Bravo, Sir...Bravo!

Similar to the Aztlan ruse? Just squat there until people get used to it, then call it yours?

There are quite a few states I would gladly contribute a vote or ten toward their secession from "Murica, since that seems to be the way voting is done now. The above-mentioned Muzzysota would unquestionably be on that list, an obvious liability.

But since that ain't happening, it's certainly time The Republic of Texas made a move.

Clearly, the Texas 2024 vote to secede could be interesting, but the timing may defeat voting altogether by that time, and at the least, disaffected voters will certainly cause a shift in results.

I believe economics, if sold correctly, may cement the future of secession and Texans. This issue can easily be won or lost simply on how it is sold and manipulated by media and fellow Texans.

"Remember Fracking Dollars?" could be a slogan, recalling the recent years of energy excess and fruitful jobs aplenty. That was halted not by natural events, but by the o'blome cartel. Ditto with offshore drilling. Why are our "leaders" leading us to the poorhouse, then to an early grave?

Would the RoT be willing to sell petro-energy to the commies in DC? Or just sell them the wind turbines?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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"Remember Fracking Dollars?" could be a slogan, recalling the recent years of energy excess and fruitful jobs aplenty"

The Minnesota invaders have an average IQ of 75. They don't want productive jobs, they think the land of plenty will last forever, just like gen z and urban yoofs. Most of them couldn't do oilfield or power industry jobs anyway.

Texas must be overrun in order to sidetrack secession.

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The statement was made in reference to Texas voters. Maybe you haven't heard, but the secession question is slated to be on Texas' 2014 ballots. I don't anticipate Minnesota muzzies having much influence on the outcome.

Texas now has a state law empowering officials to arrest and deport invading crimigrants.

I'm not certain how "overrunning" could sidetrack secession, crimigration is the main catalyst for secession, along with the general "commie-fying" of "Murica.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Typo, 2024 ballots.

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Excellent. Yes. Separation, large and small. Most states within FUSA have ample populations and land areas to sustain a functional body.

The same proposition of separation has been on the kitchen table of every man for quite some time. It has largely been rejected in favor of the tenuous, but effective, proxy State that most of us comfortably reside within.

What our States must confront in terms of Fedgov power insisting itself into every aspect of daily business, physical installations within her boundaries, economic extortion and coercion, quasi-legal administrative fiat, and conditioned submission to illegitimate authority, is on the table for every man in his own life choices. "Covid" was as much about testing this as anything else.

If everyman will not or cannot pass this reckoning it is mighty hard to scale that up to an entire state. I often ask my friends of right mind why they expect their "government" to do things that they will not do themselves. Yeah, I kill it at cocktail parties.

But it's that monolith of progressive social status that keeps people inert. Just as those papers under glass and the Great Experiment/Idea/Proposition Nation and all its liberal incarnations of anti-human nature are used to keep any fledgling organization beyond fedgov in chains of the moral imperative to serve the (federal/globohomo) Nation.

That the implied moral question is always binary should be evidence enough of its ill intent. You either submit to the moral authority and its State monopoly on power or you are racist, unamerican, etc.

The mythology of those documents exists only insofar as they can be wielded as instruments of power and control by the occupying fedgov and its vassals. Just ask the Colorado supreme court.

The model is obviously broken and yet inertia has us all clinging to that model. Understanding why is key to moving forward.

Meanwhile, while it seems we are doing what we have always been doing, the not-so-invisible hands in our midst have been up to all kinds of things that are patently absurd and antithetical to those things we have been conditioned to believe. And yet somehow it just keeps on keeping on.

This is their attempt to harness the entropy. It will all fail, of course. But the subject of noticing cannot be ignored. Everyman is wont to avoid noticing, as his good name has been made conditioned upon him remaining compliant.

History is full of the supposed paradox that of course eventually turns out to be just the discomfort of having to exit a system before it has a gun to your head in front of a ditch. But we are so much smarter than those black and white people in the before times. Just look at all the "oh how we burned in the camps..." quotes and yet how many draw their daily bread from that system with a gun to their head?

Yet there is certainly some area beneath the slope of these intersecting curves of collapse and awakenings in which there is enough mass to prevent those mass graves, but I have a hard time drawing such parallels given the unique setting of FUSA.

Mainly, the problems of scale and demographics.

The economics+mythology of FUSA is a powerful combination. Those grubby central hands grasping at the wind of entropy and the model of perpetual material comforts failing to improve generational wealth at scale explains both the commies in charge and the street commmies and their "educated" useful idiot class as well.

But we have to be honest about the corollary productive class, both captive labor and the striver managerial classes.

Where the commies destroy and pervert, the producers and managers become paranoid, avoidant, and near religious in their civic nationalism and "libertarian" beliefs in the Indvidual and something about taxation.

Where the commies are deluded in their conjuring of surplus and entitlement from the ether, the producers are just as deluded in their faith in the System and its rational propensity to self-correct with proper inputs of various loaded terms like liberty and freedom.

When asked about "free trade's" role in destroying domestic labor, well the answer is of course you are racist. What, do you want $5 heads of lettuce? Oh, wait.

The delusion of the "Economy" being our highest purpose as a nation needs to be broken.

The economy serves our interests; we do not serve the Economy. All our institutions should be similarly oriented. And so in separating from the Fedgov, all these matters must be revisited or else we will merely rebuild the mound.

That means living in my new Freestate might mean I get a lot poorer, economically and materially. Hmmm. But perhaps my grandchildren will know a better life.

And in that, Our Greatest Strength, one of the biggest lies of all, will not go quietly.

States will have to confront the reality that the "citizens" have a say about all these "residents", no matter their dreams. The States will have to decide if they are once again mere economic zones or if there is a majority of people who have a right to a land for their Posterity, as was the original intent, or if we are entering a long road of dilutive compromise, just on a smaller scale.

I know, first things first. I am all for telling fedgov to pound sand. Take it from there.

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Excellent comment, especially the part about 'free trade', which has helped destroy America. As far as 'immigration' goes, we are simply being invaded by a military force just waiting for their weapons and the word to go.

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No shortage of weapons waiting for them here. Nearly every "Murican killed or loaded on a boxcar to camp will have been armed.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I'd like to think we have a bit more backbone, but I guess we may find out before much longer. And no, I'm NOT getting into a boxcar.

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I just read this morning that voting is now akin to adults writing a letter to Santa. I think that a good analogy, don't you? In the case of Minnesota, I ask myself, "How is it that the good people of the state are allowing this travesty?" Well, their votes don't matter, and as long as voting is the only action they take they are screwed by some minority of low IQ that has no interest in ever assimilating to become an "American". If allowed a referendum, I wonder what the real citizenry of the state would agree to? Chicago's city council refuses to allow its citizens a referendum on sanctuary city status. In both instances is that not a "threat to our democracy" they shrill about all the time since calling something or someone "RACIST" no longer works like it once did.

Dan Bongino often asks, "Has it gotten bad enough yet?" The inference is obvious... how much more are you willing to take from this corrupt 'woke' cancer eating away at the nation, our culture, and our lives? Apparently not bad enough... yet. But that may change soon. While all the attention is focused on the approaching (maybe) elections, underhanded politics and weaponization of federal and state offices, a looming financial and economic disaster is pushing itself up like a distant, but fast approaching, tidal wave. When that happens and people's financial security becomes part of the debris, will that be enough? When 'The Blob's' fuel ($$$) is drastically reduced or eliminated to the point they can no longer buy off, bribe, tempt the greedy, or threaten to withhold funding and the only thing they have remaining to extort and threaten the public is physical force, will that be enough? Once the treasonous invasion force allowed to cross our borders are turned loose you can bet it will have become real enough and bad enough then. I pray its not too late.

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People cling to the vote, the system righting itself, because the alternatives are just too much to consider.

Normalcy bias is the tip of the iceberg. Voting hasn't moved the needle in decades. "Representatives" have not served the actual interest of constituents for decades. The few that do end up as wax figures in the museum or starters on the Washington Generals, who are free to perform the 'shaking fist the sky' routines knowing full well that other than social media fandom and mainstream clip fodder they are inert.

No, it is absolutely a social-economic problem. We have allowed ourselves to be eliminated already, rendered into fungible units within muh economy. If all we are is an economy, then that is the battlefront. For good or bad.

Look at California Proposition 187 (c.1994). Almost 30 years ago the voters supported legislation to address just some of the incentives and resource drains from the invasion. It passed (59%). And yet the entire permanent state and rogue judiciary and "elected" governor were hostile to it and so it was dead in the water the day after it passed. You see, it was racist.

The will was there, but the system crushed it. Now the system is fully converged and the will has atrophied but for the emerging pain on the margins stirring some folks toward noticing.

Fast forward and the demographics have gone further away from Heritage America - and the single-party government and full commie bureaucracy have destroyed everything.

The hurtbox of any fedgov opposition is that double-edged sword of fedbucks hegemony on household economics. As you point out there is a world of hurt in any of those scenarios in which the dollar is broken and/or the zero-sum increments of separation.

Consider social security for just one. While my elders even decades ago were telling me my generation would never see our SS because the system was already "bankrupt", like those unrealized losses and quadrillion of impaired derivatives in the bowls of globofinance, the show goes on.

While I plan on getting zero there are already millions who rely wholly upon SS payments to survive. Urban bug people and rural retirees and disabled alike.

A state that gets testy will find out if fedgov will keep cutting checks to "terrorists" or "insurrectionist" or "rogue" states committing any number of offenses already on the books. Millions of people suddenly zeroed out economically is a disaster on its own.

Who will care for all those trapped in the various schemes and scams of SS that just go dark one day? Lawfare will not feed them and keep the heat on.

There are massive feeder industries that insulate us from realities of the economics post-America that are already here. The collapse of a people already happened. Big daddy state has replaced the family, church, community-level organizations. We have just yet to "realize" those losses in economic terms. Apparently, the only terms we are allowed to notice. In spite of the constant gaslighting from the regime.

Same goes for Medicare/Medicaid. And federal school funding. Which is a great thing to separate from until you wonder how all those parents (parent) in Houston will suddenly take great interest in educating their kids, let alone keep them from burning it all down.

The levers are manifold. The extortion racket has any number of avenues, but all seem to lead to the same sort of cascade events.

How close to the ground can you deploy a parachute and still capture enough sky to avoid a splat? What if you are asleep when falling? This thing is going to get ugly.

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Another concise description by T.L. The conservatives / libertarians have been struggling coming to grips with and making plain statements about America's future, and what solutions might be for self preservation. This is a needed and clear piece. Thanks!

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Thank you

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Agreed. I'd be willing to suffer whatever penalties come my way.....if everyone got together and just held back our 2023 tax filing it would shut the government down. It takes money to be righteous and even more to be corrupt. No one seems to consider that. It would trigger a Consitutional Crisis which is what is needed. It doesn't really matter who is elected in 2024 it promises to be a sh*t show! Let's just not finance it anymore.

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I've been adding to the list for my AO for years, more recently it has gotten longer as more individuals have came to light so to speak,

Some names have dropped off for various reasons. Tic tok, time goes by slowly. Then it doesn't.

The tipping point was reached when the opposition decided the time was right to steal the ring.

They have been playing the long game & picked

just one of their plans in motion. Getting steeper & faster it seems.

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Whoa!!! Back up to April 07, 2022. This T.L. Davis is too extreme in his thinking! I mean his essay "The Intimate Communist!?" My LOCAL city and county people!? Communist!? Come on!

Well, fast forward to December 2023. After much reflection and many thoughts about his April 22 essay, I have come to believe Mr. T.L. Davis hit a home run on that essay... and almost everything else he's written. His analysis is spot on with issues. I am reading and pondering EVERYTHING he writes now. Read his "Nine Principles of Freedom" at https://www.amazon.com/Nine-Principles-Freedom-T-L-Davis, and you will read the most concise explanation of the critical points of the United States Constitution… and the basis for our Individual Liberties.

Mr. Davis will probably be stood up against a wall and shot, like me and you, if this tail spin of America continues. I do think it will... Trump will be kept out of office... Nikki Haley, a corrupt fraud and the pawn of Globalists will be put in place of Trump... and the destruction will continue. OR the Diaper King will be re-elect as a shield for Obama‘s fourth term. Or worse.... that other candidate... what's his name? The one whose physique is 70 % buttocks, will be put in. Another corrupt one whose soul is rotten.

Am I right? I wouldn't know. Your guess is as good as mine. But what I do know absolutely is that my moronic ex-sister started the Somalis coming to Minnesota with 2,000 in 1992. What? 400,000 there now? I warned her that the Muslims would not homogenize in the melting pot of America. I lived with them in Africa. I refuse to acknowledge she is blood-related to me now. To my other siblings, when her name is brought up I say... "What sister? I don't have one by that name." My Father said to me once... "I don't know what's wrong with that girl." I do. She's a Communist like another 2 or 3 former members of my family of 11.

Folks, whatever happens… is to a degree, irrelevant. Especially if you DO NOT store water and food.... get together with your neighbors and form a mutual protection group for your neighborhood. Batten down the hatches, because we're headed into one hell of a storm!


Jack Lawson

Associate Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada

Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.” Go to www.CivilDefenseManual.com

“The system that sustains people with food is an illusion to most people and may as well be magical and as real as Disneyland. It consists primarily of the grocery store and restaurants in the minds of most people. This system has not broken down for most in the world, to create death by starvation for decades. So, the meaning of the warning of my words to “store food now” is not there… because the suffering of starvation cannot be conveyed by most of Planet Earth’s living or their ancestors, as few have experienced it.

Countless conversations have taken place over food, starvation and survival from the lack of food during previous famines in the world. Most of those who buried their heads in the sand to the previous warnings of those famines you will never know… because they and their entire bloodlines are gone forever… never to exist again.” - Jack Lawson, Author of the Civil Defense Manual

From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79

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I'd gladly stand next to you on that wall, after we get our required minimum notched on our handles.

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Excellent ideas,

thank you Mr. TLD!

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