now, leaders of industry are so cowed, or so brainwashed into the green energy, homophile, woke ideology that they’ve thrown us all over, those who purchase their products, those who have invested in their companies, those who work for them. They’ve told us all to go to hell, they don’t care as long as they can sit in their plush, leather seat behind the huge mahogany desk and feel smug about their “progressive policies;” as long as they can see themselves leading the workers into the future, despite the damage being done to them, to the industry and ultimately the power of government itself. This is a wholly corrosive substance, compliance. Where do they get the huevos to do that? Because, as the start of the essay began, there’s no consequences for it. No one is going to these annual meetings and challenging their leadership or point out the wasted opportunities to make more money for their shareholders. They don’t have the huevos to stand up for their own industries or their workers or their shareholders, but when it comes time to stand up for communism, they’re all in. Confusing? Not if you’ve been through the looking glass and finally get it.
No matter how good, America is bad. That’s how they see it. There is no argument to that sentiment, as if it’s a known fact. But only an enemy would think that way, someone who wanted to destroy it. Where’s the pushback? Where’s the consequences for that? Non-existent. Expect more.
November might be a watershed. We need to see how many will stand up and act. It's never a lot, but it's often enough. Lots of folks are riled, but most don't know what to do. If we get lucky we might get a few competent leaders, but many people will just return to their hypnotic complacency. But if things get worse, they'll figure it out.
Lincoln said government for the people must be by the people. For most of us, the "of the people" part has been abdicated, delegating it to craven politicians and faceless bureaucrats. The result was inevitable, and we deserve every bit of it.
The SCOTUS struck a few blows for freedom recently. Don't know if it will lead anywhere positive or not. I find the decision regarding the EPA interesting. It sent the message that only Congress can make law and that federal agencies have no authority to draft and implement regulations having the effect of a legitimate law, thus circumventing Congress. Now, how will that affect agencies like the BATFE? But you are correct about regulations. There isn't anything of significance a person can do without government approval in the form of a license, permit, fee, or tax... not even on your own property!
Those oil Big Wigs all came though our industrial-strength institutions of higher indoctrination, remember. The old 'awal' tycoons are now gone. Left in their place are mindless twits who have been made to believe if they do as told they can be a member of 'The Club'. Its throughout all our institutions and remaining industries... which are damn few these days.