I believe that it is time forn the snake to start biting back. That snake is the Lone American Warrior. Those of us that are of an age with little left to lose need to rise up individually. Our motto should be - You Lie, You Die, You Go To Hell. This has to be done privately by single individuals using their lifelong accumulation of knowledge to take out the liars one at a time, to strike fear into all of the other liars. All electronics are compromised. You can't trust anyone that is not family and, I for one, don't want my family involved in any conspiracies. That just leaves us to ourselves, our imagination and our expertise to accomplish the goal. To leave not a single trace. Ghosts in the night. Once it starts it will spread like wildfire leaving their ashes to be ground to dust.

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The Welch, Sounds like Zorro.

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I honestly believe those vested in the scamdemic fully expect retribution.

They likely did not when it began, most were in the dark. But, that changed, and those that did not change their assessment after watching and realizing the horrors that evolved, have bloody hands.

Nearly everybody related to broadcast news services have bloody hands. Everybody. From innocent small-town local to suave urban liars, if they did not actively participate, they at least knew. Bloody, bloody hands. It could not have been done without them.

The useless eaters milling about whining about their phones were not a genetic mutation, they were a commie mutation, perpetrated by public screwl teachers. Especially NEA teachers. They made sure your children were not in school, 'cause they refused to teach them. They turned normal youngsters into the useful idiots of the modern world. Commie-fied our kids. Bloody hands. All commies, bloody hands.

No FEMA camp or boxcars for me.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I believe it was JFK who said that if the government outlawed peaceful protests, violent revolution would result. We all know what happened to JFK. I agree with T. L. Davis, don't have a leader or organization. Be like the Yellow Vests in France. Spontaneous protests quickly organized over social media. The liberty movement will be an amorphous mass like Jello. The government can't find a vulnerable part of the revolt, but will waste resources running around trying to put out small fires. The State is killing us with Death by a Thousand Cuts. We can do the same to them.

I read the other day that more and more Americans aren't filing their 1040 Income Tax Forms. The IRS hired thousands of agents to go after the tax scofflaws. I'll try and find the article again.

I searched the Internet and found that the IRS doesn't release the number of Americans who don't file 1040s. Gee, I wonder why not? Best estimates are that 3 million Americans who should file, don't file. 12 million American in all don't file 1040 forms (about 8%).

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If they manage to cheat Trump out of the Whitehouse, I would bet that 50% of citizens won't be filing or paying their taxes.Taxes are not due to an illegitamate government.

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The Welch, No doubt you are right and the government knows it. Hence the new law allowing the military to attack US citizens. In 1860, Abe Lincoln invaded the Confederacy because the South seceded and quit paying tribute (tariffs and taxes) to the Federal Government. You can count on the Federals attacking the secessionist non-taxpayers again.

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I had a more immediate option in mind, a general strike, refuse to go to work for the rest of the week. It's the only thing short of kinetic action that can bind the Americans together. I don't expect that to happen, rather it's likely to go sideways in other ways.

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T.L. Davis, There was a general strike in Seattle organized by the Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World) and other unions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_General_Strike#:~:text=The%20Seattle%20General%20Strike%20was%20a%20five-day%20general,when%20they%20tried%20to%20strike%20for%20higher%20wages.

The strike lasted five days and the government forces put together to end the strike were many. Business interests also undermined the strike. It's an interesting story that most Americans know nothing about.

PS: During the General Strike, crime rates in Seattle were cut in half. The city was more peaceful than ever. No arrests of strikers were made. Five days in February of 1919.

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A friend of mine made a good point the other day, he said the time to resist is not when we are totally pushed down into the mud, but while we do have something to lose, something to fight for. He pointed out that demoralized people tend to just bow their heads and go along with whatever horror is being visited upon them. When I read the Gulag Archipelago, I wondered why the prisoners, the zeks, didn't just rise up and kill the guards, of which there were relatively few. After all, most of them were going to die anyway of starvation, cold, or torture, why not go down like men. I think, after talking to my friend that he was right, they were defeated mentally. Fortunately, God made me a bit ornery, so most of what's happening just gets me angry, but I can understand how people can be unable to pull themselves up enough to resist after a certain point.

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now fifteen years hence.

Time flies,reminds me of the March on DC and even Fox said there were only 50,000 when ‘normal’ estimates were 1,400,000 to 2,000,000.

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" What do We mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution. It was only an Effect and Consequence of it. The Revolution was in the Minds of the People, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen Years before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington." John Adams

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Three basic rules of economics are at play.

1) If you tax it you get less of it.

2) If you subsidize it, you get more of it.

3) People love to get what they see as "free" stuff they somehow deserve.

Most people, even those who complain, will do nothing as long as their pay checks, subsidies, corporate welfare, EBT, social security, government pension, etc. continue to show up.

Biting through the boot on your neck is hard thankless work.

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Great article as usual. What I believe might be very useful is a revised "Declaration of Independence" undated (for now) with a detailed listing of the injuries inflicted upon the People by our Government in violation of their Oaths to uphold the Constitution. (It is a very long list). Such a document could, with support of alternative media Patriots, become viral. It may wake up the "normies" to exactly how are liberties are slipping away to government tyranny. It would also put those in power on notice that changes must be made to "redress the grievances" - a check list / action plan for all 3 branches of government, no matter who wins the presidential election. The alternative is that the draft document eventually becomes enacted.

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"Public servants"?!? Stop it, TL, these jokes of yours are about to cause me to crack a rib laughing.

Actually, it's a joke right enough, but t'ain't the least bit funny.

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