As always - you hit the nail on the head. Best and most accurate commentary on the 01SEPT event. None of it, including hollywood's unending collaboration with theatrics - should surprise anyone. However, hubris always accompanies arrogance. Some good intel given that night. Hope you're doing well TL. Head on a swivel. God Bless brother.

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We should keep in mind that neither left nor right are monolithic or uniform. The vast majority, everywhere, certainly in America, don't like despots. That's why the polls for Joe and Nancy are so low. Joe and his handlers dream of imposing authoritarian controls, as previous despots have done temporarily. They naively believe this time is different and they can make it stick. That's pretty unlikely, but it's up to us. Joe declaring half the country is his enemy pretty much cinches his demise. He won't last much longer. Maybe we'll make his replacements better. But they'll never be perfect.

A fundamental law of the universe is entropy -- everything degrades unless work is expended to improve it. We need to work harder.

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A very accurate summation, T.L. Biteme & his masters aren't gonna stop willingly. They'll have to BE stopped. I no longer worry about that fact - what I do worry about is how much blood and suffering that will entail. Hopefully, I'll still be around and able to take part, and therefore take some of the burden off of my son, grandson, and 2 great grandsons (so far ;-} ) - not that they're not up to it. I just don't want 'em to have to do my part as well.

Right now, gotta get. Fixin' to start firin' up the grill ;-} (Wish it was steak, but alas the Moron in Chief's (intentional) inflation strikes - just burgers & dawgs!)

Y'all take care,


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Old Man Biden is the "perfect" democRat Resident. Illegally Installed by a Coup he didn't engineer, "Won" a sElection Campaign from his Bunker, Lives at his home in Delaware 50% of the time. Engages in little to no political discourses with the Con-gress, Stumbles when he walks or talks, and is a Functional Puppet.

Nothing to Meaningfully Attack, just a Pinata, or Tar Baby to punch without Results. No Responsibility for Anything, C'mon Man. Nero II, Obama Fulfilled, Welcome to the USSA, Comrades.

TS is about to Get Real, and HTF, but probably Not as anyone has envisonaged. Who doesn't like Surprise Parties???

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The communists are quite astute and corrupting words by renaming their goals, agendas, and behaviors using words and titles that present false benign images to the gullible public. The "Inflation Reduction Act" is one example. Whenever I see the word "green" I mentally replace it with either poor or poverty, because that is really what green means. Their green agenda will put all of us into poverty. Nice article, BTW.

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