The border invasion is an attack on the people of the United States of America, and it is being facilitated by the government of the United States of America - the same gang of criminals who destroyed the freedoms and economies of the countries these people are coming from. The "law enforcement" people are acting under orders - they don't care if they're illegal, as long as they get paid, and that's the bottom line for them. The people coming from Venezuela, for example, are coming from a country where the people voluntarily gave up their guns - and where possession of an airsoft pistol gets you ten years in prison. The crooks who run that country are raking in billions - and those who aren't in the gang - or in their version of "law enforcement" get paid between $4 to $20 per *month* - and that $20 per month goes to the highest paid people, like doctors with years of experience. Oh, and they get a box of food from the government every month, too. I knew a guy with a four-year university degree in IT and the best paying job he could get paid $5 per month. Applying for a visa to the US costs $120... He walked 100 miles to Ecuador to get out of that place, who knows, maybe he crossed the US border, too, and I can't blame him if he did. *All* of those countries are kleptocracies just like that, made that way by deliberate US government policy, corrupt regimes kept in place by force (look up School of the Americas sometime). He knows what freedom is probably a lot better than most Americans - and he could pass a citizenship test most Americans couldn't pass (including most in Congress). He's a Libertarian - as in von Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard. He's the opposite of what the Dems and Reps think he is. The same goes for a lot of those other people in the same situation. The kleptocracy in the US wants to start a war between those of us that are here - and the people coming in - so they can steal more from us - where it's the kleptocrats - both Dems and Reps - and their enforcers - who are the real enemies. Nobody in this is clueless, except perhaps for the American people...

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Everything you say is true. And you are correct, we the people could put an end to it in a matter of weeks. Easy Peasy except for one thing: our own government would come down on us just as they did the J6'ers.

We need to endure this shit show until the 50+ % are the recipients of the rapes, murders, beheadings and theft HERE IN THE US and realize all they thought they knew was wrong. All of the Hamas supporters we see in the streets of America are the useful idiots of the regime until they become the targets.

We are biding our time until we have "the hearts and minds" of the majority on our side. Until then, we are the cannon fodder; all we need to do is survive. Our day may never come, but if it does it will be unprecedented. Through it all we must never forget who the real enemies within are.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

"There’s no rule of law, there’s what you can force and what you must endure."

The former president is enduring the lawless law-fare to prevent him from being

on any ballot in the next election. Every hired agent of the US/employee, can be ruined

on a whim, so they endure and obey every mandate handed down to them. The endless

stream of border crosser groups represents another nail in the coffin of the former USA.

The list of atrocities against the people are are too many to note here...we (not all) know

them anyway. I live in a very small community and we are also besieged with obesity and

the phone addiction. My own solace, for now, is that when I look out, I see trees and fields,

deer and bears occasionally, and hear birds at least in the warmer weather. That is changing

though as every scrap of land possible is being bought up and a travel trailer is plunked

on it "for when we are forced to flee the city" some freely admit. No where to run to, nowhere

to hide. Very sad. My heart goes out to those with a very small budget, social security checks,

and when those stop, people will go hungry and starve. We have been overwhelmed and soon

to be conquered. We need to get smart...but I fear we have lost our men due to chemical

castration, obesity, and addictions. Plead though we may, it is largely lost and a civil war is

likely, and some will be fighting the hungry invaders, but most have already capitulated.

Sorry to be negative, but history makes us well aware of the consequences of being subject

to invasion by strong young men on a mission to destroy and conquer.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Obama, through his mouthpiece Biden, has told Israel that if Israel continues to issue rifles to Israeli "civilians" to be used to protect themselves, their families, and their villages from potential future attacks by terrorists, that the US will refuse to send more firearms to Israel. Think about that. If this occupational government we are afflicted with threatens its "strongest ally" in not allowing it to provide a means of self-defense to its citizens who are in jeopardy in a war zone, how much more distain do you think they hold us? Historically when a citizenry rose up to correct some wrong I wager that in each instance it was a homogeneous citizenry. We no longer have such commonality or shared thought, need, and resolve. The once great melting pot is now an egg carton and it becomes more segmented each passing day.

It pains me to say it, but I no longer think there are enough of us numerically to turn the ship away from the rocks. Hell, we couldn't keep the House in my state legislature yesterday much less take the Senate! Lord only knows what communist bull shit will find its way out of those two houses, now! Look at what just happened in Kentucky. A "deep red" state re-elected a leftist Democrat governor. If we can't rally to stop things like that, how the hell would we ever rally to close the border and hold people accountable? How about NEVER! Look, thats not defeatism. Its just the cold shower of reality. The ship has already hit the rocks. Its without power, leaking badly and down by the bow, and the fools up on the bridge are laughing hysterically. We need to don our life vests, crawl into our life boat and row away from that sinking ship as far as we can. Sure, mistakes were made and there are things that should have gotten done, but they weren't. Now we must survive.

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I'm not sure I have anything to add. To me, it's all about manipulating the vote. Soon, non-citizens will be allowed to vote. Game over AND with no recovery or last-second hail Marys. It looks like we lost the Virginia legislature to lib/Dems all based on the abortion issue. Folks aren't capable of rational thought anymore. Whatever the nightly news spews out is gospel. There will be a day of enlightenment/reckoning just too late.

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