This is what got me started in virtual and physical resistance, the economic system. Before that I had protested when I felt I had to, but not as a coordinated thing, just me with a sign walking back and forth. That’s how it was done back then. Unless you were part of a union, there was no support and if you felt personally threatened by government, it was the only action available to you. It didn’t accomplish a thing, but you did what you could.
The 2008 banking crisis brought me out, threw everything else to the side, because it was that important. I got tied up with the Tea Party crowd, but I was never really a member or a leader. I spoke at a number of events after writing The Constitutionalist as a sort of constitutional primer for those who had little or no relationship with the document that founded our nation, our republic. It’s a bit outdated now, but still some good information.
When Pete Santilli started the Tea Party with his epic and historic rant, that I watched live and agreed with wholeheartedly, I stepped up and began an online crusade against this moral-hazard socialization of the banking system. There is no other way to look at it than to recognize that we, the people, are the only solution to their problems, but we have no say in it. None. We’re the deep pockets from which the rich and powerful draw to make themselves whole, leaving us with empty pockets, no job and a mortgage we can’t pay for. No one is going to come bail us out of our troubles, troubles they created by their risky investments, their phony-baloney money changing. No, we’ll lose our homes, our life savings, our jobs and our futures all so they don’t have to eat tuna fish instead of caviar. That’s the truth of it.
It’s deja-vu all over again. Janet Yellen stated in her recent appearance before the Senate Banking committee that they (the FDIC, the Treasury Department and the president) had to have a super-majority and consultation to decide which banks would get bailed out. In this video, the real questions are put to her and her answers tell you all you need to know about who is going to foot this bill, who is going to survive intact and which banks will be favored in the upcoming consolidation.
Do you know how they get to CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)? This is how. Consolidate banks down to a few favored who do whatever they’re asked to do.
So, who had accounts at Silicon Valley Bank that inspired the cooperation of the FDIC, the Treasury Department and Joe Biden a.k.a. Barack Obama? The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and other fat cat Democrats. When it comes to us and our regional banks, watch the video again, if you have to. Nothing. In fact, worse than nothing, it’s negative, because they’ll take what you have to give to them.
The best move to make, right now, if you have any deposits in Chase Bank, Bank of America, USBancorp, etc., is to take the money out of those and put it in a small, regional bank. Show your displeasure for the bailout by doing that, start a bank run on the big banks, the government will take care of them anyway. Do that to support and bolster the small, regional banks. You don’t risk anything, because the FDIC will cover your funds under $250,000, even if they have to come back to you to get the money to do it. At least, you’ll get something out of it, rather than nothing.
They refuse to call it a bailout, but that’s exactly what it is. When they insure funds over the $250,000 limit for their friends and political cronies, but not for the average business or farm, it can be nothing other than a bailout.
The EU countries are particularly upset by all of these shenanigans. For years they’ve been forced to hear lectures about not doing what the Treasury just did from Treasury officials. They were all forced to make agreements not to do what Janet Yellen quickly did. They may have had to toe the rough line somewhere along the line and Yellen simply caved at the first sign of adversity.
There is hostility all around for what was done with SVB and Signature Bank. This should enrage everyone. This transcends politics and is purely an economic issue. This is wrong, it’s dangerous and everyone knows it.
What makes it worse is that the U.S. economics are nowhere near the economics of 2008. Instead of $9 trillion in debt, we’re over three times that amount, $31.5 trillion in debt. Another couple trillion dollar “stimulus” bills won’t do a single thing to help the banks now, because they didn’t then. Most of the “stimulus” money got funneled into campaign contributor’s pockets, union balance sheets and Democrat 501c3 organizations. In fact, I’d say that any spending bill coming out of congress will be so directed to “special interests” that pay for campaigns that if any of those trillions actually go to address any specific problem, I’d be amazed. It just doesn’t work that way anymore. We’re in a looting cycle that will not end until the republic ends either in implosion or military defeat.
The truth is, we can’t solve our problems anymore, because no one’s trying to do that, they just use the problems as excuses to raid the treasury. That’s all. Especially where the openly and brazenly corrupt Biden regime is in control. It just has to crash to make any headway on these issues. There has to be a division of serious thinkers and Democrats. When I say “division” I mean secession of those states who are actively seeking a better life for their citizens and those states seeking to raid the treasury to pay off their campaign contributors. I don’t even put Texas in the “serious” category, so I hope they shape up.
Right now, withdraw funds from the big banks Yellen says she’ll make whole and put them into banks that need the deposits to support their local economy. Spit in the eye of CBDCs.
My novels of freedom, and especially individuality, Rebel and Rogue about a young man, growing up trying to do the right thing. They’re available on Amazon and our website 12 Round Productions, where you can also find access to our red-pill film Lies of Omission.
Excellent synopsis! I left banks years ago! I have an excellent credit union I belong to.
Yellen is truly pathetic. If you’re going to lie, at least be smooth about it. SLAP! That’s for the hard working peons like me, Jan! Since you f___k me constantly, we should be on a first name basis, right?
Yes of course, TLD, you have called it. We have been in a looting phase for longer
than since 2008, but it was less obvious. The truth is, we are suffering deferred maintenance
of our infrastructure as well as direct theft of our tax $, as well as by any scam for $ that can
be imagined. We are also being poisoned every which way as the food and water is tainted.
Think Detroit. The sky is clouded with chemicals, my pet peeve, stealing our sunshine and
giving us a skim milk sky. The latest "big thing" was the destruction of small business via
the C app. There are 20 other big things we can name, things that are creating chaos and
misery here in the US and around the world. I am pretty sure the country has been first
abandoned, and then actively poised for destruction. Maybe the plan is for the Chinese
.gov to pay the controllers big $ and the "important" people will be so rich with silver and
gold that they can build a mountain of it. Then the Chinese can just move in and take over.
That is one theory to consider. Then the drugs...I read that one "shipment" seized had
enough fentanyl to kill every American twice over. It is difficult not to call the controllers
evil as murder is their game. Some people will snap and will look for revenge/but as every
keystroke is captured/they may be easy to identify. We are not the land of milk and honey,
but rather the land of the broken and retarded and the entitled, demanding that .gov pay
them for existing. The hard working are not allowed to work and create, and every penny
of their fruits are marked for theft from many angles. What a shame. And just how much
more dreadful can things become? Just watch and see.