You can give up if you want to, I never will.

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I'm watching everyone give up around me, trying to figure out why. I'm recognizing it, not joining it.

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Well, I'm glad to hear that. I wonder if they'll find some spine when their doors are kicked in by govt thugs. If you give up, you might as well just slit your throat and be done with it.

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I've been waiting since 1987 for people to stand up, you think I'm going to stop now? But, we are very, very far down the road. When do we stop saying "I can handle this" and start demanding that we don't have to "handle" it?

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It's human nature. Fight or flight is instinctive, and most people are unprepared to fight. So they try to hide., not realizing that doesn't usually work. They'll have to be cornered before they recognize they have to fight, but with no preparation, that won't work either. Teaching people they're in trouble usually motivates them to learn. Maybe there's still time, at least for the fast learners.

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In the first American Revolution, they estimate 40% supported the patriots, less than 10% actually fought. It was enough. Most stayed neutral. A minority opposed the war. Difference then was the patriots made more noise, now they don't. That will change. Joe's days are numbered. He will lose the congress in January, so no more getting his way. And no more control of the capitol. Maybe the pubs will blow it, but a big enough landslide will light many of them up. Possibly they'll even flip enough seats to be veto proof. With just majority control, they'll have leverage to expose the grift and the crimes, so Joe probably won't make it through his term. Their storm troopers will get psychotic, and there will be conflicts, but that will pass. It's going to be a dangerous couple of years, but highly entertaining.

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