As always, well done.

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‘…but it’s a matter of coalescing around the idea of the counter-revolution, the anti-communist revolution in America, that must rise within the hearts of the people…”

Then let our hearts rise to the occasion.

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excellent piece. One thing I appreciate that you brought out is counter revolution vs revolution. The bolshevik revolution has already happened. 2008 as you point out. The communists are trying to consolidate and finalize the takeover now. A counter revolution against the Godless NWO globo homos is necessary.

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T.L. You're final comment in the article says it all, The anit-commie revolution in America MUST RISE WITHIN the hearts of the people. As I mentioned in my last comment, this means achieving critical mass. Before that happens, the commies will do whatever they think they can get away with, including killing those who disagree or resist their aims. The good news is, the commies are creating the anti-commie sentiment themselves, so all we have to do is pop some more popcorn, and maybe enjoy a slice apple with it!

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Great post.

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Yes, great article. I see that the Feds are closing down Infowars on June 14th. That's communism. Trump may go to Ryker's Island and be killed. Would that start a revolution? Would people pay their taxes if that happened? Would people vote?

The Big Swinging Dicks are swinging it now for all to see.

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The author understands what's happening to us with a clarity I seldom see these days. What should concern us all is that the same ideas that have animated the 20th century’s tyrants and worst mass murderers now have a happy home in the Democratic Party, and right down to the lowest party apparatchik. The current crop of so-called “Democratic socialists” are merely worshipers in the same pew as Stalin, Castro, Mao, Chavez, Maduro and Pol Pot. They bow before the same altar of human sacrifice and power for power’s sake.

These monsters would rather rule in hell sitting on top of a stinking heap of rubble and corpses than leave the rest of us alone to live in peace. I believe that there may be enough patriots still remain to prevent this from happening but only if, as the author says, we down tools and have at them. This will come at a terrible cost.

Reinforcing the author's last paragraph, Titus Livy, in his introduction to his monumental history of Rome remarked that his purpose in writing was "to trace the progress of our moral decline, to watch, first, the sinking of the foundations of morality as the old teaching was allowed to lapse, then the rapidly increasing disintegration, then the final collapse of the whole edifice, and the dark dawning of our modern day when we can neither endure our vices nor face the remedies needed to cure them."

Now we must face the remedies needed to cure ourselves of the Marxist totalitarian rot that has overtaken us. That we have _allowed_ to overtake us. Livy's cure will not take place in the voting both nor will it come from the forums of public debate.

Those have been lost to us, as any observant individual well knows.

The honest answers to the following questions won’t be pleasant to contemplate.

When your opponents lack the price of admission to civilized debate: a respect for reason, belief in objective truth, and a willingness to admit they’re wrong when the facts prove it so - what then?

When your opponents' goals are to destroy the very foundation of your culture and your society - and to offer nothing in return but the howling nightmare of a society of cannibals and looters - what then?

When your opponents use the public education system to indoctrinate your children's' minds in the politics of victimization and the nobility of human servitude and sacrifice - what then?

When the institutions of higher learning are occupied by Marxist multiculturalists who despise the very philosophical foundation upon which the architecture of liberty and human dignity have been constructed and seek to destroy it - what then?

We know the answer - as historian Samuel P. Huntington said in his "Clash of Civilizations", "History shows that no country so constituted can long endure as a coherent society." And now we must pay the price for Livy’s cure in fire and famine, disease and blood.

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Well said.

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Thank you, sir.

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I have a theory about the 2008 and 2012 elections. Both McCain and Romney were detestable creatures, and it makes me wonder whether the republicans put these two clowns up specifically to facilitate obama victories? I've wondered about that with some of the people put up by the repubs, they are so obviously objectionable in some way, that it's almost guaranteed that they will let the democrat win. We had a situation here in the last governor's race in Wisconsin. The republican candidate had sound ideas on most things, and since I can't stand evers, I was glad to back him. He had a good chance to win the election, too (it was very close anyway), but shortly before election day, he did an interview where he put forth his objections to abortion, fine so far, but then said that even if the mother's life would end totally, completely, absolutely, that he would not allow an abortion. As a Catholic myself, I go along with most objections to abortion, but I simply cannot see this extreme aspect. His adamant position on this was what cost him the election, and it was this that got me wondering about my above suspicion.

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Hakeem Johnson, confirms your suspicions as the UniRatparty Speaker of the Whore's House.

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wisdom: thank you

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SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM until We are blue in the face from repeating it, and DOing IT.

The Result of being UnAware and UnPrepared is Oblivion.


Probably isn't butter either.

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