🎯 You hit this one out of the park.

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Thank you, sir.

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way out of the park. I have to say that there isn't one single thing to disagree with or one concept that I haven't thought along the same lines.

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My thoughts exactly Wilson.

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The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.

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well said

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Thank you.

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Gabby, all packs are run by the Alpha male and female. I bow to no one.

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I understand your way of thinking, but our 'rugged individualism' is part of what's brought us to this point. We have to become tribal if we want to survive. Blacks are tribal, Asians are tribal, Muslims are tribal, it's time for Whites to become tribal again. I'm 75, so I can remember, when I was a child, that White people were tribal, and it didn't impinge on anyone's identity or self worth, either. We can identify with our people, even if it means becoming part of a group, or we can go extinct. I'm not a social person, but I recognize the necessity of grouping up as a White person.

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Gabby, I'm 72 and consider myself a Midwesterner from the Upper Midwest. That's my tribe no matter the skin color, religion, or sex. That's my tribe and we all tend to be "rugged individualists."

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But we are the only tribe not allowed to be tribal, to be excoriated for supporting our tribe (without denigrating others), to be expected to denigrate ourselves and subject our generally superior culture and needs to the contempt and cruel judgment of others. I'm sick of it.

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I am, too.

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The meaning of racisim has been perverted from a love of one's people to the hatred of another, which is just dandy for everybody except Europeans.

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Yes, and I am tired of it. I'm White, I'm happy being White, and I support our people whenever I can.

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Linden hit it below. Whenever Whites gathered among themselves the charge of "RACISM" was hurled from every direction. (Only Whites can be racist, you know)

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Well, let them hurl their stupid comments, I'm past the point of caring what these clowns say.

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I know gabby mouse is right,

Plenty of "find tribe" advice out there. Hell I just don't want to.

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Putin has proposed peace-this administration of lunatics should be negotiating right now. Instead, everyone in the District of Criminals is shouting for nuclear war. It's sad, frustrating, and insane that this is going on. If we had REAL reporters and REAL news cycles, we would be talking and debating nonstop. Instead, everybody I know is either in deep denial or waiting for the light, smoke, and heat that will end humanity. I am angry and sad at the same time. There are no liberals, conservatives, or any other delusional "political" persuasion in the landscape. There are many Christian followers who believe in freedom and self determination. Let us band together!

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Everything is focused on maintaining the con, not serving America.

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Another great on-the-spot read! Thanks. Much like you, I've always traveled alone. I'm not into groups or making the scene. Even in a crowded room, I remain alone. Total upheaval seems to be the only way out of the mess that has been created. All politicians are the same—hogs fighting for position at the trough. I suggest that everyone prepare mentally and physically. A new administration cannot right the ship. Its going to get ugly.

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Eric, my in-laws are already ugly.

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Great article! Like you, I've never liked being part of a group. My sports were tennis, running, bicycling, and golf; individual sports.

As an aircraft mechanic, I worked alone. Just me and the machine.

I'm an anarchist. Governments are built on force and are inherently evil because people are flawed and can't be trusted to have power over others.

Now I'll tell you a seat belt story:

Back in the 1980s, I lived on Port Gamble Bay west of Puget Sound. Every morning before dawn, I'd drive to Kingston, WA to catch the Kingston-Edmonds ferry across Puget Sound on my way to work at Kenmore Air Harbor on Lake Washington.

Most of us commuters would drive onto the open ended ferry and sleep in our vehicles on the 40 minute trip across the Sound.

At the front of the ferry was a row of cars three wide. An old Swede in an old Chevy was in the front row sound asleep.

The ferry crew would remove the posts and chains at the front of ferry as the boat came into the Edmonds dock. Then the crew would jump on the hoods of the front cars to wake up the drivers.

The Old Swede was awakened by the crewman jumping on his car hood. The Swede panicked, started his Chevy and drove right off the ferry into about 30' of 50F seawater.

The ferry sounded it's horn but couldn't stop and docked. We all unloaded and went to work.

Later that day, the car was found just off the Edmonds dock with the Old Swede in it. He had his seat belt on.

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Safer ain't always safer and should be left to the individual.

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I really don't think that we have the old communism/capitalism dialetic any longer. What drives politics now is managerialism. Managers shaping policy to drive the herd. That's why it is both of our political parties. They each think that they can manage the country best. It is also why nothing much ever changes, no matter which party is in power. They'll tweak and fine tune the existing system, always seeking to stifle the individual and never addressing the loss of individual liberty. As our current POtuS once said, "No one really cares about their Constitutional rights anymore."

1. The system is broken.

2. The Constitution is dead.

3. Plan accordingly.

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Understood, but the phrasing is purposeful. I can't get into advanced-level political delineations and blunt the point by referencing complicated explanations for the exact political ideology of my enemy and it doesn't serve my purpose. This war, at present, is all information warfare and I sacrifice some precision to make the point. Thank you for your contribution to the argument and I look forward to more from you.

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I understand. Your remarks are both truth and prescient. I live in a blue state/northern WI., where

I bought a place that I hoped would be "safe". Now I am not so sure. Every scrap of land has been

for sale/WI people and IL, peeps. We say Fibs, an unflattering acronym for entitled folks with more

$$$ than manners for the Fibs. The place I have was at $400/year for home insurance, and now it is

just < than 3K. Thank goodness I have some savings, no internet cell phone, and a very modest

lifestyle. No VAX, and no respect for the murderess sorts in .gov. that are traitors to all mankind .

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"Come in, ride the bull, and leave" *laugh* I wish I had developed that attitude earlier in life but am happy that I finally did. I guess some develop it early and some later and most not at all. Having friends and the required socialization to maintain friendships within a group to keep the group intact even though you often have to 'go along to get along' when you really would rather not could be another example. True friends don't require that dance, btw.

I live in a rural county that morphing fast into a suburban landscape as people move here from communist crap holes elsewhere and busy themselves in building the same here. But that another topic. I sent an email to my county supervisor recently to inquire if the Board of Supervisors have discussed/planned for what looks like some unpleasantness in the near future that would result in negative consequences for the overall health of the County and it's residents. (I was a professional firefighter for 33 yrs, the last ten as a Deputy Chief, and the last three of those as a moderate sized cities emergency coordinator. So I'm no stranger to these things and understand the importance of planning.) Well, not a peep back from Mr. Supervisor. I wonder if he just thinks I'm some crackpot! I doubt the board has given thought to any of that. Probably never will and think they'll worry about it if anything happens.

A mention about your seatbelt comments. I used seatbelts before they were mandatory because I wanted to. When the law passed I resented being told that I had to use a seatbelt and still do. When a local traffic fatality occurs and the deceased wasn't wearing a seatbelt, that fact is never failed to be mentioned in the news. I've never read where wearing a seatbelt contributed to a fatality. Odd. You know some did.

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