My silence over the past several days is the product of recognizing that there’s no stopping the onslaught of Marxist/Stalinist future for the United States. A Ministry of Truth has been proposed and not been met with complete and total ridicule. While it’s important to see events take place, it’s more important to know what you see and what I see is a nation accepting and compliant of the coup, with patriots so conditioned to fear their own government that they’re stymied into passivity.
There’s reason to fear their own government, because it’s trying to kill them in every possible way, to kill or effectively neutralize them with Global Government Currency in the form of the digital dollar. The government’s turned its back on every principle of freedom previously known. It’s openly invited enemies of the people, including violent criminals and terrorists from abroad onto our streets and threatened suburban housewives and mothers with domestic terrorist charges. This is the end of America. It doesn’t matter where it started, a hundred years ago, or just two years ago, it’s here and the large part of officialdom heralds it.
Who doesn’t approve? It’s hard to tell and will become impossible when all truth is delivered daily by the new and improved government spokesperson, the director of truth as disseminated from official sources. And yet, Americans, the people I once thought had a full and complete understanding of the value of freedom, who recognized it as the force that drove economics, that led to innovation and invention and thus created strength and wealth, cling only to what they have left and do not care enough for what they’ve lost.
In future days they’ll turn over the keys to their once “private property” and shrug while they stand in line for their government issued apartment completely one-hundred-percent monitored at all times for militant activity in order to protect the regime from any possible resistance and they will say: “it’s just how it is, now. At least I’m still free, you know, because I’m an American.”
In truth, this has already happened, it’s just that they’re still funding their own imprisonment. Most cling to the idea of a 2022 election when everything’s gonna change. If it takes place at all, it’ll be a stone in the pocket of a man jumping off a cliff. Do I want to see a win? Sure, I’d like to see some congressional hearings over all of the things that have taken place and maybe someone pay for the wholesale destruction of the nation I once had every reason to treasure, based on principles that lit a fire in my heart and kept me writing this blog and things like it for decades. In the end, however, someone else going to jail doesn’t put one more ounce of freedom in my life.
I want freedom and when one considers what that means, what would have to change in order to get that back, the enormity is overwhelming. The plans and designs of thousand upon thousands of government goons would have to be ripped out by the root and cast off. The internet would have to be changed to accommodate absolute anonymity. The information storehouses all over the world would have to be destroyed. There would have to be an economic meltdown that made 2008 look like a down day on the DOW and a return to commodity-based currency.
Most recognize that this is not possible short of a revolution, maybe not even then. The world has moved toward data retention, examination and exploitation. It’ll take decades before they figure out the folly of it, the abuses inherent to it, the full weight of destruction caused by it, but that’s a future for someone else to suffer. The world at this level of debt, at this level of surveillance, at this level of deception is not sustainable and sooner or later the inhabitants of this rock will suffer all that is possible before the true criminals are recognized and torn to shreds by the victims of their arrogance.
What I recognize, that many others do, is that there is an extermination event shaping up in the Western world, because it’s become the dumping ground for the world’s refuse, it’s a human landfill. The people coming here now are coming to take the safety, the clean streets, the nice stores and ease of life without paying for it, without working for it and they will get, in the end what they left. The people of the Western world are too rich, too safe and too easily manipulated to stop it, to save themselves because of the optics of selfishness. World history is a story of extermination, but usually from a greater power, a more technological society than the one being conquered. The Western world will be one of the few instances of cooperative annihilation, of self-conquered societies. What rational instances of self-defense exist, do not exist in abundance.
That’s not to say that there are none in America willing to go to battle for these principles, but not enough and there’s not enough leadership to direct their efforts along a rational path to victory. Even if it weren’t victorious, the option to go down fighting rather than begging is a valid enough goal for many. But the opposition to the extermination event are too scattered, to individualistic in many instances to recognize that only in temporary subordination is there ultimate freedom. So, they watch the erection of their own gallows with only moments of distracted interest until their attentions are pulled to daily, mundane matters.
Once totalitarianism gets to a certain point, i.e., proposing a Ministry of Truth as a part of government operations, it cannot be stopped short of all-out battle. In the absence of that, darkness falls on the Western empire forever and we’re all just statistics of the fall.
I'm watching everyone give up around me, trying to figure out why. I'm recognizing it, not joining it.
In the first American Revolution, they estimate 40% supported the patriots, less than 10% actually fought. It was enough. Most stayed neutral. A minority opposed the war. Difference then was the patriots made more noise, now they don't. That will change. Joe's days are numbered. He will lose the congress in January, so no more getting his way. And no more control of the capitol. Maybe the pubs will blow it, but a big enough landslide will light many of them up. Possibly they'll even flip enough seats to be veto proof. With just majority control, they'll have leverage to expose the grift and the crimes, so Joe probably won't make it through his term. Their storm troopers will get psychotic, and there will be conflicts, but that will pass. It's going to be a dangerous couple of years, but highly entertaining.