It may become easier than all of us think. Homan's likely to consider tranches:

Wave 1: All convicted felons, including the 500,000 murderers, rapists and other detritus Obama, I mean Biden/Harris, imported. Few will complain.

Wave 2: Eject the 1 million illegals already under deportation orders.

Wave 3: Enforce economic self-deportation - using a variety of means.


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I agree with that assessment, but the leftists will start their propaganda pretending that these criminals are moms and dads, separating families, etc. They will destroy themselves on that rock, but we have to be the ones to bring that they are murderers to the larger audience, an audience we have to help expand.

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Sure, separating families is bad, which is why the whole group should be deported together. I've never seen one of these invaders who looked like they ever missed a meal, some are downright plump. They all have new clothes, too.

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They are driving nicer cars than I am.

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Same here, and doesn't that just thrill me all to pieces.

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Doug Ross, Wave 3 should be Wave 1. End all benefits for illegals. In California we passed Proposition 187 which would have done just that. A federal judge overturned our vote within days. So much for voting...

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Like the teachers' union, 90% of judges are corrupt marxists.

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But there is a problem with that approach, which is that it gives the other 20+ million illegals time to dig into American society, making it much harder to deport them, or even identify them if they change their names....

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"As far as I’m concerned, it took someone like Trump to bring the silent majority out into the battle of ideas, but resistance to communist doctrine has to be based on a more permanent foundation than one man." T. L. Davis


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Communists were momentarily stunned. They are already beggining resistance.

No surprise, some of them are senate republicans.

It is a vile den of vipers that must be either bypassed, ignored or arested & imprisoned for their own safety. There are millions of americans who are very angry.

They have spoken.

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Yessir. As the overton moves so must we all. We must have the courage that we ask of our "representatives". The time for holding tongues and submitting to the progressive moral arbiters in the commons is well past.

Solving for compromises while still in occupied territory is not a good strategy. This is something our side needs to understand. Quickly. Unfortunately, the habit of negotiating against ourselves is hard to break.

We need to be shooting for the stars so we just might fall on the moon. Otherwise, the ratchet of progress will just slow down instead of stop. And then restart as soon as they decide this little chapter of steam release and leftist retrenching is over. This cannot be our Tet holiday.

Until we own our own land again and govern ourselves, the starting point for "immigration" should be ZERO.

Not the moral surrender of "legal is great; illegal is bad". The LIE that all we are is some economy, some zone of "opportunity" that needs to be fed various exogenous inputs to satiate its hunger for forever growth to continue the Ponzi needs to be crushed under a new moral footing.

It is immoral to poach the worlds productivity - be it desperate cheap labor or great minds, from all the nations so that we can serve the hungry ghost of our debt-based consumer economy. If the economy is global there are near infinite means for fostering that same labor and intellect in ways that serve both their homeland and ours as a trade partner. The rising tide.

The problem is most even on our side of the great divide cannot break from this spell. We are too conditioned to see ourselves as subject to the economics and other papered idols of the dead empire. The economy, just as our government itself, is downstream of the People. It serves our needs, not the other way around.

This is one of the greatest weaknesses of Trump, a NY merchant and entertainer, as well as most of us from the generations who grew up with the bounty of material benefits of the massive economic expansion of global manufacturing and US debt.

We all continue, however, to fail spectacularly in realizing that all that we claim to hate about the current year troubles and this difficult future in which our own children cannot seem to reproduce the Dream no matter how much we subsidize them, is just the very front end of the bill coming do for all of the gluttonous spending and shady shell games of our financial masters hitting our own breakfast tables.

Our conversations at those tables should go to these depths. We need to restore our own narrative of who we are and what we serve. We do not serve the economy - or some notional abstraction of projected "democracy" that must "spread". Nor is our Nation some opportunity zone that is available to anyone who desires a slice - even if those desires are merited, and even if those desires are aligned with our own. If america is an idea this idea can be applied elsewhere; it is open-source. See also: Liberia.

These three concepts account for most of what imperils us. The MIC, the Central Bank/Fiat abuses/Debt capital ponzi, and global capitals ongoing hypothecation of our children's futures.

The problem is the moral imperative, not the implementation.

We have been pushing on the rope of implementation for decades. It does not work. Fighting the professional communist bureaucrats in their own briar patch over what constitutes proper paperwork - or how many of each category of invader is ok vs not ok, how many we catch or release or send back again, is absurd on its face.

I understand we must peel the onion. But we all have to understand that in doing so there will be tears. But we have to keep peeling. We have to avoid settling into the predictable fate of solving for a rollback to 2018. The ratchet goes clickity-click.

The refugee resettlement racket should be burned to a nub and rebuilt (if at all) as a purely foreign assistance mechanism. If private NGO want to "help" people, they can help them over there. Birthright citizenship righted to it true intent. H1B's and the rest of the fake necessities of foreign labor must be made scarce as well.

In its place investment in our own human capita potential; technical and applied science and trades, infrastructure and materials processing, energy and agriculture. The stuff from which nations are built.

We have 360+ million people. If we can't gather from that the means and the potential, then the problem is the people not the government.

We do not need any more people. If we restore the moral imperative to that of the service of our people, we compel all systems and institutions toward the end state that creates natural incentives and social rewards of propagating the same. Our kids will have kids because having kids is what we do, and our "economy" directly serves that.

Propagating the truth and all of the voices working in the shadows to inform, organize, and inspire is essential. The grassroots of our cause must survive whatever Trump does - or fails to do. And there are so many things that can be done but if the lefts sacred cows are not gutted openly - and soon, we will know this is all just another bad act in the burlesque of our time.

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"They weren’t so much voting their pocketbooks as they were their future"

I agree 100%. I interpreted the youth vote as "I want to have a future". Also, young men have had enough of feminism.

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Kids are natural dreamers. They also possess a keen intuition well beyond their years; they know a lot of truths before they can even articulate their feels.

We used to know this about them but then that makes it awkward to farm them out to the system and its panoply of lies.

Boys are soaked in the bleach of progress then filled with corn syrup and red dye and put into jars and called cherries so that they might be plucked at some convenient time to adorn a sundae of having it all and eating it too.

If kids cannot even conjure their own future out of their capacity for dreaming, they tend toward destruction. With that, the ability to dream is eclipsed.

It is very hard to re-open that door.

We have a massive opportunity to give these young men something to believe that is only surpassed in potential by their collective destructive capacity should we fail to do so.

Every culture everywhere across time has understood the fundamental natures of their boys and girls and structured themselves accordingly in order to harness the good and mitigate the base impulses. But we are so much smarter.

Our land is rotten for microcosms of this very dynamic playing out in real time. Head scratching and navel gazing and "bootstraps young man!" abound.

Will we rise up to fill the void? What might this look like?

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Great post. Yes absolutely.

It will begin with "masculinity isn't toxic".

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I just finished watching the last episode (8) of "The Penguin" by HBO. It's a great series about gangsters in Gotham City. The Penguin, Oswald Cobb, manipulates everyone to get to the top of the gang world for his mother and himself.

It wasn't until the last episode's conclusion, that I realized Donald J. Trump is The Penguin. Trump is only loyal to his ego and his family. Trump throws everyone else under the bus if it helps his climb to the top e.g. General Flynn, Julian Assange, January 6th protesters.

Trump is for Trump.

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Trump's top priority is, and will remain, his and his family's survival.

The deep state has had 80 years or more to embed and entrench itself, including agencies, House, Senate, etc. This will be no small task. Do not expect miracles.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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Swrichmond, Go big or go home. No more halfway measures. It's too late for those.

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Every leader is the same. That's why people like me are not good leaders. I'm a good soldier. Good soldiers hardly ever get to the top, because they don't care about being at the top. If I cared more about that, this blog would be completely different. It might surprise some people, but I don't want to be in the spotlight, I hate it, but see it as a duty to spread the word of freedom and individual rights, principles that when they go out of a society, the only thing left is corruption and self-serving politics. I see Trump as a bridge, not a destination. I figure out how to align with his goals that can achieve some of mine. I can't do that with communists, very much, because our purposes are so diametrically opposed.

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T.L., I am like you. I don't like telling people what to do and I don't want praise or credit for what I do. I don't need or want the fame and "gold stars".

If we can use Trump instead of vice-versa, I'm all for it.

I read that Measure 4 in North Dakota didn't pass. Measure 4 would have banned the property taxes in the state. Still, 36% of voters supported the measure. People are realizing that the government is the enemy. Of course, the usual suspects (government employees and others dependent on Leviathan) voted against Measure 4, but perhaps the tide is turning.

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I am not advocating the avoidance of drastic measures. I am.saying this bureaucracy is bigger and deeper than nearly anyone realizes. I am not saying we need it, we do not. It's purpose is looting. They will not go quietly.

Expect deliberate amplification of consequences when agencies are diminished or eliminated. Expect court / legal tie ups and so on. Expect delays and drag outs. Expect legislative hostage-taking. Most legislators are compromised. We need the Epstein files, etc.

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Swrichmond, I think the Bureaucratic Beast will die like Sauron's Army when the currency collapses. Their power is built on a lie.

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Built on sand, yes. I hope you are right.

I have personally revelled in the left's recent excesses, showing themselves and pushing people off the fence and into my camp. I keep mostly to myself the sentiment "I effing told you all what they really wanted and you didn't listen."

Edit: it is definitely time for everyone to stand up and be heard.

T.L., you have been stalwart, to your everlasting credit.

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Thank you.

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I feel like the first Trump administration chipped away at bad actors/policies, but it was like cutting off pieces of the snake’s tail that just kept

growing back...this administration must chop off the head of this giant, evil serpent. If they allow the head to remain intact, it will all be for not!

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I do hope that Trump, and the people he puts into his administration start by firing all those in positions of power that were not elected, or were appointed by the deep state. As far as the deportations go, it should be easy to find them as they all run for the resistance states. I will love to watch how they deal with the mass influx of murderers, rapists, and gangs running for these blue states for protection. Everything must change because that is what the people want, and demanded by electing him with a huge majority.

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