If the sight of Joe Biden standing before a Nazi-colored background screeching about political enemies being the enemy of the nation (state) thrills you with delight, you are not a fan of democracy, the republic or civil discourse, but are a fascist yourself. Antifa exudes the exact communist principle of accusing your enemies of your own deeds. They are fascists, Joe Biden is a fascist and those pulling his strings are fascists. Those who support Joe Biden as he personifies everything that the left accused Trump of doing are communist/fascists. They are not opposites, communists and fascists; they are alike in many more ways than they are different.
That they are enemies of each other is only a matter of a specific moment in time when one ruler was the enemy of another. It was not the principles that they disagreed upon, the tactics or the strategies, but simply who used them against whom.
Did Joe Biden declare war against his political enemies? Of course, but it isn’t Joe that should worry folks, but the puppet masters pulling his strings, because who they are is important. They’ve devised a way to remain in perpetual power, rulers for life, occasionally interrupted by a legitimate election, an event that so enrages them that they lose their minds and go on a fascist rant, a tyrannical crime spree to assuage their temper.
They are ridiculous and the longer they get away with the political maneuvering, the more ridiculous they get. I was not threatened by Joe Biden’s speech, he didn’t say anything new. Those who are patriots to the ideals and the principles of the republic have felt such threats and heavy-breathing hysterics often before. The squeals and mindless rants of Hillary supporters have kept that dialog alive for nearly a decade. The endless investigations of Trump, the spying on the campaign by Barack Obama, even when such treasonous actions were known by the highest offices of the Department of Justice and covered up or left undiscovered by an incurious media explained where this nation was headed. The left was always intent on choosing their dictator to rule over the rest of us. It’s how they’re wired. But no amount of hyperbolic recitations of a script, as insane as it sounded, as dismissive and even dangerous as it wanted to be to a great majority of Americans, would be greater than the injustices already inflicted by the previous several administrations.
That boat sailed long ago, it’s wake has rocked the even waters of justice for decades. There is no justice for anyone claiming the rights and principles of the republic. The republic is a threat to democracy, where democracy is a euphemism for fascism. The republic and the rights enjoyed by Americans stands in their way, it represents, as Barack Obama told us himself, a charter of negative rights. In other words it tells the state what it cannot do. Yes!
But the state stopped listening. It’s already too invested in the absolute degradation of the human rights encapsulated in the Bill of Rights to ever recognize such power over the state. In that way, patriots are treasonous to communist/fascism. Joe got that part right. They are the enemy.
Do you not recognize that if they can so bastardize the word “woman” to the point where no one seems to be able to recite the actual literal definition as a female uniquely capable of bearing children, that they can make communist/fascism into “democracy?” They see only their goal, not the hypocrisy, or the ridiculous twists of logic it takes to make that goal seem reasonable and justified. They don’t believe in reality, except that which they choose as reality and as such are incapable of proffering any logical conclusion to their rants.
A normal, healthy public would not be able to stomach it all. Forget political parties, simple human intelligence and empathy would preclude agreement with the vision Joe Biden and the globalist/fascist left have for the nation. But, as a nation, we are not healthy. Many have been poisoned by the constant drumbeat of leftist dogma in our schools, hospitals, social clubs, corporations and even sports, the point of which is to destroy the republic, which has fostered great acts of charity, kindness and strength to the weak and oppressed the world over. These are not the gifts of the government, but of the people themselves, those who have been spiritually enriched by a system now deemed cruel and insensitive. The good is never mentioned, only the faults and failures. No one and no system can survive such a harsh and unfair barrage of criticisms from people who do not seek good or proper, but rather the destruction and defamation of good and proper to install a system of filthy lust for power; the power to tell everyone what to speak, how to speak, what to mention and not mention about the realities of the world; power to point at anything and declare it guilty; power to not merely defeat opponents, but to utterly destroy them for the sick enjoyment of their brethren.
It’s a perverse nation that Joe Biden speaks for when he vilifies more than half of the population with a seeming slur that merely calls on Americans to seek greatness rather than accept the lie of weakness and shame. Joe Biden represents his masters, the authors of these lies about America. But every generation left to their bully tactics, their devious attempts to corrupt the nation’s children from the earliest ages into their sick blood cult of perversity dims the sight of the once glorious concept of freedom and sacred morality.
Let him speak, let him rant and rail against honesty and decency, calling it corrupt and vile as all goodness must seem to such a creature.
We should keep in mind that neither left nor right are monolithic or uniform. The vast majority, everywhere, certainly in America, don't like despots. That's why the polls for Joe and Nancy are so low. Joe and his handlers dream of imposing authoritarian controls, as previous despots have done temporarily. They naively believe this time is different and they can make it stick. That's pretty unlikely, but it's up to us. Joe declaring half the country is his enemy pretty much cinches his demise. He won't last much longer. Maybe we'll make his replacements better. But they'll never be perfect.
A fundamental law of the universe is entropy -- everything degrades unless work is expended to improve it. We need to work harder.
As always - you hit the nail on the head. Best and most accurate commentary on the 01SEPT event. None of it, including hollywood's unending collaboration with theatrics - should surprise anyone. However, hubris always accompanies arrogance. Some good intel given that night. Hope you're doing well TL. Head on a swivel. God Bless brother.