"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey, IMPERIUM

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“How did the societal break occur? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” (Apologies to Ernest Hemingway.) I think that we are nearing the end of the “gradually” phase.

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I think so, too.

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Wow, Dr. TLD is a wordsmith with this essay.

100% and just an excellent revue. Everybody is different, and intellect varies, experiences

vary, knowledge of history varies, and certainly spirituality and common human understanding

is not ubiquitous.

The German and Russian Stasi:


The Ministry for State Security, commonly known as the Stasi, was the state security service of East Germany from 1950 to 1990. The Stasi's function was similar to that of the KGB, serving as a means of maintaining state authority, i.e., the "Shield and Sword of the Party" (Wiki...)

These folks had mastered math and psych (supposedly) and calculated about 10% of the

people were implacable and sought to subvert the system. "Block leaders" were appointed

and were expected to identify those people, and would then be rewarded with an extra loaf

of bread. It might be the leaders couldn't find any such people, so they would pretend and

give up names. Sadistic behavior? Yes indeed. Was it sadistic behavior to conjure a "new flu"

so to inject people with poison? Those are the types of devils we are up against.

We are in the midst of a societal and economic collapse. Many hell hole cities are prime examples.

Many people are holding their breath, so to speak. The pain we are feeling, the injustice, the

depravity we see will likely grow and when it breaks? Don't know for sure, but when the pain

is too painful, and people lose it all, there will be nothing left to lose, and the people will lose

it. Look to history, patterns and cycles...history does repeat. First of all throw the cell phone

(listening and tracking device) in the garbage. Or, wait until the 5G blasts you...oops, you're

dead. Human behavior doesn't change, however much we wish it would. Power over others

is irresistible to some but cooperation is an elusive critter. Someone has to do it however or

we will get nuked, literally or figuratively.

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In the Course of Human Events .......TSHTF eventually. The USSR went bankrupt ???, Something Happened. ChiComs vanquished the ChiNationalists and now are Absorbing Taiwan into their Orb. The USA destroyed the CSA, became an Empire, USSA soon afterwards. Gen Smedley Butler wrote "War is a Racket" to little avail. "Peace" has never been a goal of the Ferals in DC under Any Regime or Pol Party. Popular sentiments of the people have to be manipulated by Attacks on the Homeland to rush into Foreign Wars of blood & profits.

Domestic has always been the theatere for debate, conflict, or reform or some resolution of differences.... until Now, when absolute Insanity Reigns, and Tyranny over Sanity is their/thems' Reactive Responses to Sanity seeking to preserve a remnant of societal or legal norms of justice and liberty.


So S will HTF again, via active or passive resitance resulting in collapse of the old order aka Feral USSA now or eventually. Even the ChiComs are dead men walking, no differentthan the USSR, because Slaves never produce abundancies like Free Piople.

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I don't believe we have a real government any longer. Not anything 'By the People'. Waste of time trying to access blame for the deterioration of what was. Two hundred twenty five to 275 years historically have been the average life span of empires before malaise and corruption causes their collapse. Its our turn. The actions of this criminal cabal running the country get more outrageous day by day. I think its because they are increasingly desparate. People are waking up to the schemes, the lies. No, its not in time to save anything because there is just nothing to save. The 'system' needs to be 'put down' like a horse with a broken leg. If anyone in that rotten thing called "government" think we are all shaking in our boots in fear of their "punishments", they can just go piss up a rope. What we are watching is their wheels coming off, and they know it. Yes, it will be bad for all of us. But if you know its coming you can get ready for it and not be surprised.

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Please find Recent American Thinker article “The hill we will die on”.

Did they finally cross a line in the sand?

Would like your thoughts.


Upstate SC

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One would certainly hope so, after all this time.

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I’m sure you are aware of the landgrab in South Dakota. Farms in families for generations being stolen by billionaires for a carbon dioxide pipeline with Kristi Noem nowhere in sight.

How can this not….NOT…lead to bloodshed? A pissed off patriot should announce he is running for governor and will deputize and arm every able bodied person who wants to defend their property. Blood will spill before the elites get the message.

What thinketh ye?

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I am aware of it, all for a CO2 pipeline, when CO2 has never been found to be a pollutant or harmful in anyway. It's part of the whole green energy insanity that I routinely resist.

Like you, though, I can't do it for them, but I am ready to ride should they gather the nerve to do as Cliven Bundy did. But they have to show me something first. After the Bundy Ranch, before Malheur, there was a land grab along the Red River here in Texas and they were up in arms about it, but their first communication out to the larger world was one that asked not to have "those people like who had been at Bundy Ranch." I dropped it and did nothing to help their cause.

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