The election is over, at least in some places, but if your world did not change and the facts of fraud did not diminish, it’s because elections are not the answer. They provide the citizens with an opportunity to throw rocks at the people they don’t like by voting for someone they dislike less, but that’s it. I’m a proponent of throwing those rocks, but throwing a rock has never built a thing. It’s an emotional reaction, a moment to just lash out at that which annoys us.
I believe in using all tools against the problem, an election, a vote, is just one tiny aspect of the duty we need to grab onto and pursue. A duty is a task one undertakes in order to preserve something of value at personal cost.
That’s the part individualists get hung up on. They’re focused, rightly, on themselves and their families, those of concern to them. They want simply to be left alone, but the only way to keep the masses from involving themselves into one’s affairs, is to become some part of the masses. It’s a paradox, but not an enigma. We can figure this out, the founders attempted to figure it out, how to make individualism supreme, while still working to create a society that respected that individualism, or all they would have is a democracy, something more hated than the British.
It’s clear that elections will never be secure, except in Florida until DeSantis is gone, then it will go back to what’s normal, i.e., corrupt. That’s the part that people don’t quite understand; the norm is corruption, the abnormal is truth, light and the American way (at least insofar as it professes).
History of the United States isn’t what is proclaimed, it’s a nasty, dirty process of those who believe in the ideal of honesty, truth, justice, peace and strength struggling mightily against the forces of natural corruption. Did it fail, of course, stop expecting that vision to survive the constant, determined assaults. Understand the dynamics: one is easy, profitable and gives one a sense of power, the other relies on a sense of duty to do something hard for no particular personal reward and even at significant cost, except that future generations might live a better life. Come on!
Honest, fair and right have no relationship with ease, power and wealth, none. When I ran my company, all I offered is honest work, fairness and reasonable compensation. We didn’t get rich, we paid our bills, supplied about seven or eight people with incomes and we made a modest, but good living.
I have put every dime I’ve ever earned or inherited into trying to keep this day from dawning, where we recognize that corruption is 99% of our world. I believe, however naively and stupidly, in the idea of honesty, truth and justice. I’ve been able to live it through my company and I’ve been able to maintain it through my professional relationships since, but that doesn’t mean that I win, or that I succeed, it just means that I didn’t compromise those values, those beliefs.
The truth that I’ve had to recognize, is that it’s a loser, these greater ideals, these values. They’re losers, just like the corrupt election, with Mitch McConnell doing everything he could to destroy every other Republican who might seek any of these values once elected. He chose Murkowski over Tshibaka, a RINO over a MAGA (not Trump, Trump isn’t MAGA, he coopted it, popularized it, but MAGA is Make America Great Again, something from the Reagan era and something I want desperately to do). Mitch McConnell knows how to make a buck, how to be successful and it’s in being corrupt.
So, with that as a backdrop, I want to say this. A guy I know, who goes by an internet handle of Lineman, I know his real name, but won’t use it here, has long proposed a “going Galt” sort of existence that I always knew was the right method, the right way to do things, but I didn’t want to live where he proposed it take place, so I want to give him total credit for what I have to propose.
It’s time to become separatists. If we believe in these things, truth, justice and the American way, we’re going to have to establish it in small communities and build out, reconnoiter with others who have done the same thing and rebuild America from within. It’s going to take too long, I know that, I don’t think this is actionable, but as recently as two years ago, people told me not to pursue the film industry, because it was all going to implode before then. Well, here we are, two years later, staring at a future of inconceivable moral destitution and nothing with which to combat it, not great films of our own, no way to speak to the general public about our concerns, or our particular points of view that are shared by a lot more people than one might imagine, but there’s no way to express it. Hollywood is never going to show goodness, righteousness and justice as the heroes, the ideal, unless they couch those virtues into the degenerate as they are known to do.
One thousand people in a town the size of mine, would change everything; we’d get people elected to everything from Sheriff on down to dogcatcher. Sheriff is going to be a big deal when the FBI is involved, they can either co-operate or give a phone call and ask for the suspect to come down and talk.
Everything the left has lined up, ready to go, is conflict, aggravation, force, but insert a couple of rational individuals and the FBI can wait until the Sheriff brings the suspect in, no early-morning raids, SWAT teams, just a phone call. That’s what’s changed in America. The cop or sheriff’s deputy used to show up at the door, with a .38 in his holster to inquire as to where the suspect could be found, to talk, to reason with him, to bring him in peacefully. Now it’s SWAT all day, every day to serve FTA warrants. It’s stupid and it’s designed to intimidate one from invoking their rights. It’s designed to impress the power of the state on the individual.
This has to change and it can’t be done with elections, it has to be done by becoming separatists, to claim that political moniker, even, if necessary. Perhaps, in some situations, it could be a religious exemption. We should use all means of defense against an increasingly arbitrary and malicious federal and state government. I designed the Autonomous County Project around this idea, but I think more and more it has to be pursued.
We’re Americans, we build our own nations. Our origins are in being separatists.
Consider these novels as I work toward my own self-sufficient lifestyle.
Good read, good solid idea, and some individuals somewhere will start it or are starting it now. But, It's going to take even more Repression to fuel the Reaction to Create it more fully and broadly,imo.
I'm there mentally, and am physically located rurally where the seed can and will grow in Southern soil.
It's probably going to be assisted by necissity, due to the VaXXX die off, economic debt collapse, and social divorce from the population centers that are insane,
Interesting times, Time for Creation, and leaving the Dying decadence behind. Death and Birth are joined together closely, one is going, while one is coming.
I like the ideas you advance herein. I'd tentatively refer you to Identity Dixie [] as one attempt to do so. In my head, I define this separatist approach as "Alone Together". I wonder how many people would agree. I'm going to test your ideas (with full attribution) next weekend at a gathering of like-minded individuals (my firearms forum is gathering for a holiday get-together), and see what kind of reception I get. I have to find something positive to do in the time I have left on this earth, and this seems as good an endeavor as any.