It’s starting to happen more often, now, that I get the nuclear flash scene from Terminator 2 during ordinary daily activities. I was at a sale, sifting through possible additions to the overall security/survival master plan for SHTF + day 2. Suddenly, there was a moment when the surrounding crowd appeared as skeletons, just a flash in recognition of the tenuousness of survival on this planet when it seems that those in authority, having faked the election and committed the coup without recourse or sanction, are hell-bent on killing us all through the nitroglycerine-like formula of stupidity and arrogance.
They’re determined to cut out all coal, nuclear and gas production of electricity while simultaneously demanding that all cars and household appliances be electric by 2050 or some such. Every single commodity with which we sustain our own survival is being eliminated by Executive Order and somehow deemed a threat to democracy. Stupidity is one thing, that’s manageable, but combined with raging arrogance that prefers their own delusional ramblings and logical contortions to any other sound on earth and you just know that one day they will utter the key combination of nouns and verbs that pushes some nuclear power over the edge of restraint.
Most of us have realized that the sheer insanity they employ is designed to try and drive the average American out of his mind and into some sort of civil conflict with them. Of course, they’re confident they will win, or simply use our rebellion as an excuse to capture and imprison every single remaining AMERICAN. However, in doing so they only prove that the nuclear nation of the United States is in the hands of dangerous lunatics and someone will logically and rightly make the first strike to save the world from the utter devastation of a massive nuclear launch by those unable to accept the consequences of their actions.
They’ve been pushing Putin further and further into the corner and one day he will come out swinging, if only in self-defense or defense of the world against us. We do seem to be quite the unstable lunatic fumbling with the nuclear codes as it is.
I’m as patriotic as the next guy, I suppose, but all of that is contingent upon my ability to identify the values and principles of my nation deserving of the allegiance I’ve sworn to it from a ham sandwich and right now, I can’t.
This existence we endure, where the free of body and mind are considered criminal by those too far into their own psychosis to fathom reality, cannot be compared to a nation governed by actual discernable rules and laws, at least none that deserve adherence, much less obedience
They currently openly commit treason, brag about it and just because they share their corruption with the Marxist at the DOJ, they suffer no recriminations. It’s a joke, of sorts, between equally corrupt parties who laugh at those trying furiously to understand the rules, when it’s so blindingly simple that the rules are whatever serves the purposes of the daily deflection needed to distract from their obvious and complete failures.
Want to disarm the population? Easy, shoot up a Christian school using a terroristic tranny. It’s the classic psychotic mindset that ignores one’s own carnage in pursuit of some minor, unrelated success.
That’s what Biden’s Executive Orders are, demonstrations of the nonsensical world of their making. It allows for all of the seeming contradictions about the definition of insurrection, invasion and women. While their obtuseness is meant to cause a MAGA outburst, it’s only really having an effect on the other world powers who grow increasingly concerned for the mental stability of the regime. Not unlike our concerns for North Korea a few years ago, only Biden/Obama have many, many more nukes at their disposal.
When you think of all of the great things we were promised America would be if we defended the world from Nazism and Imperial Japan it’s quite disappointing to find that the communist wing of the globalist government of the United States has become a dangerous chimp with a machine gun threatening not only to destroy the image of a powerful and competent America, but actually intent on making sure it will never rise from the ashes.
They’re playing an increasingly dangerous game without being particularly focused on it. It’s as if the script of nuclear war is running in the background while they praise the tranny terrorist and think of new ways to destroy the auto industry, the energy industry, the electrical generation industry, our military capability and economic stability. At the end what do they think they will have to govern over?
I fully recognize that this nation is not being led by any particular person, but is being managed by a committee of the furthest left of the left, each pushing their own individual agendas, ignorant or undisturbed by the actions and agendas of the others. The result is an increasingly schizophrenic message coming from the highest levels of government.
I have no relationship with this system of government. There is no loyalty to the new regime. My faithfulness is to a set of principles, a guiding formula of what makes a nation economically and militarily strong; a formula that produces a great degree of individual freedom and relatively safe and comfortable life for my family. The formula is still there, proven and viable, but it’s being shunned by this regime, so I’m justified in completely shunning it. I know that in doing so, I’m only delaying the ultimate confrontation with the minions of its zeal, but that will come.
I am only comforted by the knowledge that they cannot maintain this sham much longer; that eventually one thing or another will cause it to collapse. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. What they have planned is at least as bad as anything that will come after a complete collapse, so I shrug my shoulders at the method or timing of it and focus on what to do immediately afterward and what to do to try and reimplement the original formula. Hopefully, there will be many others who are able to simply recognize that the old formula was much better than the subsequent one of internal devastation to get to complete reliance on and control by a government too broke to provide either sustainable life or effective control.
My novels of freedom, and especially individuality, Rebel and Rogue about a young man, growing up trying to do the right thing. They’re available on Amazon and our website 12 Round Productions, where you can also find access to our red-pill film Lies of Omission.
In consideration of human nature and its propensity to be influenced and manipulated by the 'Dark Side' if not girded by the armor of a true spiritual foundation, I believe that evil began its mission of corruption the day after the Constitution was signed. Evil does not tolerate good and works to destroy it. The struggle has been underway since Eden. What we see today is, unfortunately, not the culmination or end product. It will get much worse.
Some much smarter than me have said that the plans of the Klaus Schwabs and the Davos Boys are hitting a rough patch and are not moving along as well as they have hoped. Panic may be setting in... maybe even a bit of fear... and we now are seeing the increased aggression and willingness to use force to get their way as the result. The entire Covid debacle opened a lot of eyes. Question is, was it too late?
To paraphrase Sun Tzu, the best victory is a battle you didn't have to fight to win. Unless the idiots in D.C. do something that begs a kinetic response, both China and Russia can sit back and let the Washington idiots destroy the US on their own. The satanic lead criminal cabal is doing a bang up job of reducing America to a debilitated state of total despair, impoverishment, and enslavement... cancelled, deplatformed, and run roughshod over... by evil, insane, mental midgets who exist outside the sphere of reality.
I, too, have no loyalty to this illegitimate corrupt criminal cabal that is nothing but an occupying force that lurches from one absurdity to another as it wallows in perversions of every sort. The entire world sees it. All Americans, domesticated, dumbed down, manipulated, and lied to, not so much.
I’m about to leave to meet a group of conservative friends for lunch. Most of them do not want to discuss hardly any of what is going on. They prefer to keep their heads in the sand and maybe, it will just go away. Most of them still want Trump and believe he will set things right. I think most of them believe that with the next election cycle the pendulum will swing back the other way. It seems that is the way it was, at least to some extent, many years ago but, no more. Most of us here know that there are 2 sides playing for the same team. We know that most of the politicians have sold their souls, and our country out, for nothing more than filthy lucre. The cancerous rot is pervasive on all fronts.
I keep asking myself how long can this country, existing on less than the fumes of the greatest generation can continue? Every aspect of our living is being targeted. Every institution co-opted and compromised. Government, medicine, organized religion. Is there still going to be one big, huge event that changes our monetary system and all that goes with it? Or, do we continue to slide downward, into the abyss, and die the death of 1,000 cuts?
IDK. I’m tired of it all. Being sick the last 2 weeks (finally feeling better) and then reading all the shitty news on a daily basis has had me in not such a great place. But, I’m going to pull up my big boy pants, put on my boots & jeans, and cowboy on! Because that is what we need to do!