The SCOTUS struck a few blows for freedom recently. Don't know if it will lead anywhere positive or not. I find the decision regarding the EPA interesting. It sent the message that only Congress can make law and that federal agencies have no authority to draft and implement regulations having the effect of a legitimate law, thus circumventing Congress. Now, how will that affect agencies like the BATFE? But you are correct about regulations. There isn't anything of significance a person can do without government approval in the form of a license, permit, fee, or tax... not even on your own property!

Those oil Big Wigs all came though our industrial-strength institutions of higher indoctrination, remember. The old 'awal' tycoons are now gone. Left in their place are mindless twits who have been made to believe if they do as told they can be a member of 'The Club'. Its throughout all our institutions and remaining industries... which are damn few these days.

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You're right about the ruling, but part of the problem is you need industrial leadership to sue for release from regulation, no governing body will simply do as they should and stop, to pull back after such a ruling and I doubt they have the will to do so. Despite the fact that it would be the best move for the nation and their customers/shareholders. They just don't see their role as being antagonistic to government control, but rather as mitigating their accommodations and playing a little leverage here for a pat on the head over there, which violates the very nature of the shareholder/company relationship.

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November might be a watershed. We need to see how many will stand up and act. It's never a lot, but it's often enough. Lots of folks are riled, but most don't know what to do. If we get lucky we might get a few competent leaders, but many people will just return to their hypnotic complacency. But if things get worse, they'll figure it out.

Lincoln said government for the people must be by the people. For most of us, the "of the people" part has been abdicated, delegating it to craven politicians and faceless bureaucrats. The result was inevitable, and we deserve every bit of it.

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I do NOT believe we are EVER going to vote our way out of this mess. We have been had! The same old, same old won't work now because it really NEVER DID. There's a storm coming and it won't be pretty.

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So, are you going to accept it, or run away somewhere?

Societies work as well as the people in it.

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‘This is a wholly corrosive substance, compliance.” So true. Through compliance we surrender. We comply our way into bondage and defeat.

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"What Donald Trump did should have been an inspiration;"

Which of the things he did should be an inspiration?

Operaton Warp Speed?

His selection of Attorneys General?

Lock downs?

EO banning bump stocks?

Oh I know, mean tweets because that's useful...

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Well, I would say that it was not Trump who imposed lockdowns, that was your governor, mayor county official. He sucks at political appointments, I'll give you that. But he called out the press for the lying dogs they are. He deregulated massively and that spurred industrial output and jobs. I could go on, but on balance, and you have to take the good with the bad, he hasn't done near as much bad as his replacement, or the one he replaced.

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wholly agree. At least he tried. He was smashed at every turn. He gave up.

He at least is human.

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Quite exactly, your opening statement says it all. There is no advantage for the individual

when seemingly every industry and institution wants to cooperate with fads and BS to

remain in "good standing" with the bad people.

"ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance. ESG takes the holistic view that sustainability extends beyond just environmental issues. ESG is best characterized as a framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organization is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria."

source: corporatefinanceinstitute.com

I believe many of the traitors against the people make decisions to cooperate fearing if they do not

they will get punished, and lose their place in line (to make the big $) and still others hope to earn

a seat at the table. Regardless their reasoning, they will not speak out because they have and are

selling their collective souls to we know who.

Ethics are gone, humanity is sold out, and anything goes...laws be damned. Each day reveals more

betrayals, lies, coverups, law breaking and deliberate ruination of our country. The inhabitants of

DC are vile and demented, mean and punishing, and we can expect nothing good to come from

any of them. We try to find help from more local sources and there may be some good eggs.

However, it takes more than a few to keep order and rebel against DC mandates. DC will call

one a terrorist for speaking out against "policy" at a school board meeting. I want to engage

but have no avenue. Therefore, the inevitable will occur, and continue unless 75% refuse to

cooperate with taxes and so on. Can that realistically occur? First, we collectively have to throw

our tracking devices in to the trash. Will people consider doing that? The lure of a shiny phone

computer never appealed to me and I am a refuser. Oh-Oh, I'm sorry to go on and on.

Thank you for your very clever writing and for having a big heart.

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Teddy Roosevelt said a nation that is safety first will not be a great nation.

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