Good read, good solid idea, and some individuals somewhere will start it or are starting it now. But, It's going to take even more Repression to fuel the Reaction to Create it more fully and broadly,imo.

I'm there mentally, and am physically located rurally where the seed can and will grow in Southern soil.

It's probably going to be assisted by necissity, due to the VaXXX die off, economic debt collapse, and social divorce from the population centers that are insane,

Interesting times, Time for Creation, and leaving the Dying decadence behind. Death and Birth are joined together closely, one is going, while one is coming.

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Our principles are not losers unless we surrender. Separatism is retreat, therefore surrender, therefore loser. I prefer to stand and fight. When outnumbered by a superior force, guerilla tactics are effective. We don't win in one decisive battle, but as long as we keep fighting, we don't lose. If we do it well, eventually we'll become the superior force, and then we win.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by T.L. Davis


Many of us are conflicted about what to do to help in this utterly depraved

social order. I can't think of much anything that hasn't been corrupted and

we are being threatened repeatedly to conform or else. We see that the elections

were not honest, but it can be a crime to say so. Life is short, the older we get the

more we realize that time runs out.

There is maybe a trite motto, "be the change you want to see", but I like it. The Golden

Rule is well known and fairly easy to adopt. I like it, and even if someone is rude, I can still

smile and thank them. Everyone can relate to these concepts. I am plumb tuckered

out, after this election shite show, and sick of all and any political anything. I have to

retreat for a bit, that is, step back, and focus on what is practical and continuing to prep

for the winter. Miserable being cold but family and age issues keep me planted where

I/we are. As with many states, the cities are garish blue and the country side is mostly

red. Old fashioned. There are always liberals around bragging about how good they are

and about how much they care/which is smart and sophisticated versus the unenlightened

others. Gratefully not too many of those sorts, and even so, they are still decent people.

So far no one is waving guns around trying to steal from random people encountered

on the street. Think NYC. Be grateful not to live there! Please, no one be too bitter, rather

thank God for your life and be good to others. Maybe don't think too hard about the injustice

and freakish characters running the show. I dare say, just who do those pushing bugs on

us to eat think they are? Isn't that hysterical? Let's take a break everybody and turn the

propagandists off, and do something useful or fun. We will grow a bit stronger and be

better aligned to be good to ourselves and others. Everyone has something to contribute,

please share what you are good at with others. And thanks T.L., and fine commenters in this


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Nov 11, 2022Liked by T.L. Davis

You are correct, Sir. I threw as many of those rocks as I could get ahold of. Thankfully, quite a few were 'positive' rocks, since I'm fortunate enough to be a native Flor-i-didian. I fear that you are also correct that after DeSantis is term limited, we will have corruption once again.

I've reached the conclusion that, even though I've not been able to put things together as you've done, a lot of the things in this post reside between my own ears. I've always thought that duty is at the top of the list of important personal traits. Myself, I try to use the Golden Rule as guidance as often as possible. I used it to great advantage when I was a working man, especially when I was running work. It amazes some that you can get so much more out of someone when they know you've 'got their back', so to speak.

We can do much worse than follow The Founders lead! I also realize that corruption is the norm, and it pains me to say that. That said, honesty, truth, and justice ARE out there. The older I get, the more I see this corruption. And now, with 2 great grandsons, I wonder what they will inherit. If I have anything to say about it, they'll get more truth, honesty, and justice than corruption. That's a BIG IF, but I have to try - it's my duty.

Y'all take care,


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Nov 11, 2022Liked by T.L. Davis

T.L., you expressed an idea that I think is already beginning to see the light of a new day among people living in areas as you describe. Other than the brief feeling that I was able to throw a rock at the beast last Tuesday, I know nothing I did really affected those who would destroy us. But locally, well that is different. My county is filled with people of the same mind who would willingly take on the mantel of "Separatists", and many already have. Many may fit the description but just not know it yet. Its time to pull back into our own communities, out own families, and work to build the life we want while not cooperating or being intimidated by 'The Other'.

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I like the ideas you advance herein. I'd tentatively refer you to Identity Dixie [https://identitydixie.com/] as one attempt to do so. In my head, I define this separatist approach as "Alone Together". I wonder how many people would agree. I'm going to test your ideas (with full attribution) next weekend at a gathering of like-minded individuals (my firearms forum is gathering for a holiday get-together), and see what kind of reception I get. I have to find something positive to do in the time I have left on this earth, and this seems as good an endeavor as any.

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I would would suggest the region around the Great Lakes: it's still mostly White and it's not as pricey as a lot of other places. There are problems with the southern states, namely they are full of people of another race, who will never get along with us. Texas and the other southwest states share a border with Mexico, and we know how well that has worked out. Both coasts are pretty much hopeless, so I would suggest the Upper Midwest.

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