Minnesota wants to change its flag to one that more closely represents their Muslim population and specifically the Somali flag. I’ve had a couple of connections to Minnesota that alerted me to this secession of Minnesota from the laws of the United States, more than the union itself, but I can’t help but point out that any government that utilizes or allows to be utilized Sharia law rather than the laws of the United States in courts or society in general is guilty of disenfranchising their citizens.
I know, all of this falls under the Constitution, a document that sits under glass in Washington DC, but has little else to do with the daily functioning of the communist nation that has risen up and displaced the republic.
This all signals a separation from the union. In the case of Minnesota, it’s a signal of its Muslim minority, which might soon become a majority, seeking to effectively secede from the union without having to go through any official means of declaring secession. It’s a trend that has been taking place in New York, San Francisco and any other “sanctuary cities” where they separate themselves from United States laws they don’t like, even when they find their separation is a burden too difficult to bear and seek financial aid from the rest of us to make it bearable.
This is the insanity that has gripped the United States after several internal coups against the rule of law and replace it with the rule of power that we see playing out everywhere in the US today. January 6th protesters are charged with insurrection, but leftist/communist/Muslims take over the capitol during session and a few arrests take place, but nothing like the dragnet set out by the FBI for J6ers. That’s the rule of power. Any attempt to restore the rule of law, such as vacating the chair when McCarthy betrayed the whole Republican Party, is met with incredible pressure and the corruption of whoever is finally selected as the Speaker of the House. But that’s just under Republican control. This never happens under Democrat control, because they are the ones behind the coups, who benefit from the rule of power.
Viewed from the right perspective, it’s clear that the intent is to deny the people a voice in their government in violation of both democratic and republican doctrine. It is not “democracy” they seek, except as a validation of their stolen elections. Read the Soviet Union’s constitution and you’d be surprised at how closely it resembles the United States Constitution, not in all respects obviously, but if you recognize how the federal system has taken control of the means of production, you’ll understand why I call this a neo-communist nation when I want to be absolutely accurate.
This is how the United States comes apart. In fact, it’s how it should come apart and if governors had a better understanding of their place in history, they would not be so reluctant to separate from the United States. Almost all of the failures of the republic are caused by an increase in population. Representatives used to represent 30,000 people, now they represent 750,000 people. That gives each representative an extraordinary amount of power and dilutes the impact one person or group can have on their actions. It makes the congressional delegation easier to control by fewer influences, because they represent huge blocks of citizens. It’s to the point that one powerful organization can control nearly a million people by supporting one individual. That’s insane and renders the voices of the masses irrelevant. It’s even worse in the Senate, now a popular vote, they represent up to seven or eight million. The federal government was designed for a population of three million.
Recognizing that nothing will ever change in the federal makeup of the congress, because they would be asked to dilute their own power down to that of basically a state representative, it has simply become too big and too powerful to be maintained except through corruption or diligent obedience to the Constitution. We know which one they chose.
Refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws would immediately remedy the lack of representation the average American needs and deserves. When states like New York, California and Texas have economies larger than most European nations, it’s hard to understand why they remain tied to a corrupt and largely incomprehensible federal government.
We are a people accustomed to self-government, who know how to provide for ourselves, who can decide for our own states what our culture will be. If states like Minnesota prefer Sharia Law, they can drown in their own sewer without spreading the stench to every other state as they do under the federal system.
The states are too big, too diverse, too independent of thought to need or want some overarching level of governance to tell us what must be done in our own states. Much like the European Union provides some benefits, but not enough to remain intact for very long as once independent nations decide that their dictates are too damaging to their own economies, they will break free of it and it will dissolve.
In the case of the United States, all states have their own constitutions. Some have already exerted their sovereignty and others can as well. State legislatures and governors reflect back to the idea of a civil war resulting from the last attempt at secession, but as Minnesota has recently demonstrated an official declaration need not take place. One just has to work around it, the way the congress does the parts of the constitution that limit their power.
All that needs to take place is for a few states to recognize that they are fully capable of their own defense, their own energy, electric capacity, etc., or can get it from a similarly situated neighbor. Right now, the only thing the federal government offers the individual states is barriers to their own resources, barriers to their own ideas, their own methods. If states try to do something in their own interest that will prove the federal way of doing things is ineffective, they will be showered with action from every federal agency from OSHA to DHS. That’s not how this is supposed to work.
In previous times, the United States Government offered something to the states, a strong military, a healthy economy, a secure border, etc., but they don’t anymore. Their CRT and gender policies have dramatically weakened the fighting force and demoralized the exact type of people who made the fighting force strong. They’ve spent fiat dollars to the point of bankruptcy held off only by printing more money and now they’re talking about lowering interest rates and flooding the market with those newly-created dollars to stave off disaster until 2025. The border patrol has simply waved the white flag to any and all comers, criminals, rapists, murderers, terrorists and cartels. Everything Texas has done to stop it has been challenged by who? The federal government. Federal agents were cutting the razor wire placed by Texas as a barrier to these illegals. My point is, the enemy within might be able to destroy the United States, but they cannot destroy the states, unless the states allow them to do so. The United States is the same as the European Union, at one time it was a blessing that has turned into a curse.
We don’t have to live like this. We don’t have to suffer, because those in Washington want us to. They don’t offer anything like what they take and they’re getting much more tyrannical with their demands. One is their push to go electric, which means that we’re actually being told we have to starve to death and freeze to death. Electricity is, especially now, the least reliable resource we have. The whole grid can go down in a second and never come back. But they want to take away our small generators. Why? Because it means we might survive a grid-down environment and they don’t want that to happen. They want us to use things like wind generators and solar panels that are more unreliable than coal, gas or nuclear powered electric generation and in a few years, the wind generators will fail and we won’t be able to repair them, because our industrial base and transportation base will have been destroyed from lack of reliable electric generation. Computers can’t work in that environment, industry can’t work in that environment, even small business can’t work, trucking can’t rely on electric vehicles, that’s all nonsense. If they had put one tenth of the money they’ve wasted on wind generators into something like using molten salt to cool nuclear reactors, perfecting fusion, or any of a hundred possible sources of clean energy we would be much further along, but none of it has to do with our survivability. They want our demise, they’ve said so and they’ve acted to ensure it. It’s too late to argue about whether they want it or not. The wars with Russia and the Middle East that they seem determined to start will only ensure that the grid will be the first casualty and then where will we be with all of our electric appliances and vehicles? Is that why they seem determined to start these wars, to get us killed?
We need to disconnect ourselves from those seeking our demise. This is why the people of each state should reconsider the United States Government’s role in society, recognize it as a hostile force and urge their representatives to act in a rational way and consider secession, even if not outright, but rather surreptitious secession, i.e., making laws in contravention of federal laws, much like Missouri did earlier this year. Simply claim that certain laws are unconstitutional, whether sanctified by the Supreme Court or not, and make laws that do conform to the constitution. That will lead, ultimately to legislative conflict with the federal government, but they are only powerful where we allow them to be and not at all where we refuse to obey. Refuse to allow federal agencies to operate in violation of the constitution. It’s not that hard for those determined to secure the rights of their citizens and save their state.
We’re headed for turmoil the only decisions to be made is whether we’re in a strong position or a weak one. As long as we look on Washington DC as a source of benefit, we’re putting ourselves in a weaker position. If we look on Washington DC as a hostile force, we put ourselves in a stronger position.
Visit us at twelveround.com for contemporary novels of freedom Rebel and Rogue (links to electronic versions in the description) Literary Westerns (like those done by Cormac McCarthy and Larry McMurtry) Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. Also, the film Lies of Omission can be purchased as a DVD or a link to a free version on Tubi TV. You can still use the discount code Christmas until December 25th.
Bravo, Sir...Bravo!
Similar to the Aztlan ruse? Just squat there until people get used to it, then call it yours?
There are quite a few states I would gladly contribute a vote or ten toward their secession from "Murica, since that seems to be the way voting is done now. The above-mentioned Muzzysota would unquestionably be on that list, an obvious liability.
But since that ain't happening, it's certainly time The Republic of Texas made a move.
Clearly, the Texas 2024 vote to secede could be interesting, but the timing may defeat voting altogether by that time, and at the least, disaffected voters will certainly cause a shift in results.
I believe economics, if sold correctly, may cement the future of secession and Texans. This issue can easily be won or lost simply on how it is sold and manipulated by media and fellow Texans.
"Remember Fracking Dollars?" could be a slogan, recalling the recent years of energy excess and fruitful jobs aplenty. That was halted not by natural events, but by the o'blome cartel. Ditto with offshore drilling. Why are our "leaders" leading us to the poorhouse, then to an early grave?
Would the RoT be willing to sell petro-energy to the commies in DC? Or just sell them the wind turbines?
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Excellent. Yes. Separation, large and small. Most states within FUSA have ample populations and land areas to sustain a functional body.
The same proposition of separation has been on the kitchen table of every man for quite some time. It has largely been rejected in favor of the tenuous, but effective, proxy State that most of us comfortably reside within.
What our States must confront in terms of Fedgov power insisting itself into every aspect of daily business, physical installations within her boundaries, economic extortion and coercion, quasi-legal administrative fiat, and conditioned submission to illegitimate authority, is on the table for every man in his own life choices. "Covid" was as much about testing this as anything else.
If everyman will not or cannot pass this reckoning it is mighty hard to scale that up to an entire state. I often ask my friends of right mind why they expect their "government" to do things that they will not do themselves. Yeah, I kill it at cocktail parties.
But it's that monolith of progressive social status that keeps people inert. Just as those papers under glass and the Great Experiment/Idea/Proposition Nation and all its liberal incarnations of anti-human nature are used to keep any fledgling organization beyond fedgov in chains of the moral imperative to serve the (federal/globohomo) Nation.
That the implied moral question is always binary should be evidence enough of its ill intent. You either submit to the moral authority and its State monopoly on power or you are racist, unamerican, etc.
The mythology of those documents exists only insofar as they can be wielded as instruments of power and control by the occupying fedgov and its vassals. Just ask the Colorado supreme court.
The model is obviously broken and yet inertia has us all clinging to that model. Understanding why is key to moving forward.
Meanwhile, while it seems we are doing what we have always been doing, the not-so-invisible hands in our midst have been up to all kinds of things that are patently absurd and antithetical to those things we have been conditioned to believe. And yet somehow it just keeps on keeping on.
This is their attempt to harness the entropy. It will all fail, of course. But the subject of noticing cannot be ignored. Everyman is wont to avoid noticing, as his good name has been made conditioned upon him remaining compliant.
History is full of the supposed paradox that of course eventually turns out to be just the discomfort of having to exit a system before it has a gun to your head in front of a ditch. But we are so much smarter than those black and white people in the before times. Just look at all the "oh how we burned in the camps..." quotes and yet how many draw their daily bread from that system with a gun to their head?
Yet there is certainly some area beneath the slope of these intersecting curves of collapse and awakenings in which there is enough mass to prevent those mass graves, but I have a hard time drawing such parallels given the unique setting of FUSA.
Mainly, the problems of scale and demographics.
The economics+mythology of FUSA is a powerful combination. Those grubby central hands grasping at the wind of entropy and the model of perpetual material comforts failing to improve generational wealth at scale explains both the commies in charge and the street commmies and their "educated" useful idiot class as well.
But we have to be honest about the corollary productive class, both captive labor and the striver managerial classes.
Where the commies destroy and pervert, the producers and managers become paranoid, avoidant, and near religious in their civic nationalism and "libertarian" beliefs in the Indvidual and something about taxation.
Where the commies are deluded in their conjuring of surplus and entitlement from the ether, the producers are just as deluded in their faith in the System and its rational propensity to self-correct with proper inputs of various loaded terms like liberty and freedom.
When asked about "free trade's" role in destroying domestic labor, well the answer is of course you are racist. What, do you want $5 heads of lettuce? Oh, wait.
The delusion of the "Economy" being our highest purpose as a nation needs to be broken.
The economy serves our interests; we do not serve the Economy. All our institutions should be similarly oriented. And so in separating from the Fedgov, all these matters must be revisited or else we will merely rebuild the mound.
That means living in my new Freestate might mean I get a lot poorer, economically and materially. Hmmm. But perhaps my grandchildren will know a better life.
And in that, Our Greatest Strength, one of the biggest lies of all, will not go quietly.
States will have to confront the reality that the "citizens" have a say about all these "residents", no matter their dreams. The States will have to decide if they are once again mere economic zones or if there is a majority of people who have a right to a land for their Posterity, as was the original intent, or if we are entering a long road of dilutive compromise, just on a smaller scale.
I know, first things first. I am all for telling fedgov to pound sand. Take it from there.