Well stated, Mr. Davis. At some point, as in Roman Catholic doctrine, we all will be held to account for our sins of omission and commission, remote or proximate. Objective truth exists such that this accounting will take place. Would that more citizens knew the truth or a sufficient amount to see the brutal reality we now face. It is overwhelmingly clear, as Yuri Bezemenov made clear in his interview with G. Edward Griffin in the 1980's, we face a determined, committed and evil enemy who see us as mere cattle/sheep/cogs in their control grid to be exploited, used or exterminated as they deem fit. Acta, non verba. I pray that, should lethal force be required, those who love the truth will not shrink from the duty that justice requires.

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Good points. We'll see what happens, we won't have to wait much longer.

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Yet none dare mention the Jews, a significant majority of whom in the West - 70-75% - yearn for the "good old days" of their Messiahs - Lenin and Stalin. Bernie's campaign even claimed the gulags "paid a living wage." Bernie never repudiated that claim. Have the Jews repudiated Bernie???

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I did what I could. I didn't comply. I never "locked down", or wore a face diaper. I traveled when I felt like it, as did the majority of my region it seemed. I broke as many of 'their' rules as I could... and enjoyed it. Not much else to do. Painting my face blue and standing out on the highway with my AZ wouldn't have produced anything but my probable death. I'm waiting right along with you, and I'm not getting any younger.

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That's resistance. Despite what some think, even the act of writing these blogs is action, it's at least something in the face of people who will use my words as justification for my hanging, if we lose, or even before we lose or win, but I've never turned away, though writing about these things has cost me a Big Publisher contract, kept me from being able to land an agent, etc. My regular job life has never been hindered, that I know of, but will be in the future. We're doing what we can every step of the way. Thank you.

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There will be a major collapse very soon. My dream will come true. A free fire zone in the entire country. But I don't expect to see the writer of this article in the street next to me. Some people are keyboard warriors. My safety is off. Soon we'll all know who is full of hot air and who isn't.

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I'm not the one hiding behind a fake name.

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There will be no resistance on a grand scale until the lack of basic necessities hit people on a personal level. A face mask is an inconvenience, The inability to procure energy to heat your home in the dead of winter, or the willingness to pay whatever the cost for food, and none being available is quite another. The Poorest American is still richer then a good majority of the rest of the world. I don't doubt that the Average American idiot will give up his netflix subscription and his amazon prime or let his new car get repoed at some point to feed his family or heat his home. The resistance will be when there is no food to buy or energy to buy, at any cost on the open market. The resistance will sprout from Governments attempt to crack down on the Illegal sale of food and energy. This is the opinion I got from a Bosnian I work with.

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