Its not just here in the US where a loose thread has been pulled that will result in a total unraveling of a society and belief system we all once thought to be inviolate. The entire globe is a boiling cauldron. Nothing is occurring by happenstance. Powerful men in governments around the world believe it is them making the decisions. But…
Its not just here in the US where a loose thread has been pulled that will result in a total unraveling of a society and belief system we all once thought to be inviolate. The entire globe is a boiling cauldron. Nothing is occurring by happenstance. Powerful men in governments around the world believe it is them making the decisions. But they are just the tools being used by unseen hands. Events have been moving towards a crescendo, and foretold to any willing to listen, for millennia. The di was cast long ago and nothing is going to change the outcome... no votes, no revolutions, no nothing. In fact, it all works toward the end goal even if we think we act independently. Anyway, thats my belief. It is in no way a surrender. I'll fight and claw until my last breath. I just see the road for what it is and seek devine help and protection in traveling it.
Its not just here in the US where a loose thread has been pulled that will result in a total unraveling of a society and belief system we all once thought to be inviolate. The entire globe is a boiling cauldron. Nothing is occurring by happenstance. Powerful men in governments around the world believe it is them making the decisions. But they are just the tools being used by unseen hands. Events have been moving towards a crescendo, and foretold to any willing to listen, for millennia. The di was cast long ago and nothing is going to change the outcome... no votes, no revolutions, no nothing. In fact, it all works toward the end goal even if we think we act independently. Anyway, thats my belief. It is in no way a surrender. I'll fight and claw until my last breath. I just see the road for what it is and seek devine help and protection in traveling it.